"Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?"Shirakami Fubuki
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Personally I'm really not a fan of people going "this person should leave and go to Hololive/Phase/<corpo here> instead". It always feels like people wanting to huff their own jenkem for being on "the winning team", not to mention that Hololive has its own issues on top of having very rare debuts.
The ideal option would be for Niji's management to get its shit together so that they can keep being a worthwhile competitor, as competition almost always improves the respective market for everyone. Even if that weren't an option though, why not hope for them go indie instead? It gives the person even more freedom, ex. Yugo/Unnamed has been doing pretty fucking well on their own, especially in places like Thailand.
I love to make fun of Niji but it really is getting old to hear people say "maybe they'll join Hololive!" when one of the reasons why they left is because management issues regarding perms. Like holy fuck, that's like the one specific area where Hololive is undeniable dogshit at. Why would a talent leave for another agency that is even worse at perms? I swear to god, they need to fire Takeshi out of a fucking air lock already because that retard sucks dick at getting perms.
That game is such outdated garbage but it's great nostalgia bait. It's a nice game to see them "make their own hero" and then have a nerd zatsu about comics.
Momo is already doing the heavy breathing of bad tummy. e: Ya she's fucked if she's non stop salivating.
e: she doesn't understand the big smoke order meme from gta:sa
e: any marriage applicants must be able to drink a large grimace shake as that'll indicate you are stronger than her
Watching Uruka and her play is making me want to give it a shot again. The movement and combat felt really nice, but 99% of the quests were just "Go here, kill 590 Bane goons and watch this 30 second barely animated cutscene". The dungeons were interesting from what I remember, but all of the ones before endgame were tank and spanks.
You just reminded me of something I thought of a few weeks back actually. I'm seeing Rin in random anime now.
So there's this seasonal anime running right now called Dead Mount Death Play by the guy who did Durarara and Baccano.
As much as i dont buy into alot of the Nolan tier opinions, i think Mysta is a decent nigga to watch Zatsu or even just random shit, very nice in collabs too, better than Vox in many ways, although, his fanbase is only a tiny bit less cancerous (still very cancerous)
Honestly if you can put aside the fujo baiting many of them did, and the cancerous fanbase, which is a tough sell, most of the Niji Males are very tolerable to even decent to watch
Except Uki, lmao
Also, i watched a fair bit of Nina, she did good with autism games and was great when doing long streams of em.
I think the best way to give the NijiMales a chance is to just try em in a smaller 2-4 person collab with your NijiWom*n of choice and see if they jive with you, i think the Ike/Selen deadspace 3 and Mysta's interactions with Mika were decently entertaining, Vox and Reimu were pretty ok before the fujos turned ballistic
Just wanted to agree with this. the only real problems are Uki and Vox's rampant fujobaiting. otherwise they are fine just over shadowed by cute girls or just far more interesting streamers.
Mysta is fine and can be funny and also likes stirring shit (remember the rice thing he admitted he did that for attention which is something most streamers would never cop to) you could do far worse
Shu does not stand out much but hes apperently the most friendly helps that hes really good with tech problems and is happy to help often. best in collabs
Luca is really good at voice performance and group gremlin usually the first person to fuck with someone in pvp/team games. notably he accidentally destroyed alot of the ninjiblock game server and despite everyone accepting his repeated apologies he still spent most of his time rebuilding what was lost from scratch. which is a rare testament of character
Ike is harder to pin down but hes probably got the most collabs under his belt knows a few languages and is quick witted (one of the few who can keep up with Selen's insanity)
and as I said before Vox is extremely talented with his voice (being his main gimmick upon joining) could easily be #1 talent in ninji but wastes it all on fujo pandering.
idk why pippafags are still hung up about a thing that happened like 2 years ago
90% of KFP never even knew that happend
Id say most KFP dont even know who pippa is beyond "the nazi-rabbit"
Bringing up old drama that at best involved like a dozen KFP back then is whack
I wonder what info she has on Pandora
She never really seemed involved with the clique and all and is still a quite popular indie who can collab left and right, so I dont think anything bad is out about her
She also is super friendly and a big Kiara simp as well, so she cant be bad
Since we are still in the topic for Stars, I've always been wondering, how would Hololive have turned out if Holostars had never been a thing? Imagine in an alternate universe, Cover never thought of starting a male branch, and 100% focus all their effort on the girls.
More funding and support for the girls on average?
Faster debuts? Maybe we would have already gotten EN3.
More unity within the fanbase? The toxic unicorns will still be there but won't have the chance to be exposed as one.
One potential downside (or upside depending on how you feel about certain girls) I can think of is that some of the girls are fans of the Stars, like Bae for Roberu, and I think Kobo for Izuru? If Stars doesn't exist, maybe they won't jump into the rabbit hole, maybe they won't be interest on applying. We might end up getting a different Bae and Kobo.
I dont think the Stars existing actively takes away ressources from the Girls. They have just additional managers and budgets and such and dont share the pot.
I do believe that we might have had EN3 by then tho.
Even if Holostars and Hololive is technically seperate, I do think EN management internally count Tempus as a stand-in for EN3. In their calculations, it hasnt been 2 years but 6 months since a new EN gen.
I also dont think there would be more unity. There was unity in 2021 when it was only Myth, but regardless of gender, the more Gens debut, the less unity there is. Retatrds will always exist, the simple existance of a male branch didnt create them out of thin air.
If it wasnt Homobeggars and Unicorns it would have been Gen5 eliteists and cross-company collab beggars.
Really, a lot of posts in here have low quality
Like the density of information or discussion per page is rather low
People should chit-chat less in here tbh
Now that isnt even super detailed tbh, but I guess Calli wants to look like a barbie-doll down there.
Btw, the Spats are a toggle, you can revert them back into normal panties (still black tho)
The MMD of a lot of Holos is already public, Cover releases them themselves
Also yeah, it took about 4 hours from Kiaras MMD being public to me seeing it used in porn
>Be Shiki (Prism Project)
>Say you have a special announcement at the end of the stream
>End of stream
>Tell viewers that show is over
>everyone leaves
>Mods/other Prism talents have to step in and tell viewers not to leave because there really is an announcement
Shiki, why are you this retarded. View attachment 32595
Shiki is a Sony Artist now and has a single coming. Also got a record deal in the works
I want to say congrats, but I am sad.
She was one of my prime candidates for someday moveing up to Holo, but I guess now that she has a record label deal she will be forever stuck in mid-level at best corpo
Thats basic idol Vocab bro. If you watched Kiara, the idol-fag prime, she would have taught you all about it. Wotagei:
Its a tradition at Idol concerts where swing their light sticks in a coordinated fashion and way and create their own choreographies that often even mirror or compliemnt the choreography perfromed by the idols on stage.
Happi is the type of clothes the dude there is wearing. Usually custom made and printed (in this case as well, each a few fanbases of a couple of girls got together and made together a custom order for Happis) and because they are custom made in low quantities, only the most hardcore fans and the inner cirlce of a Fanbase dons the Happi.
Anime prints on a car.
For some reason, Matsuris mom was in a flight simulator
These Vtubers are getting married IRL (with an irl ceremony with guests but its not legally binding because LGBT marriage isnt legal in japan yet) After arriving in Japan, Kiara had a space. I assume nobody here bothered listening to it, but in case you have just a passing interest in Myth or Kiara, recap anon delivered: Today as well, Kiara had a Space with Ame Gura Reine Ollie, once again Recap anon provides: #
The question of "who would unironically date Fishman" is better phrased as "who in Phase is most easily groomed?" I'd posit Pippa or Lia, but that's assuming Fishman would desire them in the first place
Also, today is the final day for pre-ordering Mozumi Pichi's merch! They will go away FOREVER (for real this time) so if you missed out on anything you wanted last time don't hesitate to buy it now!
GAOHAYO! Nice to meetcha! My Name's Mozumi Pichi, but you can call me Mozzu! I'm a scrappy unwashed stray just biding time until my next flan binge. If you can stand the smell, come join me behind the P*peye's parking lot for fun times a plenty! From retro and niche games, to soap eating tier...
Seriously, if he wasn't their boss ,I would guess some PC talents and their parents and ancestors would be delighted at the prospect. He's Chinese. He has Money. Even if he were Gay that would just be an inconvenience.
The problem is you have to assume the girls' parents are more menhara than they are. Everyone is assuming Fishman would want to be related to them, haha.
Lumi is playing Aliens: Dark Descent. She thought it was an XCOM clone but just realized it's pretty much a Real-Time XCOM, so she's going to get mogged. Also fun fact, she's never seen any of the Alien films.
EDIT: Her excuse for never watching an Alien film is that she hates horror films but she's considered doing a watchalong since it might be less scary that way.
EDIT: She watched Prometheus despite never seeing any of the other Alien films. She thought Prometheus wouldn't be scary.
I can get the fact the original Alien is from 1979 and the last decent movie was 1992, so most of everyone hasn't seen them. However, how do you convince yourself that Prometheus wasn't going to be a horror movie? Literally all of the advertising for it has was always that.
I can get the fact the original Alien is from 1979 and the last decent movie was 1992, so most of everyone hasn't seen them. However, how do you convince yourself that Prometheus wasn't going to be a horror movie? Literally all of the advertising for it has was always that.
To clarify, she didn't think it wouldn't be scary but that thought it wouldn't be that scary. She has the "oblivious millenial" outlook on this franchise. When facehuggers showed up in game, she was spooked by them and questioned why their legs looked like fingers, not realizing they were designed to look like hands. It sounds like all she knew was that Aliens are scary monsters and it has sci-fi space stuff.
I don't keep up with Mysta shenanigans, but my main reason for not liking him mostly comes from the guy being clueless at life. I also found him obnoxious early on, but I will admit I've not seen enough to form a proper opinion.
I have some memories of him being extraordinarily retarded when a bunch of the nijis had some offcollab/vacation together.
Was Mysta the one who didn't realize he needed to file taxes on his earnings? (I know Axel had his own delays, but I thought I remembered a Niji-nu-male getting in hot water over flat-out not doing it a while back)
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