I think these are among the worst type of people to actually become jannies, actually. I'm not trying to be rude here, liking the streamer and passion are both choice, but wanting to stand out over wanting to help out is something I'd side eye.
Then again, this is coming from a guy who thinks that chat jannies shouldn't speak unless spoken to, so maybe I'm a bit harsh
I've seen way too many times where the jannies form a clique amongst themselves and essentially take hold of the direction a audience/community goes. Stream jannies should use separate accounts, created by and fully accessible to the streamer (also have seen way too many times a janny winds up having been abusive or a complete creep to normal viewers in dms), with no individuality to do their work (Eg: All mods are [Streamer Name]Mod01, [Streamer Name]Mod02, etc).Oh, I don't want to hear or see a janny in chat either, except maybe to put up links that the streamer wants them to. You'd have to have at least some communication with the streamer outside of streaming though, if only to find out if there are any issues, things to keep an eye on, or the like.
Probably a bit extreme, but holy shit am I tired of power-tripping self-important stream jannies.