>"Lumi, Vee, and Emma are all the devil incarnate"Guy calls Lumi "demon", "Satan incarnate", and says " I can't overstate just how terrifying that woman is. She's stabbed every single back she could to get where she is now."
Are we sure this guy isn't taking the piss? Also, is it weird that this makes me like her more?
>pay no attention to the fact that I was a mod for them and slept with Vee while she was married and then still maintained contact with Emma when she flirted with me while married
Yeah, the guy is a scumbag, no surprise. If anything, I'm betting the only reason he turned down Emma because he was busy being parasocial for Yoki.
>"as you can see, just mentioning her summons her schizos to attack for her"Compilation of some of his other replies stolen from /pcg/.
It's really interesting how so many of these old Cyberlive mods and personalities keep claiming Lumi is a terrible person yet conveniently always have some reason for not posting proof. I wonder why that is.
So people aren't allowed to call you out for talking shit with no proof? I fucking hate the delusional idiots that play this card, it's absolutely moronic.