People here being against DN doxxing or for him sharing PL videos from vtubers, this is a refugee site from KF and not reddit or /vt/
See below. Even on the Farms there was pushback about this.
If you play it back at x2 speed he sounds quite excited.
e: Until the end. Damn dude, you should've just shut up and kept making videos.
e2: He talks about wanting to show how far they've come (the vtubers highlighted) and that's why he was using their past lives. Isn't this exactly what
@NolanCrush proposed and was
aggressively shot down back on the farms? I can't connect to KF right this second, but I'm sure of it.
There's room for nuance between "it's all public info, so blast it everywhere" and "how absolutely dare you doxxxxx their blurry face pics". There are a number of reasons that even though we talk roommates all the time and archive info, this forum does not have a dedicated roommate archive thread. One reason is that it attracts and enables people who
only want to talk roommates, or people who want to feel smart about knowing that wrestling is fake. These are the undesirables you find in the nyfco comments section or spamming chickens at Keeki. To some, Nolan's old proposal and this DN project are like that hypothetical roommate archive thread, despite their intentions.