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I needed this.
I didn't even realise how much I missed her.
Thought, there are more than enough other vtubers or other interests in general to keep me busy.
And the NijiEN imposion was a quite entertaining ride as well, I will admit that.
But I didn't realise that it also took quite the toll on my mental.
Despite everything, despite me being here, I mostly like Vtubers because they are an escape and a little peaceful island where almost everything is good.
And the past few weeks, because of the overwhelming amount of big drama, that started to change, and my enjoyment of vtubers changed accordingly.
But now, Kiara was back in full force, she was shipping Ikea screws and talking about naked old ladies she met in the sauna. Girly, genki, mindless brabble, oh I missed it. Finally my small little escape and oasis of peace is back.
Unironically, just listening to her ramble for those 2 hours and now the Karaoke, has refreshed me more than the daily walks in the nature I have been trying to stick to.
is "feature complete" If you read it previously there is some new stuff especially about gen 2, gen 4'nt (though gen 4'nt is almost all rrats & speculation). And in general more and better sources. I just wish less of Tsunderia's history didn't disappear when Kana and Purin deleted their Discords, so much inside info was stored there and now the only ones who will know that were those involved and the furry nonce owners of discord and their Red Chinese overlords. The fact that Haewon hosted a couple of gen 4'nt collabs that shed some light on their situation and she's deleted everything several times didn't help either.
And so I finally respond to those who replied to the effortpost below, spoilered so as to not take up valuable real-estate.
Good writeup Porean, for someone who didn't know much of the Tsunderia deeplore it was very informative I just have one question: Clock and goob me and all that, but did she really? I'd assume this is just a joke I'm not in on, but after vomit drawers and piss soda I would never put it past a vtuber to do something disgusting and abhorrent.
I think you missed the bit with that one girl who was ultra menhera in gen 1 and spent most of her tenure in hiatus or some shit and later after it was all over did some stream drunk-crying and shitting all over management, does anyone have an archive of that?
I remember a clip in which she goes "We were the first in the EN market and it was all for fucking nothing! FUCK!"
That stream is now archived together with other important and some funny videos in a MEGA link in my effortpost, Thanks to @lakyus & @Kalion for sharing their archived copies of that stream. And thank you to @Short for pointing me to who might have a copy, and for finding a torrent, that unfortunately is still downloading at about 400 bytes, not even kilobytes as I write this.
I Would probably include a line to include Slugma's entrance as she had been around for around 6 months prior to Gen1 debut.
Adding to the general "PPP didn't give a shit pile" is how early Tsunderia was super lax on its branding. There was zero requirements for any of the talents to even tag their stream titles with Tsun's name. This didn't really change until the slugs big pushes at legitimacy with Gen 3.
Also LIMITED TIME DIGITAL MERCH why the fuck did anyone sign off on that? It's literally free money to just leave it there.
I wanted to do a "where are they now" writeup on the still active talents for the 1 year anniversary of TOTAL TSUN DEATH but got put off how grim the overall outlook was for the talents.
I was planning to include reincarnations & Graduations. The most interesting thing is Maria Paradisia's career of coincidences.
Meant to join Cyberlive but it imploded
Meant to join Tsunderia Gen 4 but the company closed down
Meant to join AkioAir Gen 2 but they hired a minor and started a company destroying shitstorm.
same thing as when he owned the company. Play Yu-Gi-Oh.
Absolute winner of a post, thank you so much, I'll re read it later and try to organize my thoughts about it. It's so crazy to think that so many talents started in the same place and then dispersed throught the Vtuber sphere with varying degrees of success. One last question, what happened to PPP?
I remember when her stream was talked in this forum and deciding to watch her stream, she sounded completely devastated and even thought about trying to send supportive messages but decided not to because I knew nothing about the context. Maybe I'm mixing her with another Vtuber but didn't she graduate and debut in phase?
I think @httn already answered your "PPP lore~" question, as to why Meru, who is the talent you wonder why she didn't join phase i cannot answer. They might simply not have wanted her, she lagged behind her genmates in popularity, and her long hiatuses and general instability doesn't put her on top of the poaching lists. She is doing better now and maybe just maybe we'll see her soon if my predictions are correct.
I was gonna say "there's already a vtuber wiki with a short recount of events" but then I realized that because of the nature of the wiki, most of the media that was in that post (for example, clips of the talent's reincarnations sharing details of past events) wouldn't be allowed.
Let's see how long it takes for one of the known grifters to publish a video essay about tsunderia on their yt channel.
Yeah i did check other write-ups to check if there was anything i missed, however all i found was that no-one who made a write-up had ever watched Tsunderia. They had no own knowledge of what happened, and no willingness to find out anything more, besides Embers FTL, i doubt any of the other writers had even heard about Tsunderia before.
Meru is an enigma, as she pushed her graduation back a week then never did it but she's not streaming. She is really active on her alt, vagueposting about eventual comeback. She's so inconsistent in her wording I'm not sure what's going on with her life. One post she's hopeful, another she's sadposting
Meru was my second favourite Tsun talent, and man is she a mess. Girl has less than zero confidence, she's way, way down into the negatives. She might very well got into or almost got into companies many times and either flunked late in or, given the turn over of microcorps, the corps themselves might have dissolved. As i said above, I'm hopeful for Meru! If you want to know Meru better the Meru drunk stream is linked in the effortpost, and that gives you everything, it's one hell of a listen but you'll understand why Meru is such a sad, sad, SAD girl.
A lot of the dramatubers did, i checked them all, best was probably Khyo of all people, just because he admitted to not knowing anything and just went:
"wow that sucked! good that the talents got to keep their models, good luck to them!"
NEW BETTEL OUTFITI figured his teasers were about that and probably a cover, but I was thinking he'd be some demon-merged thing instead of a pirate. I'll take the pirate though.
NEW BETTEL OUTFITI figured his teasers were about that and probably a cover, but I was thinking he'd be some demon-merged thing instead of a pirate. I'll take the pirate though.
Whether or not this is true, I have to say, making enemies with literally everyone isn't really the best idea for your prospects as a vtuber. You don't always have to open your mouth when you have criticisms of someone especially when you have collaboration prospects with them.
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