A whole podcast network.
- Proctor and thhrang have one of those male improvement podcasts where there is incredible sexual tension between the hosts
- randomtranny and naganon have the same podcast but without the male improvement bit
- Scoots and Nolan Crush have a podcast, but Scoots just sits there silently while Nolan vents for 3 hours
- Bay Lurker has a Podcast that is just him sitting there doing the Migo pose into the camera. Audio only version for this one goes hard
- SandyCat, Trap Supremacy and me talk about the virtues of feminine men
- lots of other great ideas not coming to me right now
GSS: And we're live! Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of the Black Power Hour, where we talk about nuthin' but da melanin, baby! I'm your host, GSS, and the topic for today is "chickenheads: can you fix her?" We already have our first guest caller on the line, it's Daquarius from Atlanta! Daquarius, can you fix a chickenhead?
D: Hell nah nigga, lemme tell ya I fukt dis chikinhed ass bitch, dressed her up and gave her the dough, ya feel me, dis bitch was trickin me, gettin turnt out by every nigga on the block, shit was horrible son I stomped da lights out dat bitch. Chickinheads dont give a shit mang dey only care 'bout da weed an da seed, das all mang.
GSS: Well, thank you for your insight Daquarius, although unfortunately I am forced by the KKKrackas that own this radio station to remind callers that prolific use of "the N word" is prohibited. Next up is Short, hailing all the way from Africa! Might I say, it is an honor to be speaking with a real native of the Motherland. Short, what do you have to say about chickenheads?
GSS: I'm very sorry for that folks, we've severed the connection with Short, I'm pretty sure that guy was a Boer. Let's see, our next caller is Nolan, from Ohio! Nolan, do they even have chickenheads where you're from?
GSS: Well, that's nice Nolan, is your wife a chickenhead?

GSS: Sir, I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're not interested in discussing the topic of this episode I'm going to have to hang up on you.

GSS: Ok that's enough, goodbye Nolan we're moving on.
GSS: Do we have anyone else on the line? Anyone normal? Yeah? Ok, let's see we have... Nene, from Chaparrosa, Mexico? Nene, do you think chickenheads can be fixed?
Bueno señor, mientras que nosotros los mexicanos no tenemos un concepto de la "cabeza de pollo" como en Estados Unidos, todavía tenemos nuestra parte justa de las mujeres drogadictas de mala calidad aquí en México. En mi experiencia, estas mujeres están tratando de llenar un vacío en su vida, por lo general dejado por un padre negligente o abusivo o amante. No creo que estas personas merezcan nuestro desprecio, sino nuestra compasión, aunque debemos tener cuidado con sus intenciones y el potencial de acciones violentas o engañosas cuando se trata de drogas duras. Conocí al amor de mi vida cuando aún consumía cocaína y, aunque fue difícil y, a veces, peligroso, le di el apoyo y la confianza que necesitaba para dejar el hábito. Pero ten cuidado, porque aunque le des a una persona todo el apoyo y los recursos que necesita para dejar las drogas, el factor decisivo para que abandone el hábito es su propia voluntad. Si no quieren que les ayudemos, no podremos ayudarles. Así que ten piedad de la cabeza de pollo, dale cariño y apoyo si se lo merece, pero sé lo bastante perspicaz para saber cuándo tu esfuerzo se está desperdiciando en alguien que no quiere ayuda.
GSS: ...