Yeah, it takes 5 sessions when players are trying to have a more or less serious game. Given that holoboys will be playing for the first time, things will go south pretty much immediately.Hell, 5 sessions is too long, I'd think by the second one shit starts to go crazy.
Regis Altare just really went in on someone cheating in Mario Kart around 67 minutes in. Some of the things he said were "you're probably really sad about your life, you're probably super fat, you probably have no friends"... what was that about being a reformed toxic gamer, Altare?
There's no such thing as a former KGB man and there's no such thing as a reformed toxic gamer, simple as.
Wow, I'm an idiot, only now did I realize that her fandom name is not actually Lia Lickers.LiaLickersLikers in shambles. I watched her stream with Yuri a couple days ago and she seemed okay. I hope this hiatus isn't too serious.