Koyori continuing FF8, starting Disc 2.
Last week she didn't take getting Seifer's sloppy seconds well. Dropped Rinoa but grudgingly brought her back to the party because of Angelo (Assistant-kun). Also dropped Selphie after she got flustered from Irvine's sweet talk. Decided that she can only trust Quistis.
Also berated Irvine when he couldn't bring himself to snipe Edea.
Ririsya releasing a cover at 1PM JST.
Funny since she got a snek avatar yesterday.
Ririka's first retro game attempt at 1PM JST. Donkey Kong Country.
Another Towa-Aki encounter in VSai scrim, this time endgame for getting champion.
Both teams lost.
Clip of Varium's Suzutsuki Sui with her welcoming collarbone.
Speaking of Vsai 6 in a few hours
Good Night