"If I just pour vinegar and water into the pot and leave it to sit will it kill the mold?"Fujikura Uruka

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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When Mussolini ordered the annexation of Albania in the 40s, he never could've seen this coming.
Are we sure she's a Flip and not in fact, A FUCKING LEAF?


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Idk exactly how I ended up here but I'm watching Melody do a lewdcast and she just dug herself right into a tranny debate by daring to declare that everyone either has a dick and balls or a vagina.

I don't know whether to laugh or weep but it's entertaining watching her try to hike her way out of that danger zone of a topic. She's currently trying to overcompensate for potentially angering the vermintide by declaring that everyone has a dick?
Is this archived anywhere? I like Melody but that sounds like a train wreck and the sick part of me wants to hear it.

Nolan got his wish

Jesus fucking christ.

>i knew it was taboo
No it aint you fucking retard. Everybody talks about the man behind the curtain! All you do is kowtow to the vilest vermin on the internet that will tear you apart for misbehaving slightly. All because you have a following, all because you are a tad popular. You couldve chosen to ignore. You couldve chosen to atleast not apologize for doing absolutelly nothing wrong. Yet here you are, sobbing into microphone, apologizing to people that already see you as shit, and will be treating you like it.

No father figure.
He means "its taboo" if you are a known content creator but everyone and their mothers can openly do so and call Demondice "Dad" on stream and no one bats an eye.

They all wanted make money off shit that was basically free online. Appreciate the hustle, but it's still scummy. Different facade, but at the core - same fucking faggotry.

Doubt he wanted to make money off it. He would make more money off this had he posted the video normally. Ame's video had about 120 views. He wouldve easily gotten over 80k views and about $80 from it from ad revenue. Also, the fact taht he wasn't really advertising his Patreon as a place you could come to learn about past lives.

Holy fuck you little bitch. @Depressed Nousagi stop kowtowing and bowing to mental fucking degenerates who will never forgive you anyway. You KNOW how deranged and stupid the vtuber community is from stuff like the Coco incident. Grow a fucking spine and stand up for yourself. Stop acting like a limp-dicked little bitch who cries and begs for forgiveness from people who cum on pictures of Amelia Watson.
Nigga all you had to do was ignore the reddit and twitter fags and keep moving along. Or if you absolutely felt the need to address it, just clarify that nothing you posted was actually harmful and could easily be found with a few google searches. I never cared much for his videos but he had a solid following that he's throwing away because of basement dwellers that were never going to like him anyways.
Honestly him overreacting to things made it a lot worse, still think him leaving is just a stupid choice reaffirming people's idea he did a big no no. Should make a youtube apology bingo card though for the notes he hits in it.
Time and time again we see the same shit happen over and over again.

The DN stuff is kinda sad cus we've seen other HL/vtuber youtubers clippers go through similar drama and kept on going. Otakmori got called out by T-chan for being incompetent and is still uploading. I remember something about Sodafunk and pretending to be a girl for subs, there are a few more that the online hate mobs went after for drama-baiting and being misleading and yet are still active. I guess he really wanted to be "respectable."

I saw the reddit thread and saw comments about DN posting family info.. I don't think anyone has specific info other then the fact they exist and some pics from social media. People always assume the worst like home addresses and places of work when it's really nothing.
"Ame's grandmother died" - Nousagi

edit: I finish the video. Man that ending was heart-breaking. I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way, I hope things get better for you and that you'll be okay. Godspeed
Nigga, you are part of the problem demanding he explains himself as if you were some sort of judge and he had committed a crime.

That @Depressed Nousagi video was painful. Dude, started off ok, sounding a bit indignant that people accused him of doing shit he didn't but then making a public apology like some kind of politician and having a breakdown was very pathetic to say the least. Dude, that's exactly what the people attacking you want, they're not doing it out of good faith, they want you to suffer when you did nothing wrong. They're not just accidently saying you revealed sensitive info like phone numbers and addresses, they're doing it to fuck you as hard as they can.

Outside of deleting shit and crying with such a pathetic apology, you did nothing wrong, the videos you released from what I could see were just info that some people want, but because of some overly sensitive crybaby bitches the people who want to learn about that stuff don't have access to it now. Like I said, you shouldn't be sad, you should be mad bro, these people are trying to fuck you, for no reason, intentionally.

Burn this into your mind:
View attachment 5294

And I know it's easy to think this is a one off, that if you get through this, you will move on and do something else in life and won't have to deal with it again, but that's not true. The world we live in now is one of virtue signaling and cancel happy lunatics who have nothing in life but the joy they get from fucking with other people, just look at how every day there's someone being attacked for no reason, whether it's KF, Rackets, Destiny, you (@Depressed Nousagi), or whoever else.

This is the world we live in, where this shit will continue to happen randomly and more and more people will experience it. So you can't just buckle and run from it, because it will happen again, with some other completely unrelated shit, and because of that you have to grow and adapt or you'll continuously be at the mercy of a bunch of retards who contribute nothing but outrage.

I think Rackets explained it best, for those who didn't see it, it's amazing how these people will say they don't want you in poverty but when you ask where you can work they will say no to everything.
View attachment 5295
100% agree

Just amazes me how he made almost all the mistakes that been learned not to do in the last few years of getting canceled or making a apology video.

What he did really is emboldened these people so next time someone similar to DN does something, the mob know it works and be harder for them to shrug it off.
This is what frustrates me the most. He used to lurk on Kiwi and he must have come across the multiple times shit like this happened, and we discussed how addressing it only leads to you digging yourself deeper into the shit pile. I know it's not the same to see it happen as a spectator than to be the one in the hole getting shit on but still.

All this has me appreciating how Calli has handled having the woke mob jealously seethe over her every move just because she's anime Eminem and told them to do their reps.
Calli has managers and, she has had some experience with this. Even then she still fumbled and fucked up by giving these people attention.

So what do I think about the whole situation?

As of me posting this he has lost 3.7k subscribers out of a total of 76.1k he had. Why the fuck is he giving so much attention to 5% of his overall community. If you think you fucked up, then make up for it by promoting and helping the people you "hurt" the most with this (not the retards getting mad but the actual talents themselves). Support them in any way you can by promoting their content. Ame is my kami-oshi and the video only serves to highlight how awesome she is. He could probably re-release that shit without the face reveal and maybe not mentioning her PL name.

He mentions that he can't interact in chat without people hating him. Newsflash, you are a pretty big content creator in the community (that isn't a Vtuber). People will hate you no matter what. Want to make amends with part of the community so they don't look at you like you are human garbage? Try to boost the smaller companies and their talents. After all of that you still wanted to clear your name, maybe DM False and give him your version and link to him the 3 videos "to clear your name" to show that you weren't doxing anyone.

I am so happy this whole FlaVR shitpost/LARP became a thing. There are a few people on Twitter still thinking this is a real agency.

Some even got Youtube channels now.

Chiken looks really cute. Mouth tracking is kinda shit and isn't syncing properly (mouth barely moving). She will probably fix a few issues with it for the next one.
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God's Strongest Mozumite

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Ophie is paying the bills taking a special bubble bath with you, her favorite viewer! :)


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DINOvember Part 3

Dinosaurolophus Reference.jpg

Another indie that made and rigged their own model. I have to say I am a little disappointed in the design though, as this is one of the very few female dinosaur vtubers that isn't another T. rex or generic "dinosaur" and instead of going with a unique design that would make her standout, she is another dog girl. For context she is a Parasaurolophus which would have looked something like this:
Parasaurolophus The Isle.jpg
This design discrepancy is explained in her lore. She claims to be a Parasaurolophus but is in fact a primitive mammal that was raised by a Parasaurolophus couple. With that nitpick out of the way I think she is pretty fun. Like Saurawr from last week, she is another Polish woman with a nice voice that is pleasant to listen to, though that could just be because I like the accent. She plays a variety of games that aren't just flavor of the month shit or battle royale/MOBA garbage that a lot of other indies play. True to her Slavic heritage she has even played Heroes of Might & Magic III on stream, though sadly, as she is a Twitch streamer, the only evidence of this is a short clip of her comparing the Rampart faction to a town in Poland rather than the whole stream. Fair warning though, her boyfriend is usually in the room when she is streaming and is one of her chat mods, so she is not for anyone who gets upset at "male voice on stream" (we don't have anyone like that here do we?).

Racchan Reference.jpg

Another indie that made and rigged their own model and this one is an art mom to some other indie vtubers. She is currently on break but still occasionally streams so it was a bit difficult to find stuff on her. This kind of demonstrates one of the things I hate about Twitch. If someone goes on break their channel looks dead and if a channel is dead, it looks like it never existed. Why would anyone want this? The only case where this would make sense would be if you were someone who made edgy content and deleted it right after stream, but we all know Twitch doesn't allow you to do anything contraversial unless you're rocking a pair of double D's and swinging them in front of the camera while doing so. Anyway, back on topic, I was able to find that she does Minecraft and kareokes but couldn't really discern much about her personality from these. One thing she did do was make this cute gif that may or may not be useful in making further entries to this series:


No reference sheet for this one but guys, guess what? Another indie that made and rigged her own model! What I enjoy about both Jen_o_saurus (and Dinosaurolophus) is that she is at that two view sweet spot where she has enough viewers to keep conversation and banter going on throughout the stream but is still small enough that she can address and recognize each chat member personally. She also has a pleasant mature voice and a fairly calm demeanor. I will say, though, she is the least "dinosaur" out of all the dinosaur vtubers I've seen so far. I mean she looks tall and is wearing green, and she has an egg and a couple of rocks in her stream background but that's about it. Apparently she is going on break soon and when she comes back in January she will have a new redesigned model either resembling a Tyrannosaurus or a Stegosaurus so that should remedy this fault.

page 4985, still hard to watch
Going back to some actual vtuber topics: Someone was (jokingly?) looking for a dinosaur vtuber, right? I was scolling through the vtuber tag on twich and found TaraRaizu, a 2view T-Rex who does her own models (plural) and the rigging all by herself. She even has an dresser named "drawra" which is pretty funny. I took some screenshots when she changed to her regular her model:
View attachment 5214
I only found her recently and took just a peak at her. Her voice reminds me a bit of delutaya, but I'm not sure if it's (a guy with) a voice changer. Any opinions? She started streaming right now

Nice, I actually mentioned her in my first DINOvember post:
Tara Raizu

Another artist that not only made and rigged her own model but is a vtuber momma for other small indies (between these two, Juniper, and Yuni I'm noticing a pattern with vtubers being into dinosaurs and making their own models). She seems like fun, her voice reminds me a lot of Rye.

Funny how everyone compares her voice to someone else.

Sorry if this entry was a bit lacking compared to last week's to make up for it have some dinosaur art from vtuber artist Lack:fossil_and_maiden_by_lack.jpg
And also have a link to my true oshi's stream in about 2 hours:


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opsec doko
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Nigga, you are part of the problem demanding he explains himself as if you were some sort of judge and he had committed a crime.
Idk how you can get that from me thinking it’s a good idea to clear up defamatory misinformation (like accusations of doxxing). But jesus dude that’s so beyond retarded. Like clearing up misinfo would be for his benefit (after all we’re not talking about the kind of small dumbshit I “clear up”)


Demands thhrang stays atleast 300 yards away.
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She needs a fuck-huge ahoge.
Leaving money on the table there.
View attachment 5316
Now hear me out on this one, what if there was a Dino v-tuber who had an ahoge that turned/spread out into those spitting lizard plumes when she was mad or excited?


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Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Chiken looks really cute. Mouth tracking is kinda shit and isn't syncing properly (mouth barely moving). She will probably fix a few issues with it for the next one.
View attachment 5312
Just saw this clip claiming that orange woman is much thicker than her model. It's probably bad tracking but even if it's 1/2 true lol Or the girls themselves are larger than their models in all ways.



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Can anyone give me any amount of solid info on the HoloEarth game. For example, who is working on it; if it is an internal project or outsourced; the scope of the game etc.

I learned today that Cover has 380 staff members (AnyColor has 230) and I'm scratching my head wondering what on Earth they're accomplishing with that many people.
For botting hololive streams obviously, can't go loosing to the nijifags now can we?
I am legitimately confused about what we are supposedly hugboxing?
Some people aren't outright calling DN a fag.

El Rrata

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For a bunch of exiles from the Kiwi homeland, what a fucking disgusting hugbox the past several pages have been. :pathetic:
I am legitimately confused about what we are supposedly hugboxing?


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And for yourself, I already posted the context of the Keeki video. It wasn't "Here's a video of a girl almost getting raped, have fun!", it was, "I'm talking about this when going over the history of this person, the video is over there as a reference." https://thevirtualasylum.xenforo.cloud/threads/general-vtuber-discussion.1/post-15927
If that upsets anyone, you'd better take up the issue with anyone who ever linked it on KF or here to archive it.
I mean I saw that picture ages ago already when I looked over the kemono of his patreon myself.
Since I haven't seen the video and nobody here reuploaded it somewhere, "I'm talking about this when going over the history of this person, the video is over there as a reference.", that's just speculation if he worded it like that, unless you can show me his video on Kiara I won't trust that, thats just giving him the benefit of the doubt and good-will that hes not as dumb as I fear he is.

All I know for certain is that he linked the video, more context isnt available from that site.

And I stand by something I said a few pages ago, to prove to his normie viewers that she had a hard time in Japan you don't need to show off that kind of video as proof. If he covers the rest of her stories involving jrcach, then anyone would come to that conclusion.

In the end that video isnt something that was ever meant to be public, its not something she willingly or even accidentally shared on social media or in other public places, that why I consider that one video much more invasive of her privacy than just looking up a picture of her face or whatever.

And I don't have an issue if its uploaded to the homeland, it was buried under 1000s of pages of autism so and just the farms reputation itself keeps people away, so at most a few hundred people saw it and directly after, they saw the discussion that followed it and are able to give it some context.


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My inner American was tingling, there for a second I thought she was making a funny reference to buying an actual Glock lol

Edit - for anyone interested, Melody is streaming Among Us VR with some other streamers

And ironmouse will be doing a Crunchyroll sponsored watch along of Chainsaw Man at 7 EST on crunchyroll.com/ironmouse
I still remember when people thought she was referring to a shotgun when she mentioned a "big metal stick" protecting them in an off collab

2nd amendment ame is real in my head dammnit
Ame did say she went to a shooting range got to try out a revolver a couple of weeks ago.

Timestamped around 13:18.
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Dread Father
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My inner American was tingling, there for a second I thought she was making a funny reference to buying an actual Glock lol

Edit - for anyone interested, Melody is streaming Among Us VR with some other streamers

And ironmouse will be doing a Crunchyroll sponsored watch along of Chainsaw Man at 7 EST on crunchyroll.com/ironmouse
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