It's extremely rare that a fetus is going to endanger pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy would never be viable in the first place, and requires surgery, not a d & c. Face it, >98% of abortions are for the convenience of the mother, no more no less. Remember the original pro-abortion chant, cause I do: "Safe Legal Rare", well, it sure ain't rare.
As far as teens are concerned, how about we teach them to keep their fucking legs shut if they can't be bothered to use the myriad of contraceptive methods at their disposal?
If you are mature enough to fuck, you better be mature enough to accept the consequences. They got Plan B now, there shouldn't be any real good reason for the millions of abortions going on, except for pure stupid laziness or selfishness. Ask my brother, who's ex-wife, without his input whatsoever, aborted their child. So, yeah, it's personal. You want a trade-off? Keep abortions, get rid of child support.