I think there is too little you can do the company is British so maybe you can ask someone from there about how copyright works?Made an account on here to thank people who enjoyed the VShojo Froot documentary AND to ask for help or advice on what do with the situation. I plan on making an update video on YouTube regarding VShojo doing copyfraud and uploading the original documentary to sites like here on Rumble or Odysee. Might try to do another counter claim on YouTube too whenever I have the time for it.
But yeah I am fr open to any suggestions here.
Will most likely point out a lot in the update video that Froot specifically filled it for copyright even though all of it is public information, it's falls under fair use due to it being transformative, and I still have all the public websites/links on where I got everything for the video.
If you even try to do something noteworthy GunRun will use his ninjas to silence u very easily
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