Well well well, before we jump into Kirsche defense, or trying to be "on the right side" and start the retarded slap fight in the twitter, let me introduce some of the head figures in the past scandals and what happened to them in the aftermath:
1) Gunt (Gamergate) = turn into Ralphamale, and currently hiding in Mexico
2) Rekieta (Vic) = turn into actual drunk and degenerate tards on the life stream
3) Boogie (Gamergate)= Do I ever need to explain what happened to him?
4) Sargon of Akkod (Gamergate) = Trying to get into britisch politics, and get roasted into oblivion
5) Amos Yee (Freedom of speech) = Now in jail due to his "free speech" and "free thinking"
If you want to defend Kirsche, you better pick some head figure that won't cause too much controversy that would further damage Kirsche reputation. For Grummz, heres the article that explained his problematic behaviour in the past:
Chinese game developer and publisher The9 has been betting big over the past few years on Firefall, an MMOFPS being developed by the US-based (and The9-owned) studio Red 5. The9 is shooting for global success, and even sponsored one of ... The post .
The only one that has "good“ ending is probably Mister Metokur, because he knows when to stop (but still end up plaguing with lung cancer or shit)
In short, I don't mind Vtuber trying to get into political contents or shit, its their freedom to do shit (heck, didnt some jap vtubers fucked inthe stream live and get pregnant?) They should know the risk of having certain back clashes or "getting banned". The only thing you can do is to support your oshi (it would be better with your wallet

), so she could earn extra cash instead of attending convention. Having unnecessary slap fight under specific figure head in twitter probably makes things worse in the future.