This gay argument about Mozu is only happening because you all draw the line on what makes someone a whore in different places and are interpreting things she's said and done differently because of that.
She's not a whore in a literal sense since she's not explicitly selling sexual services like the Fansly girls are, but she's not a safe haven from degeneracy either, since she obviously went with that model for a reason, and even if her streams aren't sexual in nature there will always be a portion of her male audience whose experience is enhanced by the massive barely-covered bazongas on the screen, which benefits her.
I think there's a huge difference between producing pornography versus providing tamer fanservice, but I realise any kind of sexualisation in general invites character judgement since it's such a divisive issue. If someone thinks poorly of Mozu because of her model so be it, she can simply disregard their opinion since as long as she's consistent with her own personal morals she has no reason to care about those of others - but that aversion will always exist to people with more puritan mindsets. If you were seeing a girl who dressed like her model in real life you'd be hesitant to bring her home to meet your mother; she knows what she's doing.