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Let the coomers have their vtuber whores. If it makes the fanbases of other streamers even slightly less shit because the coomers are elsewhere, I'm all for it.
these designs are disgusting looking, the art was made by people with actual taste but the people who were directing them is either a tranny or someone with a severe porn addiction. The voices also sound ugly and disgusting. This is whore fauna's corpo right? because the V in the name just goes to show the lack of creativity, not that I expected creativity from a whore corpo but you at least would want your name to be more unique for SEO purposes.
I'm not against a whore corpo because I love capitalism, go get the coomers money bitches, slay and whatever else they say. What is disappointing is the fact that it looks very lazy, not even the most poorly made hentais out there have designs this lazy. Damn it whore fauna I hoped you'd try more than this.
Would be nice if Hexa just said who she was talking about. I feel this might be loli related because this seems like 95% of all of the Vtuber related bullshit when it comes to "strong beliefs" have to do with that.
She made AI write the last one, what makes you think she did this one herself lol. Just put a prompt "praise responsible employee" and be done with it.
Edit: Or my personal rrat is that management just takes over her account whenever they feel like it and post this kind of messages as if it was her. She has so many fuckups accumulated over the years they can fire her any time
It wouldnt surprise me that it was manager mandated but at this point she has done about 3-4 of these PR related posts. Sticking to my rrat that she might be in a tseudo manager position.
For the last [8963368th] time, that's not what happened. Takodachi demanded more RL pictures from someone and then spammed them with their own dox image after being asked to stop. I am tired of people pretending it was 'he called her fat'. He broke all the rules here and it is only because I handled it poorly and believe in fair trials even when it is an active detriment to my own desires that the decision was ever reversed.
There's no longer a trial system. Instead if you die you may choose to be revived (however you will have to go and collect 7 diamonds on your own in a solo world within 30 minutes before it can be done, but the time limit isn't really enforced and is flexible).
Permanently dead (at the beginning of the day): Haachama, Nene, and Subaru
It is forbidden to log out in order to skip nights.
Added lockers - to put in the rewards and journals.
Players Sleep Percentage: 2/3.
Members will have two lives, after losing them, it's over for them.
Once a member revives for their second life, they get a punishment.
Day 7 will have no revives.
Certain events such as the Pillager raid that happened yesterday will no longer be given a warning.
It'll also be more difficult going forward.
You can now buy a Totem of Undying and 5 golden apples from Pekora for 200 diamonds.
HoloFighting Arena Battle Royale (Starting from 20:00 JST)
Spectators can bet on who will win a fight.
The Arena is currently meant for 1v1 fighting.
Fighters that die by being defeated in the arena will be revived unconditionally. The deaths won't subtract from the lives in regular play.
This means that members that are permanently dead can still participate as fighters.
There is a gacha for the fighters to pull their weapons.
There are two types of missions, Permanent and Daily. Permanent Missions are as follows:
Find a Western Style Mansion in the forest (basically find a Woodland Mansion) - 20 Diamonds
Find a Jungle Temple - 20 Diamonds
Find a Pillager Outpost - 5 Diamonds
Obtain a Trident - 30 Diamonds
Find Ruins (Most likely meaning Trail Ruins) - 20 Diamonds
Find a Pyramid - 10 Diamonds
Find an Ancient City - 20 Diamonds
Defeat the Boss of an Underwater Temple (This most likely means the Elder Guardians at an Ocean Monument) - 100 Diamonds
Flare and Koyori learn about how the new chiseled bookshelves work, the kind where you can actually take and remove individual books from the shelves.
Polka now owes a Totem of Undying (unknown if she acquired from Pekora or from the previous raid).
The members are going to have an adventure in the Nether together, with Nene watching over as a ghost (and hoping someone will join her). See separate segment below for more information.
Flare went to a village near Kaela's house to do some villager gacha with farmers (trading food for Emeralds). And then more trading with the villagers at Kaela's house.
There is also what appears to be a gravestone located just outside her house, likely for Haachama.
Anya went live and remarked on how she's sad she missed out on the Battle Royale fights and being able to gamble/bet
Anya, Watame, Iroha, AZKi, and Kanade are also preparing to go to the Nether. Anya is making cobblestone for pathways, AZKi is preparing pails of milk, others are getting good armor and weapons.
Watame and Kanade were watching Anya make cobblestone with the generator
An iron golem was summoned by the villagers. Iroha was able to kill it easily by using a bucket of lava.
Ollie is happy that Kiara took the armor that she made for her.
A grave for Nene was made by the Iron Farm. Nene, Polka, and Lamy all gather around the grave, asking for Botan to join them. The 3 of them end their streams afterwards.
Moona joins the server! Ollie screams in seeing she has joined the server. She immediately goes running to spawnpoint to greet her. Anya and Ollie and Moona yell each other names in the Minecraft chat. Moona notes she cannot read the Japanese text that's at the spawnpoint.
Anya and Miko come by to greet Moona at spawnpoint as well. Anya can't stay for long as she is needed with Iroha's group in the Nether, but tells Moona she can use her stuff in her locker.
Ollie shows Moona around and they meet with some of the JP members. She takes Moona to the different Villager trading posts to get weapons, armor, and enchantments.
Pekora noticed that at spawn point, the signs with the missions on them have English translations added to them.
Pekora notes that they have 2 Wither Heads now and will need to get one more. The plan is to have The Wither Fight happen tomorrow.
Koyori got the final Wither Skeleton head with Iroha's Group. She went back to deliver it.
Suisei logged on (she revived off-screen). She's doing some off-stream playing. She'll be taking over Polka's farm.
Why taking over? Polka permanently died before this event. See the Nether section below on how.
Koyori is working on improving the potion machine.
Iroha and AZKi are helping out Suisei with improving the farm at Polka's place. There's now an expansion to the side of her house (behind the cows).
Kiara mentions how when she was online off-stream she saw Ina, who said she was also off-stream making a fishing house. Kaela also popped in as well and they commented how all 3 were online but not streaming.
Battle Royale (more like duels):
Pekora showed the Holo Fighting Arena. The outside is covered with the heads of Nene and Subaru.
Kiara, Flare, Raden, Koyori, and Okayu came by to place bets on the different members. Pekora placed bets too.
Raden is providing some fun commentary for these fights.
The fighters:
Shortly after the fights, Subaru and Nene were swiftly killed and are now ghosts again.
Nether Adventures:
Members of the first Nether Group: Pekora, Lamy, Aqua, Okayu, Miko, Koyori, Polka, Nene (as a ghost). Flare and Raden joined the group later.
A bunch of the members got Hot Tourist Destination achievement (explore all Nether biomes).
The group are at the Nether Fortress (the same one Miko's group went to yesterday). They are here to get Wither Skeletons and Blaze rods.
They're further split into a few teams: Aqua and Pekora; Okayu, Lamy, and Koyori; Miko and Polka. Nene is watching switching between the different groups.
Lamy died! While in the Nether Fortress she was fighting magma cubes but got knocked off the fortress back by one into the lava and was unable to get out, resulting in her death. She's now a ghost with Nene watching the rest of the group in the Nether.
Polka fell into the lava just outside of the Nether Fortress. Fortunately she had a fire resistance potion on her so she didn't burn. She was able to climb out of the lava and get back into the Fortress. Miko in seeing Polka was laughing.
Flare and Raden met up with the group later on. Both of them also got the Hot Tourist Desination achievement. Miko was there to greet the two.
Polka died! She accidentally hit a zombie Piglin, which caused a group to attack back and kill her. While she did have a totem on her, it got used up and was only useful for a few seconds. The horde of zombie Piglins kept on hitting her afterwards, resulting in her death.
The group have found one skeleton head. Pekora put it on to wear for fun.
Flare is busy working to get Blaze rods.
Due to their poor luck in getting more Wither Skeleton heads, Pekora went back to get a drop uprate enchantment (Looting 3).
The group temporarily ended their adventure due to the Pillager raid that had occurred. After the raid, they're all working to refresh their supplies, with Pekora getting Looting 3 for their swords.
Pekora and Aqua went back to the Nether to try again in getting Wither Skeletons. The rest of the group then went off to do their own thing.
Koyori made a grave for Lamy by the Nether Portal. Its made out of quartz blocks and surrounded by torches.
Iroha's Nether Group: Iroha, Anya, Watame, Kanade, Azki, Hajime. Koyori joined up later.
Iroha gives the group a briefing of what to do in the Nether. What they are to expect and how to deal with the Wither Skeletons safely.
The group venture into the Nether. They are forging their own path instead of taking the ones members have already laid out. They're doing their best to make sure the path is safe for the group.
Various members of the group received the Hot Tourist Destination achievement
The group have entered the Nether Fortress and have met up with Koyori who is trying to get Wither Skeleton Heads. She's now joined the party.
Kanade somehow fell out of the fortress and fell into the lava, but she has a fire resistance potion on her so she was able to survive and get out of the lava.
Koyori got the last Wither Skeleton head needed for the fight.
After getting more Blaze rods the group headed back home without incident.
Group Kiara, Ollie, Moona:
The group will be doing missions for Moona. Apparently yesterday's missions can also be completed today. They will also try and get ancient debris.
The girls will use beds to explode and try and get Ancient Debris. Good Luck
Flare passed them by and gifted Kiara and Ollie some Fire Res Potions
Before getting Ancient Debris, they will help Moona with the other missions.
The group complete a few missions
Moona died! As the group were trying to defeat Ghasts, Moona accidentally hit a zombie Piglin. She tried to escape but the zombie Piglin horde swarmed her and she was killed. Ollie and Kiara salvaged her supplies.
Moona will take the punishment of collecting 7 diamonds in a solo server in 30 minutes (this time limit is loose and flexible and not enforced).
Ollie and Kiara went on and killed 2 Ghasts so Ollie can complete the mission. After that they went to head back since Kiara needs to get new gold boots soon.
Ollie and Kiara decided to go and get ancient debris on their own. They used the TNT strat and got 3 Ancient Debris. Kiara got 7 more totaling them 11 Ancient Debris (4 were given to Moona, 4 to Ollie, and 3 kept to herself).
Moona meanwhile finally got 7 diamonds, fulfilling her punishment. Pekora went and revived her (and gave a few pieces of meat).
Flare's Solo Adventure:
Flare went exploring the Nether on her own. She went and got at least 3 ancient debris.
Group Watame, Kanade, and Anya
The group are exploring the nether together. They're currently on the hunt for ancient debris. All of them have obtained at least one Ancient Debris. They're doing this by simply digging through the Nether.
Both Watame and Anya have 3 ancient debris each.
Kiara's Solo Adventure:
Kiara in the Nether managed to get 19 Ancient Debris.
On her way back (cause she ran out of TNT), Kaela logged on. Kiara asked about Kaela having a Netherite smithing template but Kaela never went to get one in a bastion (she's too afraid too). Kiara wants Kaela to get one so she can duplicate to help get Netherite armor.
Kiara accidently fell while mining quartz to EXP repair her pickaxe, but she survived on a few hearts. She went back home after her pickaxe broke.
After fixing her pickaxe, she went back into the Nether one more time to get the last debris that she wanted. In total she got 21 ancient debris. After this, she went back home. She also gave one piece of debris to Kaela.
Including the ancient debris she gave to Ollie and Moona, she got a grand total of 29 ancient debris.
Koyori vs Polka
Round 1: Koyori (Netherite Hoe) vs Polka (Iron Sword)
Winner: Polka
Round 2: Koyori (Golden Sword) vs Polka (Iron Sword)
Winner: Polka
Polka WINS
Nene vs Subaru
Round 1: Nene (Golden Sword) vs Subaru (Golden Axe)
Winner: Subaru
Round 2: Nene (Golden Axe) vs Subaru (Stone Sword)
Round 1: Aqua (Wooden Sword) vs Okayu (Iron Sword)
Winner: Okayu
Round 2: Aqua (Iron Sword) vs Okayu (Stone Sword)
Winner: Aqua
Round 3: Aqua (Netherite Hoe) vs Okayu (Wooden Sword)
Winner: Okayu
Okayu WINS
Pillager raid:
At 23:00 JST, suddenly a Pillager raid!
Ollie joins the game as soon as the raids starts, so she wants to head into the action (but is fixing her VC mod first). She ultimately didn't make it in time.
There's some iron golems around to help out with the raid. Also apparently a villager died, there was one wandering around.
Phantoms have showed up along with the raid, since its now nighttime.
Polka (as a ghost) is a bit upset that no one has died in this raid.
The raid was repelled without casualties. Everyone scrambles to sleep so the Phantoms can go away.
Those who participated in the raid got a discount on villager trading.
Death list:
Lamy - Died by getting knocked off from a Nether Fortress by a magma cube, falling into the lava. - No revival planned
Polka - Died by accidently angering a group of zombie Piglins. - No revives left
Moona - Died from accidently angering a horde of zombie Piglins while fighting a Ghast. - Got revived after collecting 7 diamonds in 30 minutes. Koyori found 13 diamonds in 27 minutes.
Hajime, Luna, Subaru (arena only), and Suisei also played, but have no POV's.
Not that many clips of Day 5 at the time of writing. Probably because it's a relative lull inbetween the more deadly Day 4 and the Wither fight of Day 6. A bunch of clips from Day 4 are still being released.
EDIT: Temporarily removed the results of the arena fights as it was adding random spoilers every time I tried save a edit. It was for a few minor fixes.
EDIT 2: The section of the arena fights should be fixed now. I also took the time to re-arrange it.
EDIT 3: Clarified the event where Suisei takes over Polka's farm.
EDIT 4: There's only been one more clip of a unique moment as of this edit. Removed Kaela's stream as it started over 4 hours into Day 6 JST.
Really liking that they are doing Minecraft again. Seems like Minecraft as a game has been mostly dead otehr than the sports festival thing. They had EN/ID/JP server merge and then they did that 1 other new server but that shit basically died.
Haven't really seen the models themselves other than the teaser. The thighs were a bit too flat but the designs overall seem fine. They dont feel too overdesigned and they have good silhouettes.
GAO GAO!! Êâ¢á´¥â¢Ê-`â¡Â´- The feral polar bear has come to civilization! I'm Icey Snowpaws, Think you can tame me?? ...Think again. âââ¢ââ°âââ â ââââ±ââ¢ââ ð§ð»ââï¸ Live: #Iceline Fan art - #IceyCanvas NSFW art - #Iceyussy Clips - #IceyClipped Memes - #IceyMemes âââ¢ââ°âââ â ââââ±ââ¢ââ
ð VAllure Gen 1 Indulge ð Mercy Modiste âï¸ you'll be screaming for mercy either way! They call me a yandere but I'm just a girl in love ð! âË â¿ï¸µâ¿ï¸µâ¿ï¸µà¨à§ · · ⡠· · à¨à§â¿ï¸µâ¿ï¸µâ¿ï¸µ Ëâ ðª Tags ðª General: #shearmeout Live: #stream4mercy Clips: #cliporis Art: â #artsandstabs...
Hello ya goofy goobers (´â½`Êâ¡Æª) I'm Stronny Cuttles and I like focusing on ASMR and streaming for a crazy amount of time! I'd love to share my childhood games with you and you can show me some of yours! I also don't know how to stop yapping... ๠ââââ ๠ââââ ๠Rig @Naari_jpg...
Precious Babes!~ ð¼Itâs me your fertility goddess of VAllure. I am Azura Dulait and here to pamper you~ There is always room for another mommy figure, now who wants uppies?~ â°(â¸â¸â¸Â´ê³`â¸â¸â¸)⯠༶â¢ââââï¾+*:ê«:*﹤âââââ¢à¼¶ ðHashtagsð¼ General: #YAPricorn Live: #Dulive Clips...
Hi sweetie! I'm Shibi Cottonbum from VAllure's 1st Gen, Induldge! Your favorite girlfailure bunny dom, and owner of Wonderland Hotel! You can expect ASMR, Gameplay, and fun handcams during your stay! ðª¢ð â¿ï¸µâ¿à¨ ⧠â ⦠â â à§â¿ï¸µâ¿ á´á´É¢s ;; ð¨ #shibiart 𤫠#bunndage ð #bunwild ðï¸...
Bold strategy to create gooning content with lolis in the west. Balsy if anything, whores love do dunk on their own when they go for it.
Other than that, many might think otherwise but I wish them the best. I despise disingenuity more than anything, but if you're upfront about being a slut, all the power to them. Granted, having Kiki goes against this, so likewise VShojo case with Froot, I can hate the one issue and enjoy the others.
And why don't you share it? You got the whole class curious, what if she's hot?
NGL im also curious. As for the loli thing she said that she knew that it would probably give her issues but she knows that lolis are extremely popular. She will just tell people to fuckoff. The talents have been briefed to expect hate from that.
I'm curious, are they going to do normal vtuber stuff when not being whores? Like playing games on youtube. Melody basically does that with twitch, alternating to CB for the prime coomer content.
Yes. I believe she will be running things the same way as she ran her Riifu account. Regular content but wont shy away from the lewd jokes. The lewd aspect will come from Twitter and the more lewd/nsfw member content. If they decide to go way more explicit, she will probably leave that to Patreon or Fansly content (or whatever doesn't get fucked over by credit cards)
Yup and the fact that they are open about it is a good thing. Seen people on the forums bitch and moan about this same thing when related to other vtubers doing bait and switch.
Zumi is playing runescape for all you... runescape enjoyers. Related to the topic at hand because... it's Riifu's old company. Yeah.
Serina is singing again and it's just as lovely as usual. Put her on in the background as you do stuff or relax, but make sure to give her a in chat first
My Nigga from another Bodega, @God's Strongest Mozumite has been MIA from the forums for two weeks now. We never knew how the lack of BROWNESShas affected the forums with the recent uptick of retarded newfriends, the lack of big vtuber drama, the increase of negro vtuber drama, the rise of retardation of the forum as a whole and @MerelyTourist making some goddamn sense (for a cuck enjoyer).
All in all, I miss my nigga in another bodega. Hope he is well. That is all.
In the meantime, Moomer's back! Chumcucks still in shambles...
One day the Asylum will actually be bigger, you're going to come afoul of False and hear a video that starts with "The Asylum... in shambles??" and it's going to be the narrative forever because he'll miss ignore the context. That'll be a time
Mossad has reassigned him to a different department and he no longer has the ability to continue waging his racial psychological warfare campaigns on the forum. It's so over.
One way or another you might have to enforce the fact that it's nothingburger and there would be consequences if people keep saying otherwise. If you have to mute/ban them for that, then you are pretty much encouraged to do so. I know that it's probably the last thing you don't want to do, but if you didn't hammer it home, they will keep on going and going.
Is just my opinion, however. I'm sure you have a better plan or idea on how you gonna keep the slander to a minimum.
One way or another you might have to enforce the fact that it's nothingburger and there would be consequences if people keep saying otherwise. If you have to mute/ban them for that, then you are pretty much encouraged to do so. I know that it's probably the last thing you don't want to do, but if you didn't hammer it home, they will keep on going and going.
This is called censorship and the Streisand Effect. It would do the EXACT OPPOSITE purely out of spite alone, and is extremely antithetical to the values of the forum. I genuinely cannot comprehend how you don't see this, unless I'm reading your post wrong because you're ESL and typing strangely, I guess.
One way or another you might have to enforce the fact that it's nothingburger and there would be consequences if people keep saying otherwise. If you have to mute/ban them for that, then you are pretty much encouraged to do so. I know that it's probably the last thing you don't want to do, but if you didn't hammer it home, they will keep on going and going.
Is just my opinion, however. I'm sure you have a better plan or idea on how you gonna keep the slander to a minimum.
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