Moral of the story, don't politisperg in public. If you're finding yourself having major animosity and distress towards an election, maybe let it out in smarter ways. I really don't condone whomever is directly messaging Clara tbh, but depending on if the person cares to have a convo (does whomever actually care to talk with you, or just talk to/at you), she could have saved herself from worsening situations by ignoring it or employing the migo strategy

. Was Clara herself just venting, not interested in discourse and is done with it? Say so, then say nothing else on it.
With that being said, it was pretty nasty of Clara to initially say something like that, and trying to make excuses/lie about it wasn't going to improve the statement. No tiptoeing around it. I'm not going to take things out of context and twist her words, or antagonize people towards her; I'm choosing to not interact with her solo content having knowledge of how she acts in private, though.