Anycolor Q3 financial results are out:
Boring, lame, only numbers, no pictures, official, important financial release for self important people
Exciting, interesting, fancy graphs, lots of pictures power point presentation for people with better things to do than to learn what numbers on a page mean
Revised full year forecast (4% higher revenue, 2% higher profits)
Some thoughts and observations of mine, but keep in mind that I count myself to the "don't want to bother with numbers usually" crowd:
- Pretty good results, 50% YoY revenue growth largely carried by commerce and event performance
- Costs are also up though, also because of events, once again proving that events are not really THE money makers for corpos
- Number of VTubers is stable, no debuts at all and only one EN graduation
- They're only 71% towards their full year goal, yet they increased to forecast, so they expect a strong fourth quarter (that quarter will include NijiFes results)
- EN numbers are down from the last quarter and YoY (obviously)