Bros, I'm sorry to say it but I think not even a good dinner followed by a good dicking can fix her...
I'm with Soyboy, every business move she does enforces the idea that she loves self-sabotaging while screaming "woe is me", any day now she'll catch a stray and never recover because everything about NOA screamed bullshit.
Okay, there's one possible explanation to all of this that doesn't involve Sayu being a drooling idiot, and that's that NOA broke the bank and is throwing a lot of money at her. What gives me hope for this possibility is that i recall her talking, on the stream she did after she came back from Shanghai (and seemingly announced she wouldn't work with NOA), about how she had been in talks with other corpos but that they couldn't make her a deal or something to that extent, which makes me think she knows her brand has a certain value attached to it and wouldn't be willing to take a normal vtuber contract, with normal vtuber contract stipulations and cuts - which kind of puts the agencies in a bind because if the previous talents finds out this newcomer just came in with a much better contract, there will probably be resentment and friction. But maybe NOA was willing to cut such a great deal that Sayu, who in this scenario is not an idiot and just as aware of the obvious issues with NOA as us outsiders if not more, figures she can take the money and overlook the issues for a year or two, then bounce in the likely scenario that the company hasn't straightened up by then. Unfortunately, this would mean that Proctor's multiple sources saying that Sayu is somehow a NOA true belieber are all wrong, which seems unlikely. Still, if you need a straw to grasp as your copium mask is firmly in place, there's one.
Another alternative is that our lying eyes are wrong and every problem NOA had really could be attributed back to Quinn, but I don't buy it.