Gist of her stream was Kiwawa 3d is pretty cute.
Idk how you can get that from me thinking it’s a good idea to clear up defamatory misinformation (like accusations of doxxing). But jesus dude that’s so beyond retarded. Like clearing up misinfo would be for his benefit (after all we’re not talking about the kind of small dumbshit I “clear up”)
Mostly because it's an attempt to clear up shit for people who aren't going to care in the first place. They didn't even have evidence or context for it, just that someone SAID he supa doxxed them and they bandwagoned.
1: IF he left the whole thing alone: These people get no ego boost or feel goods because they got ignored. They realize that starting shit doesn't always get them asspats, and promptly forget 20 minutes later and go after someone else anyway because they derive validation of existence purely from internet asspats. Or cry about it on twitter and their circle jerk of friends comforts them. (The most recent example of this being that assclown who tried to cancel Pippa over her sonic/autism comment.)
Even if you were to assume Cover wanted to say something, then he might as well have waited til they do. It's not the same as someone using their information to actively harass the talent like that dude who was hassling Ollie or whatnot.
2: IF he left the shit up, or started posting it openly to show it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the claims are, he potentially does actually have the defense of "You're blowing it out of proportion, here's the receipts and content, this is shit not only easily found, but publicly available. And it's roughly the same, or less outright than the shit you clowns from reddit chat about openly anyway." Option 1 was still better, but if he was so desperate this would have at least made more sense.
3: Except he went and: Deleted everything, thereby both destroying the evidence you have that you've done the above in option 2, making yourself look super guilty of everything, and now without any context to look at, they can basically make up whatever they want to show off what absolute heroes of wahminz rites they are for defending their anime grillz and assorted men with voice changers purity from an evil doxxxxxxer.
You have a habit of over explaining yourself and every little thing and we get that. In the larger forum of cancel culture bullshit, unless you're in some massive position of power that can get run over or you piss off a brigade of freaks who have friends in the right places, you generally can't and won't get canceled for shit. Even the homeland only got fucked over due to the brigade of freaks.
This might be a shocking revelation to tag on after that above part but:
People who don't do anything wrong actually DON'T have to explain themselves for shit they've done, because they didn't do anything wrong to explain.
I said it's kind of a shame because it was mostly digestable normie versions of shit that we track, which makes easy viewing for people who aren't in super deep or newer but kind of curious about stuff before they joined. He basically stepped on every mine possible and freaked himself out so hard that he blew himself up in the worst and most awkwardly hilarious way that was possible. Part of his problem was that despite covering dramas and tier listing them, he somehow didn't get that having a drama issue doesn't always kill a channel without assisted suicide.
If anything he should come back and switched his name to Depressed Fandead having self destructed so expertly. Make fun of the whole thing and himself, his fans might hang around.
At any rate the whole saga is over regardless now since he went sudoku over it all lol.

<- Also this emote is amazing.