"she dislikes pickaxes and I take that seriously and personally #holoAdvent"Kaela Kovalskia

Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff


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Sorry for taking so long in posting @sbm , but what should have been a quick answer turned into me going into a rabbit hole and possibly finding more circumstancial evidence that Pomu might be going to Vshojo. Get ready cause what I'm going to talk about is prime rrat material :cursedbae:

Alright let me start from the beginning, at first I just wanted to answer sbm question: at what time could Pomu have decided to graduate, and the reason I had my doubts about the october date was that I read on the /vt/ archives that Millie said on stream (I still have to watch the stream and find out what was said exactly so take this with a huge grain of salt) that Pomu had decided to graduate by the time they met IRL, which happened twice this year: in Japan in december (which is too close to the graduation date) and back in August for Otakuthon. But while I was waiting to post this information I suddenly remembered two (at first) unrelated pieces of information

The first one is a clip I saw here in the Asylum but that I couldn't find it anymore, it was from the Vshojo new years party and it was some bait clip with a title like "Matara tells Ironmouse she saved her life" or something like that. I couldn't find it here so I went to the Ironmouse VODs and searched for the specific part of the clip, finding it at around 10:30:30 moment of the VOD. The reason I thought about it was because Matara drunkenly drops some very interesting lore in it, she says that Ironmouse told Gunrun to fly to LA so that he could convince Matara to join Vshojo, and she specifically mentions that it was after she quit her "hollywood job".
Here's an a transcript of the most important part but I do recommend watching the full moment, I think the name of the stream is like "Last stream ever of 2023" or something like that:
MATARA: I told a short story on stream where I said I left my old Hollywood job and then you found out I was in Los Angeles and you forced Gunrun to fly down to Los Angeles to meet me. You like "Gunrun go to Los Angeles Matara is there". <...> "You made Gunrun fly down to LA to meet with me, I told you I was taking my summer off and you said "Gunrun, go get that bug"

The second one was something I remembered from last year: after Nina graduated she and Pomu mantained contact with each other, both of them mentioning this in their streams both directly and indirectly so it wouldn't be too obvious, not only that but they also met through the year, and in my head I suddenly remembered something: didn't they meet in LA earlier this year? So I looked into the archives and then I found it!

In this stream from the 19th of July Pomu talks in depth about a trip she just took to LA so she could see a MGS event, where she hung out with Nina (17:36) I haven't been able to watch the entire VOD, but the important part is that Matara and Pomu were in LA at the same time

So pulling this information alltogether a timeline kinda starts to show: on the 7th of July Nina graduates and as she said before the left she starts traveling so she meets with Pomu in LA so they can hang out. At this point in time as sbm wrote in his post Pomu was dissatisfied with the state of her projects and the little support she was receiving plus just having one of her closest friends leave the company. At the same time Ironmouse sends Gunrun to LA so that he could convince Matara to join Vshojo, so the rrat that I've cooked is, could that meeting between Nina and Gunrun have involved Pomu too? and if so, could he have made his pitch to both of them?

Of course I have to admit I'm doing a lot suppositions here and it's all very circumstantial as the only thing I can quote unquote "prove" is that the three were in the same city at the same time and that the topic of going to Vshojo was talked about (for example we have no way of knowing if Pomu was actually present on that meeting, or if they even agreed on something) but if after the her graduation Pomu does go to Vshojo as many theorize she could do then this could prove that Ironmouse may have accidentaly or intentionally poached two big Vtubers from a rival company at the same time. And kinda related to this topic I think August/September may have been the moment that Pomu decided to graduate as planning the trip to Antarctica must have taken it's time, not only that but the trips that the waves made to Japan in October must have also been planned with anticipation, so it kinda fits the timeline. Even so she also said she was very hesitant on the option of graduating so who knows what she was thinking during any of this

Or maybe Pomu proves us wrong, does something else and I am just seeing things where there is none. I just wanted to write this down and get it out of my head

Also I commented this on the main thread, I was planning on doing another long post about Niji but If I decide to go through with it I'll post it after the Anime Impulse con

Thanks for pointing that out. Pomu and Nina shared a hotel room, so even if Gunrun didn't meet Pomu, I think it's pretty much guaranteed that Nina spoke with Pomu about it.

Just checking the timeline that Pomu lays out in her stream:
July 13th: Pomu streamed pre-trip.
July 14th: Gets to LA on the 14th in time for dinner with Nina, then goes to karaoke until 2am.
July 15th: Pomu stayed awake to sing a concert for the Nijigen expo in Malaysia, which happened at 3am for her, and she was tweeting at 6am. She slept for 1.5 hours then went to MGSCon supposedly with Nina. Should be a dinner this day too.
July 16th or 17th: Other events mentioned but no timeline: maid cafe, shopping, little tokyo. Beach apparently was planned but did not happen.
July 18th: Made a returned tweet early in the morning of the 18th.

My guess is she flew out the evening of the 17th. So plenty of unaccounted-for time. There was at least one day where Nina sends Pomu a text about not finishing her leftovers at breakfast, so they did do something separate at least once.

One other irony is this trip happened because Pomu dragged Nina out to the MGS event. So if it weren't for Pomu, Gunrun wouldn't have been able to pitch Nina in person.

Long meandering description of the trip interrupted by MK constantly:

Nina owes Pomu money for a hotel:

Matara and Mouse (there was also more a bit earlier):

>The rumored vshoujo dinner

I find this one hilarious because this is a schizopost that Pomu supposedly wasn't at the big niji girls off-collab because she was at a dinner with Vshojo. No base in fact whatsoever.

But it turns out there was an opportunity for an actual vshojo dinner (unconfirmed), just many months earlier.


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Pomucord will be switching to read-only after the end of the month


Cptn Snshn

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That's what I said? Their idea of "dealing" with stalker was to announce "breaks" that as we know are just how they do silent suspensions, in an attempt to pretend like their talent isn't getting stalked to the point of trying to break into her house and she just has personal unrelated issues. There was an ongoing police investigation at the time that lead nowhere while she was in the company and they kept using it as an excuse to put her on breaks. It's about as much as there is to this story if you want to use public info and the rest are just speculations. It's not just about "streaming and chilling" it's them literally denying her being able to earn money for an extremely prolonged period of time, some of her more unhinged fans even expected a lawsuit claiming damages from mismanagement but afaik it was only in their head
I'm pretty sure the official reason for the mandatory breaks was to show that the stalking is affecting her to such a degree as to interfere with her work. This of course in order to make the nip police actually take the investigation seriously - something they HAVE REPEATEDLY STRUGGLED WITH. (These are literally the first four results after searching "japan stalker murder".)

Basically, you had Lulu who just wanted to keep streaming on one side, versus Niji management that didn't want to risk one of their talents getting stabbed and then being blamed for not doing anything to prevent it. You can hate Nijisanji all you want but they had to do something. Now as to whether their "let's pretend everything is ok and Lulu's just having some periodic woman moments" approach was the best way of handling things, that is a whole other beast to tackle.

Right, almost forgot. I didn't really like Pomu too much, but her leaving seems like a definite start of the end for NijiEN in my eyes. Likely reincarnations: Vvirgins > indie > Fish. I've pretty much stopped following Elira once she started streaming JRPGs with EN dubs so I'm no expert, but I feel like she's the next to go with Pomu gone now.


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I would agree with that policy in general, except hypothetically what happens when defending one talent jeopardizes others? Does defending the talent that is the root of the problem take precedent over the others?
Well, that's how you end up with a Coco, no?
What do you do when one of your talents draws massive controversy and aggression, with any public statements of support risking spreading the fire to other talents, and there's potentially people in your own corp who are enabling the harassment?
Even if on the face of it the "controversy" is a nothingburger it's a hard one to navigate. I'd rather have seen Silvervale stay in Vshojo personally - much as I'd rather Holo had weathered it out for Coco for their own circumstances - and made the efforts to patch up their failing friendships I can appreciate there being some decision paralysis there. Even if it means graduations I'm not sure it could really be said to be an awful decision no matter how personally invested I was in the given talent, short of other examples of management fuckery that could provide context (like what Niji has).


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Not only Maria, Millie has been releasing songs too and Enna just released a duet with Maria the other day. I really wonder how the perms systems work in these corpos because it's either all working good or a wrench gets thrown in the middle and the cover gets delayed to infinity with little to no inbetween these two options
I looked up cuz austistic:
Pomu - 31 months since debut - 1 Lazulight original, 6 covers
Millie - 27 months since debut - 5 originals (Including 2 "shitpost"), 1 niji cover, 7 non-niji covers
Enna - 27 months since debut - 11 originals, 2 covers of Nijisanji song, 6 non-niji covers
Maria - 22 months since debut - 3 originals, 20 covers.
(Excluded songs on niji official and collab song uploaded on other channels, there're like 3 of them)

Enna circumvented the perms problem by just making more originals.
Pretty sure all of them run into perms issue, particularly the one who made 11 hecking original songs, there's no way someone that austistic about singing only wanted 6 covers out, or pomu who is known for her singing released a WHOPPING 7 total songs in her almost 3 years at niji
Also just because they get the songs out doesn't mean the songs aren't delayed to oblivion.
Maria got the special treatment it seems. Maybe she's actually fucking luca. :smugpipi:

Edit: Pomu had an original song called Fairy of AKIBerse she sang almost 1 year ago in her 3D debut, niji never let her release it. :gunpeko: I don't think this is perms issue anymore and actually blacklisting/bullying.
Edit 2: She said that she had AKIBerse done "a year ago" on the stream after the debut.
Kiara - 39 months since debut - 11 originals, 4 remix, 15 covers,
Mori - 72 songs out, not even gonna bother counting this one
Bae - 28 months since debut - 6 originals, 13 covers
(To note that all of Bae covers are way higher production/well animated than the usual covers, she might have released more if not for spending so much money on everything)
Irys - 29 months since debut - 11 originals, 9 covers - destroyed her throat and take long hiatus
Nerissa- 6 months since debut - 7 covers.
Other EN girls not interested in idol shit
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I looked up cuz austistic:
Pomu - 31 months since debut - 1 Lazulight original, 6 covers
Millie - 27 months since debut - 5 originals (Including 2 "shitpost"), 1 niji cover, 7 non-niji covers
Enna - 27 months since debut - 11 originals, 2 covers of Nijisanji song, 6 non-niji covers
Maria - 22 months since debut - 3 originals, 20 covers.
(Excluded songs on niji official and collab song uploaded on other channels, there're like 3 of them)

Enna circumvented the perms problem by just making more originals.
Pretty sure all of them run into perms issue, particularly the one who made 11 hecking original songs, there's no way someone that austistic about singing only wanted 6 covers out, or pomu who is known for her singing released a WHOPPING 7 total songs in her almost 3 years at niji
Also just because they get the songs out doesn't mean the songs aren't delayed to oblivion.
Maria got the special treatment it seems. Maybe she's actually fucking luca. :smugpipi:

Edit: Pomu had an original song called Fairy of AKIBerse she sang almost 1 year ago in her 3D debut, niji never let her release it. :gunpeko: I don't think this is perms issue anymore and actually blacklisting/bullying.
Kiara - 39 months since debut - 11 originals, 4 remix, 15 covers,
Mori - 72 songs out, not even gonna bother counting this one
Bae - 28 months since debut - 6 originals, 13 covers
(To note that all of Bae covers are way higher production/well animated than the usual covers, she might have released more if not for spending so much money on everything)
Irys - 29 months since debut - 11 originals, 9 covers - destroyed her throat and take long hiatus
Nerissa- 6 months since debut - 7 covers.
Other EN girls not interested in idol shit
Enna and Maria actually talked about perms a bit in a recent zatsu:

You're right about Enna: She focuses on originals to avoid perms. She says that while "It's absolutely no-one's fault" (I'm sure she really believes that...) it can be frustrating that the process takes so long.
As a joke she asked management if she can sing her own songs and apparently they took it seriously, replying that she can if she gives herself permission. In what may be a bit of malicious compliance she filled out the perms paperwork even though she didn't have to.

Also Maria is not immune to having covers blocked; she applied to release one this month but "probably the producers or something were a bit busy".
However she's releasing a 5 person cover next month, and in April will release two covers and an original. Makes me wonder how many times she has had projects blocked that she hasn't mentioned... Maybe the trick to getting past Niji management is to take a page from Tazumi's book and ACCELERATE. Spam out a bunch of covers then it doesn't matter as much if some get canned...

That said, the shitshow with Selen's cover implies way deeper problems than perms autism. I'm hoping it's incompetence rather than malice because incompetence can be fixed.

Cptn Snshn

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Has anyone considered that perhaps the songs where really really bad and thats why Yamanbasanji didn't put them out?


Certified Awatistic
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Has anyone considered that perhaps the songs where really really bad and thats why Yamanbasanji didn't put them out?
That assumes Nijisanji management has the competence to know the difference between good and bad music.


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As a joke she asked management if she can sing her own songs and apparently they took it seriously, replying that she can if she gives herself permission. In what may be a bit of malicious compliance she filled out the perms paperwork even though she didn't have to.
Are we sure management didn't try to make a joke, but the relationship between them and talents isn't too tight, causing her to take it seriously?

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Has anyone considered that perhaps the songs where really really bad and thats why Yamanbasanji didn't put them out?
Neither Niji, nor Vtuber corps in general, nor the Idol industry as a whole have ever cared about whether a song is good or bad before putting it out.

Cptn Snshn

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Neither Niji, nor Vtuber corps in general, nor the Idol industry as a whole have ever cared about whether a song is good or bad before putting it out.
Name me one bad song I've put out then?

Check mate Fagtheists.


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Are we sure management didn't try to make a joke, but the relationship between them and talents isn't too tight, causing her to take it seriously?
Could be. She didn’t say when this happened, but assuming it was around the time of her first original song it would’ve been only a month or two after debut.


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Feel free to shut me down if I'm completely wrong on this, but I've heard some rumblings about Finana crying 20 minutes into a recent membership stream because she was broke and couldn't join Pomu and Elira for their Antarctica trip. The rrat is that she was broke from spending her money on gacha games.

I did a random price search for Antarctic cruises and from what Pomu said in her cover after talk VOD (I'm still going through it atm) she got her trip for 50% off which could be anywhere between $5-8K.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Feel free to shut me down if I'm completely wrong on this, but I've heard some rumblings about Finana crying 20 minutes into a recent membership stream because she was broke and couldn't join Pomu and Elira for their Antarctica trip. The rrat is that she was broke from spending her money on gacha games.
I don't think that counts as a rrat when it comes to Finana. Just a fact.

It'd be nice if we could single her out for being retarded with her money and gacha, but of course, we know better, and there are more than a handful of vtubers where I'd unreservedly believe the same thing... Suisei, pls.


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I'll see the truth, m'lady
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Feel free to shut me down if I'm completely wrong on this, but I've heard some rumblings about Finana crying 20 minutes into a recent membership stream because she was broke and couldn't join Pomu and Elira for their Antarctica trip. The rrat is that she was broke from spending her money on gacha games.

I did a random price search for Antarctic cruises and from what Pomu said in her cover after talk VOD (I'm still going through it atm) she got her trip for 50% off which could be anywhere between $5-8K.
View attachment 61432

I thought that seemed a bit high so I did my own searching. The first cruise line's site that came up was Celebrity, who had 14-day cruises starting around $2000 for an ocean-view room (interior cabins were $800 but I don't recommend those on a cruise unless you're literally that guy in the meme comic who draws the blinds on his windows so he can use the computer in the dark). Those take off from Buenos Aires, so toss in another $1000 for a round-trip flight ticket and you're still only at $3000. If they were willing to share the cabin and split the cost it'd be even cheaper. The only way I can get a price similar to the ones in your screenshot are if I get the most expensive cabins and also do "Economy Premium" or similar flight tickets.


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Dang it
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Feel free to shut me down if I'm completely wrong on this, but I've heard some rumblings about Finana crying 20 minutes into a recent membership stream because she was broke and couldn't join Pomu and Elira for their Antarctica trip. The rrat is that she was broke from spending her money on gacha games.

I did a random price search for Antarctic cruises and from what Pomu said in her cover after talk VOD (I'm still going through it atm) she got her trip for 50% off which could be anywhere between $5-8K.
View attachment 61432
You have to remember two things. 1) Finana is the daughter of Hmong parents who did everything in their power to hamstring Finana's ability to understand how the world works. She also still lives with her parents last I heard. 2) she's an idiot.

It's been known for a while now she burns almost all of her money on gacha bullshit. She is terrible with her money and she keeps shooting herself in the foot so her fanbases keeps shrinking overall. Unlike Elira and Pomu, she gets numbers similar to iLuna. So this story doesn't shock me in the slightest.
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