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Axel, Altare, RPR - Apex practice

Also, my 4th Recap of the Thread (pages 159-216) is finally here, it was far too long.
Links to all recaps are available in my Profile Posts, and I decided to order them from latest to oldest, going through - I think it is easier that way:


At first they were organized like in the left, but the current position - right one - just seems more intuitive.

I get the same message. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Noripro have a somewhat complicated stance on clips?
Seems like it. In the past Tamaki was really paranoid about getting strikes or loosing monetization. I don't know if it ever happened that a clipper uploaded an unedited clip before the stream ended and youtube the clip was the original but that was the fear. I'm sure Tamaki got over that and was cool with clips long ago. Maybe the problem is that the clip was about a 3D stream since there are a lot of availabe clips of 2D streams.
@vestars20 posted Noripro's clipping rules a few hundred pages back. Probably because karaoke/singing clips are usually uploaded as is without subtitles or anything transformative.

Thank you very much for response, and special thanks to @kushami tasukaru for the link! That post was even included in the first Recap, I just forgot about it.
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Koros Apogee

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Delutaya is doing a Raft collab with Nekomugi Tororo, Mitwun, and Tentei Forte.
Delta's POV:

Mitwun POV:

Delta and Mitwun had done a Marshmellow stream together last week:


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Edit: I haven't been paying close attention but is this the same Israeli company who had some very suspicious goings on surrounding it several months ago, or was that a previous iteration of the same idea from the same nation?
Side note: What do we know about this Aviel Basin guy? Just another fishman?

It's the same shady company. Cross-posting @thhrang 's summary of /vt/'s takes at the time and the tea-spilling by an "Israeli lurker" for convenience. Note the latter does not like Aviel and thinks he's an idiot who is prone to overpromising, but also thinks he is genuinely trying to make his company work.

TL;DR of post 1:
>Aviel Basin is a con artist who promises things and delivers a minuscule amount of that, while asking for more money.
>He currently runs the vtuber agency "idol" which he completely rebranded after running away with the money already once
>He shills his vtubers on here before they even debut full advertising mode
>You should care if you were planning to watch them because you will be supporting a scheme and getting no returns

TL;DR post 2
This is the unlisted video where Aviel promises literally scifi tier technology and a 100 million dollar production type stuff promising to make literal VR experiences where the viewer can walk in and clearly stating this is made for israel by israel

TL;DR post 3
>Idol tried suckering volunteers and managed to get a collab with nintendo over the pretense of it being a game like experience
>List of completely insane things he promised to deliver on to make funds

TL;DR post 4
>When the day of the debut went and gone, Aviel has decided to completely change the company's face. Now pretending to be a veteran idol company that is investing into countries with no vtubers.
>We have aviel's old channel where he talks about how he already made 75K$ in a few days hyping up the vtuber production and how he is truly passionate to make better content for israel.

TL;DR post 5
>Touching more on the video from his original channel. This video includes him saying he is interested in being charitable and as transparent as possible
>Conclusion of th first point. Asshole makes lots of money lying, then covers it all up

TL;DR post 6
>Idol hid all of their liability data, including proper ways of communication, the names of the people involved, any previous video that would give them away, and even the fact they were an israeli company.

TL;DR post 7
>They made giving them money easier, while making the accountable harder
>They clearly lied about the auditions because the 4 girls and their models have been switched out to 5 with art that is completely different.
>A facebook page shows the true inception of the project, november 22nd

TL;DR post 8
>The fact he fucked up with the money is fine, the fact he used that in a malicious way and tries to double down on it is a complete scumbag move and shows this is truly a scam

TL;DR post 9
We have a poster on this board who
>Shills a vtuber agency as a general including necrobumping and talking to himself in order to keep it a float when the agency does not even have any content to show for.
>Calls anyone who says the company is fishy retarded or crazy
>Knows information that is absolutely nowhere on the official site

Also, there is some sort of a weird discord that you have to give your phone number to join. It is pretty weird.
Israeli lurker here, made an account to add some info, since the 4chan thread is already archived, perhaps it'll get to OP
Not here to defend that Aviel guy, just to add to the picture
First of all, auditions did start in August:

Feel free to translate this using image translation, but the general gist is looking for 18+ female gamers who want to become "talents"
The original posts were deleted, this is a screencap from a private group posted in August, I happen to know that the original poster of this recruitment ad is Aviel's GF and business partner, and I also might be the anon they mentioned who said they started auditions in August

Now, Aviel seems to have a history of scummy business practices, a friend of mine from the local game-dev industry told me about an online game development course he tried to sell, which featured heavy over-promising to graduates in its ads, alongside straight-up lying by saying they can guarantee certain salaries, blowing up Aviel's non-existent experience in game dev, etc., a bunch of people from the industry got pissed and that made his partner, an actual dev, drop out of the course, he tried selling other types of courses using the same tactics before starting an advertisement company
Other game devs he tried working with on game projects prior said he has a tendency to over-scope game projects, a common mistake for clueless beginner-tier devs

My bottom line is:
TL;DR If he's scamming anyone, it's just his investors, not the viewers or the idols, and I believe all the blown-up promises of virtual, interactive worlds is just another case of him over-scoping due to having no idea what's he doing, backing off from those promises once he realized that the scope is Impossible.
He's not acting with malicious intent, he just doesn't have a clear idea of what he's doing (starting this business project, which barely has any target audience in the first place in Israel, is further proof of that)

Also, yeah, he's definitely the one starting the threads on /vt/ about the company, hoping for some free advertisement.
I still hope the idols themselves will have a decent experience before the project inevitably shuts down.
Oh, he's definitely a piece of shit, what I'm saying is that it seems like he's genuinely trying to make this project happen to the best of his ability. (even if he's not extremely capable)
I don't like the guy, and I see him as a means-to-an-end of making this happen.

It must be kinda sad being part of the forgotten first gen of jewcorp that nobody gives a shit about anymore and seeing their genmates get more subs in a day than they have in their entire careers...
If we assume all the tea above is true it's not terribly surprising. Meme up your Jewtubers, collect shekels, invest shekels in attracting more experienced overseas talent and marketing them, collect more shekels. Even leaving that aside, when the first gen debuted the thread reactions were - not hostile, but a lot cooler, with people favouring the multilingual Mossad agent (Kattarina) and considering the rest hit-or-miss even though they all speak English. This batch seems much more warmly received.

So far I've only listened to the debut songs. Yuko does sound like Gura when singing, but her voice is not quite as smooth. Juna was good. Have never heard an Usseewa cover that sounded as angry as the original though. Rin's original is alright.

Magni is making it more clear that after 2 weeks Vesper will be back and nothing will change at all, it is pretty much a nothing burger as far as he knows.
Hm. If the situation was 100% Takeshi Nofriendsjin's fault I'd expect the other boys to sound more pissed off. Obviously they can't jeopardise their own jobs, but there are ways. Still, reassuring to know he'll be back.
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Axel, Altare, RPR - Apex practice

Do anyone here has a series of dreams involving a same person or entity?

Axel and a demon girl dream:
1st dream: chased him through the beach and have his legs melted.
2nd dream: caught up to him after a bit of running.
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Lia thanks everyone after this tough week, she is optimistic about the future.

Lia ⚡️Phase-Connect said:
Everything bad over these past few years finally came to a head this week and has been the biggest mental struggle ever So I really want to thank you all for being here for me!! I'm proud that I haven't taken a break during this time and instead can be here with you!

The fact that everything finally has reached it's end and it won't be a stress any longer makes me optimistic for the future as well! I really cannot thank you all enough. You'll never fully understand how thankful I am to have you in my life 💕


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The one weekend I had things planned, is the weekend shiina decides to stream 12 hours in total. Haven't seen the drunken stream yet.

EDIT: Yesterday's VOD is gone, probs cutting the tesla part out
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Dread Father
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Wow, Hitler liked anime, too? Maybe he's not so bad after all.
Why else do you think he was allied with the Japs?

In the last ~48 hours, Blue Bear has spent roughly 29 hours..... Playing Pokemon.....
I can't wait for this dumbass game to become yesterday's flavor so I can finally get back to watching my streamers. Shiinas twitter last night said she finished so hopefully at least she will be returning to her normal games. I genuinely felt bad hearing what happened to Airi though holy shit, she was crying that night she called into Shiinas stream.

Edit - @DrStupid it's worth the watch lol I hate Pokemon with a passion but they were all having such a good time it wasn't even a problem because the real entertainment was watching Lumi and Uruka fuck with Shiina being so drunk. Someone told Airi to turn off autosave and she lost several hours of progress due to a crash, but she spent a little while with the others too.
Shiina seems to get, shall we say, white girl wasted. She revealed a lot of new little facts about her background and personality which was cool, roasted the everliving shit out of fishman, and got into a debate with Lumi about how she was a female because she doesn't have a dick which then morphed into bragging that she has the biggest dick. All in all it was probably one of the most unintentionally hilarious streams I've seen this year.


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BLT were playing CoD:MW2 earlier. Usually Botan has the best thumbnail out of the three, but this time I think I have to give it to Lui.

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The singer group "Milkiss" that Laplus's roommate joined in October has already had its first internal spat after existing for just a month.
One of the members, a 2view utaite Seta Kuroya has been kicked out for rule violations and failing to pay group expenses or smth.



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Earthquake in Indonesia, Cianjur region in West Java province, there are casualties. Clip with Kaela makes it sound pretty chill, but it was a serious deal - people died.
News report magnitude of 5,6

Seems like Holo ID are ok.

Iofi tweeted several minutes ago, she must be safe.
Risu tweeted 51 minutes ago.

Ollie retweeted 40 minutes ago.
Reine pinned a schedule minutes ago
Anya liked a tweet 4 hours ago.

Kaela seemed fine in clip
Zeta tweeted just now.
Kobo tweeted 2 hours ago
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Johnny Jambalaya

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I can’t wait until @The Proctor gets his first email from someone looking to take down a post here. It’ll mean we’ve made it, bros.

I heard that from one of the other girls too don't remember which

Edit final ranking
5. Fuyo least interesting for me the con artist bits were fun tho
4. Pochi cute model but that's pretty much it
3. Rin funny energetic shitposter British girl vtuber don't have one of those in my list yet
2. Yuko Gura energy and cute model
1. Juna ticks my boxes with the voice but also is energetic which is a rarity for said voice like kronii but hyper and that's a good combo
Swap Rin and Yuko and you have my list. Yuko is the most broadly appealing for sure, though. Even Pochi and Fuyo had good debuts, just not my style. Really excited for Juna and her everything. Rin was a lovely surprise considering there’s not tons of female British vtubers. I can really only think of Reiny and Aletta Sky from Kawaii.

Really to see how this former indie dream team pans out. I’m really optimistic.

Fish bad

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Do we know what exactly was cut ? Is it related to her menhera post about taking sleeping meds ?


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Day 21 NNN

Funny game on hololive channel today (with Haachama, Koyouri, Noel, A-chan and Nodoka)

Also, not been following NNN due to being busy, is there a reason she stopped doing the videos? Did she lose No Nut Number?
Her 20hours non stop pokemon stream ruined her schedule.

Johnny Jambalaya

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Earthquake in Indonesia, Cianjur region in West Java province, there are casualties. Clip with Kaela makes it sound pretty chill, but it was a serious deal - people died.
News report magnitude of 5,6

Double posting because the tone of this and my previous message are so different. In my limited understanding of the world, this is unfortunately to be expected with earthquakes that happen in less developed nations like Indonesia and the Philippines. A lot of buildings aren’t up to snuff and people die when they collapse.

Comparing earthquakes really isn’t an exact science as location and the likelihood of tsunami matters a ton. Some of the strongest earthquakes in human history have happened in Alaska but haven’t killed many people as there aren’t many people to kill. However, just comparing how development can make a difference is useful. The 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan killed just under 20,000 people. The similarly sized 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami killed over 10 times as many people when it hit Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.


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Do we know what exactly was cut ? Is it related to her menhera post about taking sleeping meds ?

The ending was cut out. Summary from chans:
post 1: She started breaking down at the jump scares to the point where she couldn't speak anymore and was hyperventilating, did the battle in the candle room a lot faster than the dumb shark, and then when the cutscene right after it (3:21:57) happened she completely lost it.
I hope the meds worked and she's recovering well.

post 2: She ended up quitting the game. You could hear her crying and sniffling. You could also hear her grabbing pills while saying it hurts. She ended up ending the stream without a single farewell. She's genuinely in pain right now.
tl;dr panic attack

Bug Eater

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Ame is wallflowering, as expected.
It seemed a bit awkward at the start, like she was the third wheel to the SelenMei reunion episode - but I feel like she became more comfortable as the stream progressed. It was really fun either way, I hope those three will collab again sometime.


Thomas Talus

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Wemi is finally off to Costco.

Also, not been following NNN due to being busy, is there a reason she stopped doing the videos? Did she lose No Nut Number?

Since she referred to Jesus as her uncle, I suppose she's using Mormon theology as part of her backstory.
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