I think the origin of your line of thought is correct but as pointed out previously, this is a slippery slope, sometimes you yourself lose track of reason and logic and become another mouthbreather from the other side. It happens, we're all humans and humans are animals, but I think striving to be in a moderate/central point of view while deciding which side to pick is smarter than waging an imaginary war against demons you don't even know if they exist.
For that reason, also answering the next one:
nigga there's already extremists in the hobby and if nothing is done it will be ruined. just look at comics if you want an example.
If you got what you wanted and people stopped pushing back and the crazys got they're way then people like you who say "don't bring politics in vtubeing" will be crying about how it was taken over crazy leftists
Rebuttal should be the main course of action, not flagbearing something you don't really mean because that's just antagonistic without reason to. There are multiple small corners on vtubing or the world (see: here) that can thrive, albeit slowly.
But that's just my perspective as someone who engaged in political action, protesting
strongly for a couple years and seeing things unfold closely.
No one supports freedom of speech, that doesn't echo their own ideals. And if you think otherwise you are even bigger moron than you make yourself out to be every time you post something
Actual glue eater, fart sniffing, cuck sitting, tranny sucking, dick riding, soy drinking, ass gaping take.
I thought you were just a hater, not a retard.
Anyway, vtubers?
Isa Roblox collab with Hatsu
Mikan is back to streaming!
Dead inside NEET is playing more Star Citizen today
Another 2view I'm enjoying lurking: Unagees, playing a fan-favorite, Yakuza 0