Today Re:AcT's Sumeragi Rose will have her 3D debut showcase and birthday at 8PM JST.
She's been waiting for more than three years since debut.
774inc's Hebiyoi Tier is back with her interviews, today's guest at 7PM JST is VEE's Anshinin Misa.
Famous for her thighs (not pictured).
Ririsya had her
3D birthday live earlier with a new outfit and released a new original song.
Interesting this started at 1PM JST, feels like it's more NA friendly time.
Lize Helesta starting Blue Archive after the fourth anniversary, the second best time to start at 8PM JST. Edit: She actually has a maxed account and is basically promoting the 4th anniversary.
As for the game itself, after BlueFes
I will definitely pull for Asuna will pull me in half a year.
Edit: Playing global, got Shiroko Terror and Battle Hoshino with 2 free tickets, thanks John Nexon and 3.5 year anniversary.
Ririka camping vs Mikey Mouse, Monogatari style.