"YouTube is so funny you get the people screaming because they have never seen someone stream longer than 3 hours and then there’s people making a fuss about politics because a literal computer in a video game is neither male or female"Moriko Kyoho

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Murray is live and is going to be cooking meat loaf today.
Posting on phone, tell me if the link is wrong.


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I didn't know that Hololive was running it back for the expo but pretty cool. If you know what actually happened feel free to post but I imagine they set up a shot like this and inconvenienced some other people.
I talked about this event back in April. Here is the site of the event with a list of venues. The venue in the past week was in Aeon Mall in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture.

As for the incident itself:
Arutaiya posted some images of the event. A full railing was filled with hololive plushies next to each other. The tweet has since been deleted, but an archive of the cached Tweet and a screenshot still exists.

Keep in mind that this event took place in a regular mall.

This guy subtweeted the post, calling out what was happening. This guy later posted a direct link to the original tweet. The callout post got significant traction, creating (more) uproar towards Arutaiya from fans and outsiders alike.

えむ said (DeepL): [Archive]
You shouldn't do this.
It's an embarrassment to the hololith.

Matsuri indirectly responded to the whole ordeal with this PSA.

Matsuri said (Google TL): [Archive]
At stores and theme park collaborations, there are many customers who don't know about Hololive, so please don't spread out your stuffed animals or bow down in front of the panels!

It's a promise with Matsuri.

Back to the guy that started it, he made this follow-up as things were heating up.

えむ said (DeepL): [Archive]
I think some people misunderstand, there are a lot of good people in Horolith, even in Horolith.
But on the other hand, it's the bad people that stand out and make the image of Holloris worse, not everyone in Holloris is a disgrace.
Let's not be stupid and say that when you're in Holloris, you're a disgrace.

He also subtweeted Matsuri's PSA, which also got traction, but only a fraction of the callout post.

えむ said (Google TL): [Archive]
What's the point of letting Holomen say that?

In the end, Arutaiya apologized. Matsuri responded directly with forgiveness.
Apology for inappropriate behavior at our facility
This time, due to my own careless actions, I acted
inappropriately at a public facility and posted something.
To everyone using the facility,
We apologize for any inconvenience caused to those
involved in the event and to Hololive fans.
As for the background,
It all started when I lined up five stuffed animals on the
railing and waited without removing them immediately. Therefore,
I should have stopped as soon as I started arranging them.
I will be very careful not to make similar mistakes in
the future, so I ask for your understanding.
We would like to quickly inform you that the article has been deleted and apologize.
Matsuri said (Google TL):
I don't really care about the first time!
There is no help for it, so if you pay attention to the next one, there is no problem! Please enjoy it! !
Thank you for your polite response!

The guy that made the callout post apparently went schizo by not accepting the apology. Unfortunately, the original tweet was deleted without archives, but you can find quote retweets calling this guy out. This tweet assumes that the guy is an anti that pretends to be a fan.

ひな太 said (Google TL): [Archive]
Can I report this guy and get him frozen?
I've always thought this, but this guy is a Holo hater pretending to be a fan.

This quote tweet is damning in particular. Apparently, the tweet dug up some dirt on Arutaiya in addition to not forgiving him.

星街葉無 said (Google TL): [Archive]
Eh, sorry, as expected from Ama, it's unacceptable, it's wrong to dig up something when someone is apologizing sincerely, or to widen their wounds, but what was done may have been done, but even so, if he's a fellow Hololis member, he apologized, so I think it's okay to forgive him.
ならてぃぶ said (Google TL):
Even if the crime doesn't go away, apologizing is a sign of sincerity, right? That person should just get rid of it quickly. Don't drag it on forever.
ぴかまるちゃん said (Google TL):
Obviously this guy's crime won't go away, but the most disgusting thing is that people who aren't even victims are still whining about it, even though he even issued an apology.

Matsuri caught wind of the situation and posted this vaguetweet on her secondary Twitter account.
Matsuri said (Google TL):
This will be the last one though.

I'm not defending it, I just want to say that it's wrong to criticize it.

You can't change the mistakes of the past, but Matsuri thinks the best thing to do is to reflect on them and be more careful in the future, and I think it's really painful to criticize someone who has reflected on their past.

That's what I wanted people to think when they saw it.

I looked through the guy's Twitter [Archive] and saw the following things:
This guy has bought Fubuki merchandise multiple times.

He also has called the pricing of the food at hololive Gamers Fes. a rip-off. The tweet also included the event hashtag, which helped to have gotten it traction.

This happened again to a lesser extent with him complaining about the price of the drinks.
ならてぃぶ said (Google TL):
Isn't it crazy to charge 1000 yen for a juice?

The rest of the account is nothing special with barely anyone interacting.

Polka thinks that the Twitter likes being made private is bait.

I'm highlighting this from the clip. I don't know what this supposed loophole is, or if it even works anymore as this stream was from June 13/14th.

I know that there's already a loophole, a tool to see what people liked.

El Rrata

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Doki has released her Chbi 3D model (and Crowki) for you to do perfectly normal things with....

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
The chinchilla returns from her weekly sabbatical today, Tonight we have a chat stream do you have inane thoughts or news about the pon wolf or pink moldspore the chinchilla would like to hear it. Do you like sushi? Tommorow, Natsumi is making sushi for gods chosen fanbase. Later this week Nachumi will be playing recettear come see an old classic through fresh eyes.


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Fauna doing a guerrilla Switch Sports stream


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Prod kawai graduation incoming, her last stream was also almost 2 weeks ago.

Waiting room

I'm pretty sure she's the one that made her BF a mod on debut. :gloomiLaugh:


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One of the whores of Vallure was celebrating her monetization and accidentally flashed her panties , the hilarious part is that the panties was the less bad thing in that VOD


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Khubi is back from visiting her parents and dying from laryngitis. She's doing a Content Warning collab with Elf, Pittie and Pafu.

El Rrata

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Superduper Samurai

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You mean the one who wanted to sell her BF's sweaty gamer chair?
Thats Kiki Lockheart from EIEN, i think she is now one of the VAllure girls

El Rrata

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Superduper Samurai

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interesting post from reddit
allegedly one of the main CEOs behind the company that sponsored Holo's return to CN was yapping about Holo's return to BiliBili, this is all 2nd hand info from this chink keemstar-esque dramafag
https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYou...hon_ownerceo_mocks_holoid_and_en_members_who/ https://archive.ph/Ox0LE

this was the video itself if anyone knows chinese, would love if anyone knows how to archive BiliBili videos
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy411B7ih/ https://archive.ph/axRLo
alleges that most of JP signed a form to return to BiliBili and that "only 1 ID and EN" refused

First what is Metishon? It is company that runs Kobo's Bilibili channel and is doing business as an agent to bring international Vtubers back to Bilibili.
Who is in the video? 乐府 or Lefu is the owner and boss of Metishon. His name is public information because of China social media and business laws. He owns 62.5% of Metishon shares according to publically available business records. His identity is public knowledge on his socials (not dox).
Metishon is also the company that owns Noa Talent, a new EN Vtuber group that leaked their new lineup by accident through youtube misconfiguration. Some people here probably found out who is in it. Their audition manager 'Quinn' went onto 4chan and admitted that she was the one who messed up. She also replied to 4chan on her twitter account to prove that it really was her. Metishon also owns Witch Company 魔女公司 which is a Vtuber company.
I'll do the translation of the video (he calls Holomems 'Livers' due to bad english) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cy411B7ih/
  • 'Why are you guys looping? I said many times that they, livers want to return to Bilibili of their own will. I've been saying this since last year. They came to us, why did they come to us, it's because livers are throwing a tantrum, they definitely want to stream on Bilibili'
  • 'Those that do not support Bilibili are the other Holo Vs (reading viewer comment)? You mean the Crews? No, Crews can watch Aqua, it's not like we are stopping you Crews from watching your main.'
  • 'It has to be Genshin? It's not that. No, they definitely want to play Genshin, but it doesn't mean Genshin is the only reason for returning to Bilibili.'
  • 'But I think Shirakami Fubuki returning is easy. She wants to be back, she wants to come back and stream. She didn't say she was unwilling, and she replied really quickly you know? We were surprised that she's so cooperative. She's among the most cooperative. Because the damage to her and her reputation in the past was quite huge. We asked those wanting to return to fill up the forms. Shirakami Fubuki was the first or second to do it. Also her cooperation level was the highest. She agreed (to come back), she really agreed. She agreed to everything.'
  • 'Did Suisei submit the form? Suisei submitted it. If she didn't how could we have uploaded her BIBBIDIBA video so quickly? Suisei agrees very much. Many superstars agreed, those who came to Bilibili in the past all agreed quickly. Those that were on Bilibili all agreed, none disagreed, and they did it very quickly.'
  • 'Who did not agree? Those that weren't on Bilibili before. Did Haachama agree? Wow she agreed really quickly. That's why I have to work on her channel after ending my stream. Haato agreed so so quickly, and she's different from the others. She feels like she really made a mistake, you know? Really wants to SAY SORRY. Haato really wants to come here and SAY SORRY.'
  • 'Did Okayu agree? Okayu agreed too. Hold on let me take a look. Okayu didn't disagree.'
  • 'Those that disagreed are the ones that you couldn't even name. Such as EN, ID, I don't know what they're even for. Not even I know who they are, you understand? JP either agrees, or doesn't reply. But not replying is regular occurrence, no JP is opposed to it. You understand?'
  • 'Those that disagreed are all the unfamiliar EN and ID, I don't even know who they are. (repeated again) I really don't know them, I was like who even is this? To refuse? And very few disagreed. There's just one or two that disagreed.'
  • 'Does Pekora agree? Pekora agreed. Can she say no? They all agreed, they filled in To Cooperate Enthusiastically (on the forms). Or cooperative depending on the content, nobody refused.'
  • 'No no, only two refused. One ID and one EN. And I don't even know who they are.'
  • 'Marine? Marine agreed, Marine didn't disagree. All cooperative. You'll see them anyway, don't worry. Didn't Kobo stream on the first of june?'
  • 'Does HoloCN agree? HoloCN, I didn't ask them for their opinions. I can do it for you guys. You can send them an SC to ask about it.'
Most interesting points
- He still mentions HoloCN as if it still existed as an entity
- Most of JP is on board,
- Haachama wants to apologize
- Only one from ID and EN each allegedly refused to stream on BiliBili

The general tone and them presenting people who were vaugely favorable to bili as absolutely desperate to return is very odd, its seemingly very self-fellating
Its also second-hand info from someone who seemingly claims to be an insider, so it could all be a heaping pile of bullshit

The CEO behind these words is the one of Metishion, who owns NOA Talent, the wierd scammy company that Sayu is joining, as a fun sidenote, their linked in links to "noatalent.com" bringing a 404 until you manually type the www.
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Battle royale survivor Lumora the motherly hag is debuting on twitch this timme for real, playing her favorite youth game


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I love this orange retard :BijouBijou:

I laughed but then I remembered that the U.S. is so vast that some of the lands that are in it hadn't been seen by human eyes seen the Louise and Clarke expedition. And there are towns that has buildings from like 200 years ago.
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