I'll never understand the hate Pippa gets on a regular basis. Oh wait, I forgot twitter fags are mentally ill.
How brave to take a stance against Nazism in 2023. I bet this person has never seen a Pippa stream.
Found a 1 view who's a male hag. He also has singing chops and he's live right now. Give him a visit if you want an alternative to the Grampire.
Name's Dex TokuYasu.
We prefer the term "boomers," but thank you for the good find. I can take or leave his game choices but I found this video quite relatable. Subbed.
Need your opinions on this one. In the thread-splitting poll I saw several people suggest Recaps to be done on a monthly basis. Here is how I see it
Beggars can't be choosers but I appreciate the 50-page approach you're currently doing. It makes it very easy to find the recap post when I've given up on catching up with the thread myself.