I am an obvious unicorn hater, but also a

hater. I think I wrote a long time ago, maybe even back on KF, that I don't care who streams with who or anything like that, but I don't like it when things get 'serious'.
Obviously 'simulated underwear sex' in GTA is not exactly 'serious', but that's getting to the line where it's just creepy enough for me to say that I don't like it. (and obviously her PL whore antics bias my opinion of her too)
And to prove my consistency; I also don't like it when girls do 'serious' yuri-baiting either, some of the other JP girls have creeped me out with that before too (but I can't
fully trust that, because I'm just seeing translated clips).
Basically my main point way-back-when was that any 'relationship' that 'works' shouldn't be joked about. I don't like 2 bi/lesbo girls hardcore flirting, I don't like straight guy and straight girl hardcore flirting, I don't like gay guys doing anything, etc.
Tangentially related to this, but we see that Holo ID girls are playing Lethal Company. Do we know if this is just a case of ID being allowed more freedom than the other branches, or is this actual Cover-wide perms?