"I need to shit"Amaris Yuri

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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I don't get the point of a secret, fake marriage.

Two people in the entertainment industry getting married because they love each other and keeping it secret to their fans / the general public? Makes sense.
Two people who don't love each other but get married anyway in order to publicly keep up appearances for some reason? Weird, but I guess it could be something like "My parents won't let me take over the family business unless I'm married before 30, so my friend agreed to marry me on paper, and any time my relatives look our way we pretend to be in love" or whatever.

But why would you have a paper marriage where you live separately and keep the whole thing a secret? That's like the worst of both worlds.
If both Rushia and whoever that fag she married have both their brands based on GFE/BFE and pandering to fans of the opposite sex, are you really going to believe them when they say they didn't do anything together?


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I get that Japan is it's own brand of autistic, but I don't understand how a marriage can be real when they never (allegedly) consummated it.

It would be as effective as working as a health inspector on China. :dokiSmugNew:

I don't get the point of a secret, fake marriage.

Two people in the entertainment industry getting married because they love each other and keeping it secret to their fans / the general public? Makes sense.
Two people who don't love each other but get married anyway in order to publicly keep up appearances for some reason? Weird, but I guess it could be something like "My parents won't let me take over the family business unless I'm married before 30, so my friend agreed to marry me on paper, and any time my relatives look our way we pretend to be in love" or whatever.

But why would you have a paper marriage where you live separately and keep the whole thing a secret? That's like the worst of both worlds.
because people lie on the internet, they definitely fucked. Both of them has been caught lying multiple times. Please don't take their word for it lmao. Both of them are heavy BFE/GFE celebrity and it's in their best interest to lie about such things.

Sure the two might not have lived together, but he visited her all the time and vice versa, a cat died during such visit. Not like he doesn't know where she was living and their only contact was online.

Why would they agree to live separately? The most likely answer is mafumafu being a flesh artist probs travel around alot for performing and doesn't stay at a fixed location. Mikeneko moved in after they got married but MFx2 never found the time to move his furnitures/stuffs in so he basically just come there to fuck and sleep. He likely has a wardrove at the studio/company. They started having arguments and already considering divorce when he finally found the free time from his busy schedule to move I'd bet.

The only way Mikeneko & Mafumafu could have never consumated is that mikeneko was actually the one doing the fucking and mafumafu was proctor-style pegged :smugpipi:
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Gaotye (bilibili DD)

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Felt it was too appropriate not to make this at this point

Perfect Blue.png


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They're completely dead in the courts then. You think you hate artists enough, but you really don't. TAD.
Man, I hate it when people with lots of money can't buy their way out the consequences of breaking the law.

famous artist pipkun

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how many dusty womb jokes tonight? im guessing 3 or 4


jkterjter jkterjtier
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Can't belive it, but flip guy is clearly better.
You're just gay. Well you did try to flirt with randomtranny so it isnt really a surprise.

Imagine being a fucking legend.


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The Proctor

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Nope. Copyright holders have the right to block both direct infringement and derivative works. Often they use it as a threat to negotiate bigger payments (e.g. the Rolling Stones taking 100% of the royalties on Bitter Sweet Symphony because they could) but they don't have to offer a license at all (outside of a few specific cases) and in many countries they can still claim statutory damages even if their work has a commercial value of 0.

The 'right to block both direct infringement and derivative works' does not in any way equate to an absolute claim that anything that uses any part of your work is automatically yours, which is what this claim is. Fillian is not living in a legal shithole like Japan where you can be sued for telling the truth if it hurt a company executive's feelings. Gargantuan multi-national corporations with billions of dollars in funding have been comprehensively destroyed in cases like this, a random artist pissily insisting they have the divine right to determine if they own everything you ever did because your model had one hair-follicle aligned the same way theirs did in the original rig will be laughed out of court by everyone but the grifting lawyer who milks them for money to file useless paperwork. Like it or not, cases are judged as much on intent as they are on evidence, and this is clearly a wilful abuse of evidence for the sake of a malicious intention.

Saying 'Filian used my model that I made as a hobby project for small streamers to cultivate a giant audience, and I consider this a case far enough outside my original statements about its legal usage that I now think I am entitled to legal compensation on a different basis' is one thing. Saying 'FUCK FILIAN, I OWN THE SHIT I MAKE. I ALWAYS OWNED IT. EVEN WHEN I SAID I DIDN'T OWN IT. EVEN IF ONE NANOANGSTROM OF MY SWEAT, BLOOD AND TEARS TANGENTIALLY REMAINS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRODUCT IN QUESTION, I OWN IT ALL AND WILL TAKE IT ALL BACK WHENEVER I WANT, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR COUCH!' is quite another, and would be judged as such.


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Saying 'Filian used my model that I made as a hobby project for small streamers to cultivate a giant audience, and I consider this a case far enough outside my original statements about its legal usage that I now think I am entitled to legal compensation on a different basis' is one thing. Saying 'FUCK FILIAN, I OWN THE SHIT I MAKE. I ALWAYS OWNED IT. EVEN WHEN I SAID I DIDN'T OWN IT. EVEN IF ONE NANOANGSTROM OF MY SWEAT, BLOOD AND TEARS TANGENTIALLY REMAINS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRODUCT IN QUESTION, I OWN IT ALL AND WILL TAKE IT ALL BACK WHENEVER I WANT, FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR COUCH!' is quite another, and would be judged as such.
You're making up quite a few things to get angry at. Nobody is talking about taking Filian's ability to use the models for the purposes outlined in the terms or wanting compensation for those purposes.
However since tangible goods were never allowed by those terms and required separate agreements, not giving out those permissions and retroactively pursuing infringements of the terms of use is well within the rights of the artist.


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not in any way equate to an absolute claim that anything that uses any part of your work is automatically yours, which is what this claim is.
You can't edit a derivative work into not being a derivative work, they're right about that, like it or not. That model is legally tainted and if Filian wants her own model then she's going to have to commission one to be made from scratch without using the current one as a reference.
(Do many vtubers get away with half-assing it with some small edits? Absolutely. Could Filian get away with doing that now that this has blown up? No, not if this artist is prepared to sue in a jurisdiction that matters)
Like it or not, cases are judged as much on intent as they are on evidence, and this is clearly a wilful abuse of evidence for the sake of a malicious intention.
Hardly. It's an artist not wanting their work to be used in a particular way, which is the whole notional justification for copyright these days. If anything a court (and the public) will be more sympathetic to that than to someone who just wants a few bucks (who would come across as more of a grifter/opportunist).

The Proctor

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You can't edit a derivative work into not being a derivative work, they're right about that, like it or not.
Hardly. It's an artist not wanting their work to be used in a particular way, which is the whole notional justification for copyright these days.

Are you actually retarded? This is not what I said at all. Go back and read what I wrote until the context sinks into your brain.


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Fillian is not living in a legal shithole like Japan
Maybe she shouldn't have worked with japanese company to make merchandise based off of model by korean artist then. Which we have more and more evidence she pirated in the first place and had zero rights to do anything with it to begin with


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I hope Rica keeps her mental health in better check than Mikeneko, seems to be the case anyways. I hope the best for her, she's a whore but at least she isn't a crazy bitch whore.


jkterjter jkterjtier
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You can't edit a derivative work into not being a derivative work, they're right about that, like it or not. That model is legally tainted and if Filian wants her own model then she's going to have to commission one to be made from scratch without using the current one as a reference.
You absolutely can edit the thing enough to stop being derivative. And using references never mean that end product is derivative of these references, reserve your judgement for NNs that are actually blindly copypaste elements from training data.
Criteria for derivative is copying most of key elements.


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I hope Rica keeps her mental health in better check than Mikeneko, seems to be the case anyways. I hope the best for her, she's a whore but at least she isn't a crazy bitch whore.
Beside the occasional ASMR and streamer stuff she also has her steady indie singing career going on even before she becomes Mel unlike Mike who always has been thriving off as mostly a streamer persona she'll be fine, although being a sane person also helps her case post-mel as we've all seen so far


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I don't think they care about $40 cost of the model compared to the thousands from merch and protecting their IP you retard.

It's a relevant detail in that if this does go to court, the artist being able to argue that Filian never had the right to use the model at all would seriously strengthen their case in pursuing damages from Filian using it to make herself very wealthy not just for the Nendo but all her previous commercial merch & ad deals. But it feels undercut by the twitter users obvious intent to stir the pot.
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