"There's nothing that pairs better than Linkin Park with a good Dragonball Z AMV"Amiya Aranha

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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So Aia got a new costume a couple days ago

Not doing an effort post or anything just pointing it out. It's funny, because it's one of the best looking costumes I've seen from Niji in a while... so why does all of Luxiem's stuff look like total garbage?

This one also looks like shit, it's just rigged better. And no one cares about males unless you are a raging femboy or fujo. Aia's outfits has been consitent downgrade one after another. Also at least one of artists for femboys had an exhibition that roughly lined up with timeline, so he probably put zero effort and shitted it out just to be done with
Innit = british slang right? Is my Holo EU gen a reality?
Remember when Ame on debut tried to be faking british accent for like a week? Neither does she lol


Awawawawa (derogatory)
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Little update from Jelly :pomuLove:
I miss her bros...

Cute axolotl


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Faceless Waifu

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I just realized that proctor just made the move to new forum, so I gonna repost my last post involving our resident retard SEAyamanba, Depresso Nousagi's latest stream tidbit where he mentioned about his Nijisanji ID video amidst his desire of transitioning by getting vtuber avatara with human female form that would be turned into NSFW object in the future.

While Nousagi is trying to prepare his transformations into opposite gender in that stream, Nousagi did detailed somewhat about Nijisanji ID's video he made on the 12:55 timestamp.

Short summary that I can get is that a NijiID fan reached up to him in private via DM/ private discord calls and pretty much blasted him with all the inaccuracies he put on his video minute by minute along with other things that Nousagi didn't do like mentioning stuff that wasn't done due to the merge (songs being cancelled, projects that was in productions pretty much cancelled, etc) and that there are talents who has voiced their issues and complains both pre-merge and post-merge (which are mostly in members and might not be archived with the talents graduated already).

Nousagi also claimed that he did watched ID talents beyond the clips, but the ID fan was like "and yet you wasn't able to clearly get the audience to realize that you also watched them beyond clips, which is fucked" or something like that. While at it, Nousagi also said that he do want to add more bits into the video, but he believed that longer video = less retentions, and less retentions = algorithm changed and lessening his chance to get his video reached by others (in his word, "Algorithm doesn't want details")

Nousagi realized his problems and was like "well at least the video did gave everyone the broad strokes of what happened", and probably wouldn't bother changing/revising the video and keep it as is in order for him to focus on other things like preparing for his vtuber model thing.

Lastly, as a show of good faith, he gave that ID fan who put all that effort a reward of $20.

TL;dr "I gave the ID fan who told me in detail how I fucked up 20 bucks and decided not to revise the video because it still gets the information across, wrong or not."

God's Strongest Wardog

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Dang it
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I know a new wave was announced. I'm phone posting at work and will try to make a thread when I can. :pomuSalute:

God's Strongest Mozumite

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A whole podcast network.

- Proctor and thhrang have one of those male improvement podcasts where there is incredible sexual tension between the hosts
- randomtranny and naganon have the same podcast but without the male improvement bit
- Scoots and Nolan Crush have a podcast, but Scoots just sits there silently while Nolan vents for 3 hours
- Bay Lurker has a Podcast that is just him sitting there doing the Migo pose into the camera. Audio only version for this one goes hard
- SandyCat, Trap Supremacy and me talk about the virtues of feminine men
- lots of other great ideas not coming to me right now

GSS: And we're live! Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of the Black Power Hour, where we talk about nuthin' but da melanin, baby! I'm your host, GSS, and the topic for today is "chickenheads: can you fix her?" We already have our first guest caller on the line, it's Daquarius from Atlanta! Daquarius, can you fix a chickenhead?

D: Hell nah nigga, lemme tell ya I fukt dis chikinhed ass bitch, dressed her up and gave her the dough, ya feel me, dis bitch was trickin me, gettin turnt out by every nigga on the block, shit was horrible son I stomped da lights out dat bitch. Chickinheads dont give a shit mang dey only care 'bout da weed an da seed, das all mang.

GSS: Well, thank you for your insight Daquarius, although unfortunately I am forced by the KKKrackas that own this radio station to remind callers that prolific use of "the N word" is prohibited. Next up is Short, hailing all the way from Africa! Might I say, it is an honor to be speaking with a real native of the Motherland. Short, what do you have to say about chickenheads?


GSS: I'm very sorry for that folks, we've severed the connection with Short, I'm pretty sure that guy was a Boer. Let's see, our next caller is Nolan, from Ohio! Nolan, do they even have chickenheads where you're from?

Nolan: :mywifenolan::nolancries:

GSS: Well, that's nice Nolan, is your wife a chickenhead?

Nolan: :crushautistic::crushracist::nolanihopeyournotblack:

GSS: Sir, I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're not interested in discussing the topic of this episode I'm going to have to hang up on you.

Nolan: :crushwtfiswrong::CrushAllowed::crushbanned:

GSS: Ok that's enough, goodbye Nolan we're moving on.

Nolan: :ohnosighs::crushcriesalot:

GSS: Do we have anyone else on the line? Anyone normal? Yeah? Ok, let's see we have... Nene, from Chaparrosa, Mexico? Nene, do you think chickenheads can be fixed?

Bueno señor, mientras que nosotros los mexicanos no tenemos un concepto de la "cabeza de pollo" como en Estados Unidos, todavía tenemos nuestra parte justa de las mujeres drogadictas de mala calidad aquí en México. En mi experiencia, estas mujeres están tratando de llenar un vacío en su vida, por lo general dejado por un padre negligente o abusivo o amante. No creo que estas personas merezcan nuestro desprecio, sino nuestra compasión, aunque debemos tener cuidado con sus intenciones y el potencial de acciones violentas o engañosas cuando se trata de drogas duras. Conocí al amor de mi vida cuando aún consumía cocaína y, aunque fue difícil y, a veces, peligroso, le di el apoyo y la confianza que necesitaba para dejar el hábito. Pero ten cuidado, porque aunque le des a una persona todo el apoyo y los recursos que necesita para dejar las drogas, el factor decisivo para que abandone el hábito es su propia voluntad. Si no quieren que les ayudemos, no podremos ayudarles. Así que ten piedad de la cabeza de pollo, dale cariño y apoyo si se lo merece, pero sé lo bastante perspicaz para saber cuándo tu esfuerzo se está desperdiciando en alguien que no quiere ayuda.

GSS: ...



God's Strongest Mozumite

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Johnny Jambalaya

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Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
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Repeating the debunking by our resident Chinese of the bullshit second-hand accounts from China about hololive:
interesting post from reddit
allegedly one of the main CEOs behind the company that sponsored Holo's return to CN was yapping about Holo's return to BiliBili, this is all 2nd hand info from this chink keemstar-esque dramafag
https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYou...hon_ownerceo_mocks_holoid_and_en_members_who/ https://archive.ph/Ox0LE

this was the video itself if anyone knows chinese, would love if anyone knows how to archive BiliBili videos
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy411B7ih/ https://archive.ph/axRLo
alleges that most of JP signed a form to return to BiliBili and that "only 1 ID and EN" refused

First what is Metishon? It is company that runs Kobo's Bilibili channel and is doing business as an agent to bring international Vtubers back to Bilibili.
Who is in the video? 乐府 or Lefu is the owner and boss of Metishon. His name is public information because of China social media and business laws. He owns 62.5% of Metishon shares according to publically available business records. His identity is public knowledge on his socials (not dox).
Metishon is also the company that owns Noa Talent, a new EN Vtuber group that leaked their new lineup by accident through youtube misconfiguration. Some people here probably found out who is in it. Their audition manager 'Quinn' went onto 4chan and admitted that she was the one who messed up. She also replied to 4chan on her twitter account to prove that it really was her. Metishon also owns Witch Company 魔女公司 which is a Vtuber company.
I'll do the translation of the video (he calls Holomems 'Livers' due to bad english) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy411B7ih/
  • 'Why are you guys looping? I said many times that they, livers want to return to Bilibili of their own will. I've been saying this since last year. They came to us, why did they come to us, it's because livers are throwing a tantrum, they definitely want to stream on Bilibili'
  • 'Those that do not support Bilibili are the other Holo Vs (reading viewer comment)? You mean the Crews? No, Crews can watch Aqua, it's not like we are stopping you Crews from watching your main.'
  • 'It has to be Genshin? It's not that. No, they definitely want to play Genshin, but it doesn't mean Genshin is the only reason for returning to Bilibili.'
  • 'But I think Shirakami Fubuki returning is easy. She wants to be back, she wants to come back and stream. She didn't say she was unwilling, and she replied really quickly you know? We were surprised that she's so cooperative. She's among the most cooperative. Because the damage to her and her reputation in the past was quite huge. We asked those wanting to return to fill up the forms. Shirakami Fubuki was the first or second to do it. Also her cooperation level was the highest. She agreed (to come back), she really agreed. She agreed to everything.'
  • 'Did Suisei submit the form? Suisei submitted it. If she didn't how could we have uploaded her BIBBIDIBA video so quickly? Suisei agrees very much. Many superstars agreed, those who came to Bilibili in the past all agreed quickly. Those that were on Bilibili all agreed, none disagreed, and they did it very quickly.'
  • 'Who did not agree? Those that weren't on Bilibili before. Did Haachama agree? Wow she agreed really quickly. That's why I have to work on her channel after ending my stream. Haato agreed so so quickly, and she's different from the others. She feels like she really made a mistake, you know? Really wants to SAY SORRY. Haato really wants to come here and SAY SORRY.'
  • 'Did Okayu agree? Okayu agreed too. Hold on let me take a look. Okayu didn't disagree.'
  • 'Those that disagreed are the ones that you couldn't even name. Such as EN, ID, I don't know what they're even for. Not even I know who they are, you understand? JP either agrees, or doesn't reply. But not replying is regular occurrence, no JP is opposed to it. You understand?'
  • 'Those that disagreed are all the unfamiliar EN and ID, I don't even know who they are. (repeated again) I really don't know them, I was like who even is this? To refuse? And very few disagreed. There's just one or two that disagreed.'
  • 'Does Pekora agree? Pekora agreed. Can she say no? They all agreed, they filled in To Cooperate Enthusiastically (on the forms). Or cooperative depending on the content, nobody refused.'
  • 'No no, only two refused. One ID and one EN. And I don't even know who they are.'
  • 'Marine? Marine agreed, Marine didn't disagree. All cooperative. You'll see them anyway, don't worry. Didn't Kobo stream on the first of june?'
  • 'Does HoloCN agree? HoloCN, I didn't ask them for their opinions. I can do it for you guys. You can send them an SC to ask about it.'
Most interesting points
- He still mentions HoloCN as if it still existed as an entity
- Most of JP is on board,
- Haachama wants to apologize
- Only one from ID and EN each allegedly refused to stream on BiliBili

The general tone and them presenting people who were vaugely favorable to bili as absolutely desperate to return is very odd, its seemingly very self-fellating
Its also second-hand info from someone who seemingly claims to be an insider, so it could all be a heaping pile of bullshit

The CEO behind these words is the one of Metishion, who owns NOA Talent, the wierd scammy company that Sayu is joining, as a fun sidenote, their linked in links to "noatalent.com" bringing a 404 until you manually type the www.
Watched this gay stream in my lunch break, most of the shits that he said is based on his opinion, NOT the hololive talents opinion. Will write my translation when watching through the clip

1. Hachamaa issue: He said he "felt" that Hachama believe she was wrong on the Taiwan incident and wants to say sorry, not the actual talent wants to say sorry or her opinion. This statement is critical because it is comes from his mouth and opinions. what Hachamaa did was filled out the survey form quickly and return to this GAY CEO
2. Fubuki issue: When the B2 asked for survey form, she "filled" the form quickly comparing with other talents. The gay CEO said she collaborate well
3. Returning to B2. Some JP talents would return, some did not reply the survey whether they want to return. The Gay CEO just briefly mentioned that some EN and ID "talents" (not single talent) would not return to stream, did not specify which because the gay CEO is not familiar with the EN and ID talents. However, later he flip-floped mentioned that 1 ID and 1 EN did not agreed which he doesnt familiar
4. Pekora and Marine show interests back to B2 based on the Survey
5. Gay CEO did not ask the HoloCN opinion. He said the viewer could superchat and ask the ex-talent. But he did not ask the ex-HoloCN opinion about Hololive returning to B2

In short, the CEO throws a lot of vague opinions about Hololive returning to B2:
1. He send the survey, and asked which talents would show interest and want to return to B2 stream. This information DID NOT translate into "COVER is DESPERATE to return to B2 platform". The GAY CEO just "felt" that the talents want to back to B2 stream badly
2. Most information are just his shit opinions, NOT ACTUAL TALENT OPINIONS OR COVER OPINIONS

GAY CEO and the REDDITS who try to make gayops: :tenmakys:

@Gaotye (bilibili DD) could check whether my shit chink language translation is correct or not
When you see this person's speech or video, Don't be so academic as to take everything he says seriously。He is notorious in the BIlibili community because he likes to talk nonsense so much.There are many foreigners who have to study the content of his words sentence by sentence, that will only confuse the facts and exaggerate the lies, because nothing he says is reliable.Please do not spread these contents

He's just a very boring guy with a little bit of real power and likes to pretend to be senior.If he wants to lead Hololive into a dead end, it must be very dangerous. I hope you will remain vigilant and do not expect anything from BIlibili

Chinese people are now very prejudiced against Hololive. On average I spend thousands of words arguing with everyone in BIlibili.China is now in a state of collective mental imbalance due to the bankruptcy of long-term nationalist education. It often ends in aimless madness . As long as they don't forgive Hachama and CoCo, all that effort is for nothing

Luna will have a new outfit on the 24th.

Mio update: she built a cat tower.
Mio said (Google TL):
I've been taking it easy and my strength is coming back.
I've been assembling a cat tower (which I bought), which I wouldn't have been motivated to do otherwise.

I'm covered in sweat and exhausted _:)3 " ∠ )_Haa haa

This is not the first time a hololive member has been building a cat tower. Flare did it as well.
[Tweets One, Two, Three, Four] [Image source] [Archive]
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Aka Split

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Did I skip some pages or something?


Edit: Ok, no, you're just retarded. You don't push something like this to it's own thread and not leave a single post in the main thread mentioning it.
Edit 2: Oh wait, there it is.
I know a new wave was announced. I'm phone posting at work and will try to make a thread when I can. :pomuSalute:
At least put the freaking tweet, geez!

Lurker McSpic

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Did I skip some pages or something?


Edit: Ok, no, you're just retarded. You don't push something like this to it's own thread and not leave a single post in the main thread mentioning it.
Edit 2: Oh wait, there it is.

At least put the freaking tweet, geez!

I was about to post the video :Vesper-UNHINGED:
I guess yagoo needs some replacements for when the chinks drive a couple of talents out of the company. Will cover continue their streak of godlike scouting of will they finally fuck up and hire an Elira and company? Place your bets gents.:whatastory:


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Gonna shill one of my favourite clip channels for a bit, because they put in a ton of work doing great VOD highlights videos for Henya's playthroughs to criminally low views.


Unicorns are the most oppressed minority
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Amiya Aranha will reunite with her beloved Sonic in this GBA game


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Bam playing Nightmare Kart

Chiwa playing Elden Ring

Tenma continues Disco Elysium

Ocean time with Hina

Spooked But Lobotomized

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Karaoke version of Runie's song got dropped


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I was about to post the video :Vesper-UNHINGED:
I guess yagoo needs some replacements for when the chinks drive a couple of talents out of the company. Will cover continue their streak of godlike scouting of will they finally fuck up and hire an Elira and company? Place your bets gents.:whatastory:
The problem with Elira wasn't hiring her, it was letting Elira do whatever the hell she wanted with zero oversight. NijiEN would probably be absolutely crushing the competition right now if they'd hired enough tard-wranglers to prevent that.
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