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If someone were to go check the Discords though, I'd be willing to bet there'd be much more animosity. On the whole, chat was pretty positive about it.
Didn't see anything in the PC discord, and am not in any of the other ones. I'm sure something will pop out eventually, there's no way people learned to contain their autism.
Sorta Vtuber related, Trash Taste is ending their USA tour the have been doing for a month and a half, meaning the all heading back to Japan soon
Reason this is of note is might mean the return of the most famous, hardworking, consistent and spectacularly good at OPsec vtuber in the world, Hime Hajime since Sydney will finally be back to access to her streaming set up, wouldn't get my hopes up but since she wasn't particularly active even while in Japan but a man can dream.
Axel is just a social guy so he'll do anything with people and he's also an RPG guy so he must on some level enjoy being an active participant in his own RPG story whatever his story actually is...I like to believe the "XIII" isn't just for show and means something, but this is Axel.
I really don't know if I'm getting mega swooshed, or all you people that retarded to not notice is a very obvious reference to RedXIII from FF7, a series Axel loves. (I will take my Autism awards if you are just being sarcastic, is late at night a my brain is mush).
Edit: Oh, just a couple minute late. Well, he said he had a reason for it to be 'XIII' I think, I wonder if he may have taken more from Red XIII's story than just the name, but honestly I don't remember Red XIII's story that well.
I was speaking as an independent character does the name "Catxel XIII" mean anything? Like is he the 13th in a "Catxel" lineage and is that part of his secret backstory? Or did Axel legit not make a backstory and he's just bullshitting that it is some secret so in the end his name is just a reference?
I'd like to imagine Vesper would have helped him make a backstory if he couldn't think of one, as he needs to know what it is so he can design a plot around him. It is very common for DMs to use their player's backstories to surprise them with things and connect them to the world. Such as using a character's family or someone from their past that can reasonably exist. It helps make the player care because no matter how good the DM's story is, the player cares about their character's story 1st and the DM's 2nd. It is the DM's job to make both one in the same.
I really don't know if I'm getting mega swooshed, or all you people that retarded to not notice is a very obvious reference to RedXIII from FF7, a series Axel loves. (I will take my Autism awards if you are just being sarcastic, is late at night a my brain is mush).
I like to believe Dingo is smarter then he comes off normally. So I like to imagine that Axel made his character name with thought, even some whatever idea where "Catxel" is just a common family name and he's the 13th son named Catxel. I want to believe this is not just him making a heehee haahaa reference. This is Axel though, so it can very much just be a FF reference and he's just being cheeky. But sometimes Axel is the smartest one in Tempus, as seen with Weremag.
Vesper hates humiliating characters. E.g. With a critical fail, Vesper doesn't want to do something like "you fumble your bow and destroy it". The characters are supposed to be competent, so fumbles should be something bad happening to them outside of their control. "Sheer dumb luck. You should never feel like your character is weak or powerless or incompetent."
Thank god he doesn't do this, because I hate that shit. It makes classes like Fighters into dumbasses who drop their sword like a clown, and if we look at math this will actually happen more times the higher level they get due to how the Extra Attack feature works (because more attack rolls = more chances to roll 1 per turn) which makes no sense thematically. Critical fumbles are run by comically dumb DMs who don't understand why it makes no sense to have them because of the situation I just explained with Fighter, the heroic swordsman shouldn't become worse at holding their sword in a fight as they train and succeed. Yet critical fumbles do exactly that.
Not really, this is basically all the negativity I saw. View attachment 4033
If someone were to go check the Discords though, I'd be willing to bet there'd be much more animosity. On the whole, chat was pretty positive about it.
Kobo has apparently never carved a pumpkin before, and I am very uncomfortable watching this.
Edit: With much violent stabbing and wriggling the knife wildly toward her fingers, she managed to finally get it open without killing herself!
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