Wonder if Riku keeps anything the horse wins in the yacht, too?I found this on leddit,
i looked it up and there is an apparent aussie racehorse site that seemingly lists this race
https://www.racenet.com.au/form-gui...a-jp-20250209/maiden-race-mdn-race-2/overview https://archive.ph/Wq2pt
it apparently ranked 11th out of 16
For a quick reminder, a FalseEyeD video presented this screenshot claiming Riku bought this horse for 52 million Yen (340k-ish USD), it has lost two of its only races so far, including its Maiden race today, a Maiden race is an event for horses that have not won an event yet
The retarded kurosanji redditor who posted this still hasnt gotten a good answer or found it out on his own, i found this info in like 10 minutes just from googling "Mrs Lilly Racehorse"