They added event streaming to HoloEarth, for 3D lives etc. Not regular streaming.Wasn't Cover working on their own streaming platform, that may or may not be open to other Vtubers? It's still a tall order, but if anyone could pull it off, I'd put it on Cover.
Mobile dev is like maybe a quarter of "software developer" jobs. I wouldn't say it's a "coveted" class of SWE job at all.The reason is the current generation of "software developer" are all iphone hacks. They only knows how to write apps for iphone, all of them dreamt it big to hit an flappy bird tier success, million dollars off a simple independently developed game that anyone can make.
It's like a 90-10 distribution of iphone app - pc developers these days. At least for Asia.
Most kids who start learning CS start with Java which is directly Android-applicable. Then Kotlin takes like 2 weeks to learn.
If you want to dev for iOS you need to buy a Mac, and hackintoshs don't work if you want to release to store.
Even in Japan, the most Apple-addicted country, it's easier to find an Android mobile dev job than an iOS job. And like 90% of those iOS jobs are with Apple Japan.
The next best country for iOS jobs is US. Every other Asian country is Android-first.
So what kind of developer are you?

They want to copy TikTok Lives, where the platform can sell viewers garbage directly in the stream.I don't get why people keep trying to make a vtuber streaming platform. After all YouTube, Twitch and Kick don't make money, and I don't think Rumble does, and that doesn't look like it's changing any time soon for any of them.