Apparently this happened and I wasn't aware of it. Credit to
Game Under over on KF for being the first to post about it.
3 days ago from now, there was a stream on the Hololive channel where at 11:20, the music gets way too loud and shocks everyone.
While it didn't seem like a big deal at the time, Nene would later post that the sudden loud noise caused severe temporary hearing loss. (Tweets and Archive provided by original poster Game Under.)
TL (My eardrums were damaged yesterday! My ears have been hurting ever since They're ringing ( ; ; ) Is everyone okay?!?!?!?! It's heartbreaking}
TL (I went to the Ears, Nose and Throat doctor!I was told that the inability to hear is probably temporary, so I think I'll take today off and see how it goes~~~~~)
Japanese fans are not happy that Nene hasn't received an apology from management over the incident.
TL (Due to a mistake by Hololive management, Momosuzu Nene has suffered temporary hearing loss and the same mistake was repeated on-site, and there has been no apology from management yet. I will leave it at that for now out of respect for Nene's own wishes, but if the same thing happens again in the future, Hololive should get angry.)
Edit: No translated clips of this
livestream but apparently Nene talked about it and expressed more or less the same sentiment that management could've at least made an apology. As of this livestream, her hearing hasn't completely recovered.