"If Phase had a 'Human Centipede' I wouldn't, like if I'm not at the front I wouldn't mind being behind one of the smaller girls you know, because smaller size probably means smaller appetite and smaller... anyways! Good luck to whoever is behind me lol Yeah in the front, who would I put? I think size doesn't matter in the front for me, it's gotta be someone who smells really good lol OK don't tell Nasa but I'd probably put Nasa-senpai in the front; It's my right as a kohai to be behind... and then behind me, that's fair game baby"Ember Amane
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What makes people so desperate to defend shit media? Is it sunk cost? Is it because their entire personality is based around liking that thing? Is it copium overdose?
It's depressing how much brain rot comes from Light Novels. Not like none of them have good stories and characters, but yes, it's the writing level and style that's the problem. It's like your average fanfiction writing level or YA at best. I don't want to sound snooty but compared to real novels (even just stuff on the level of Stephen King or pulpy fantasy novels) it's trash.
What makes people so desperate to defend shit media? Is it sunk cost? Is it because their entire personality is based around liking that thing? Is it copium overdose?
My guess: sometimes when you first experience a subgenre of fiction or entertainment, the first few pieces of media can be subconsciously elevated in your mind as something special, even when people more experienced in that subgenre think it's not. If one of your first experiences with Japanese light novel fiction is A Certain Magical Index, you're going to think it's great because you didn't have much of a baseline to compare it to. When you later experience similar light novel Japanese fiction that's better, you're still going to be biased towards ACMI because that's what you experienced first before you became used to the various traits and tropes of said subgenre.
While I don't know anything about what this "index" thing is, I like whenever people have to come out and "debunk" someone's opinion on media, especially some vtuber rabbit. It usually tells me they're offended by whatever they said because it has truth or grains of truth to it.
I don't think this is useful lol, Lia has really pretty hand though. I guess she could have ugly fat hands days?
If any Lia giys are really interested you could probably easily find incompatible stream times over the last week and shoot this down, but I think it's just sillyness.
In defense of Aia, it was a one-and-done thing in her debut stream. She must've caught wind that her lefty spiel wasn't doing her any favors and stopped talking about it. She's just not funny and personally, her voice is annoying.
In defence of Aia, her stupid debut comments were most likely meant to be a very unfunny joke (and more likely a virtue signal to others supporting the cause). She filtered me on debut and I admit that I initially did not get her joke, but I know others who stopped watching her some time after because she attracted an incredible amount of smarmy troons and other alphabet supporters in her chat.
I haven't read the series or watched the anime, but it sounds like Pippa read the shit translation. Maybe that's just a cope and it's still shit, I wouldn't know.
that you would refuse to enjoy someone because they have different political views is about as faggy as not watching holo live because of all the "loli"
90% sure most vtubers will have at least one or two things you would strongly disagree with.
im also 100% sure none of them actually talk in depth about it so why does it matter?
I haven't read the series or watched the anime, but it sounds like Pippa read the shit translation. Maybe that's just a cope and it's still shit, I wouldn't know.
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