Not sure if this should go into Niji L thread or not, but might as well share it if only to talk about our resident dumbass, Depressed Nousagi.
So today, Nousagi made a video explaining about the gradual collapse of Nijisanji's Indonesian branch.
Video was more or less okay, but he doesn't really delved much into it beyond "Anycolor left them to dust, the merge caused the projects to die down, etcetra". Nevertheless, it's just it's your vtuber 'knowledge' stuff that Nousagi churn out. But apparently his choice of topic somehow caused some vitriol among the ID-speaking vtuber fans/NijiID fans on twitter (formerly X).
For one, the thumbnail and title was not like the one in the link, it was like this:

(I forgot to archive it, the guy decided to delete it so I had to use screenshot from discord embed)
Obviously they aren't happy judging by some of the quote retweets within that tweet, which leads to nousagi to switch it to a much more less-clickbaity title/thumbnail and made a YT post about it.
It's not exactly helped that in his cord, he stated that even when he did the research for his NijiID video, he didn't try to expand more from it and instead just condensed it down to bits that people probably already knew and some details about ID vtubing industry partly due to him being busy and feeling that people would only care about the broad strokes of the knowledge instead of deep diving into it.
It probably died down in a few days or so, but to see ID people/Niji-ID fans that weren't nijisisters basically angy to him is interesting, to say the least.
EDIT: The tweet with old thumbnail was deleted out of lack of spine and I forgot to archive it so here's a screenshot