"On that note let me take my pants off"Misma Ryzing

Election Spergery 2024 Containment Zone

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Johnny Jambalaya

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Now's a great time to pull up.
On the other hand, the cope essays in this thread are pretty funny and we would lose new ones if she stopped.


Soldier of Godrick
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
Note: I hope it's obvious I'm talking almost entirely about english vtubers here, I have no idea what the average Japanese woman votes for.

I have no idea either. It's Chinatown, Jake. (Well, Japan-town, but that's not the movie quote.)

Truthfully, if you've ever known or had an ex-wife from Asia (that's oddly specific, isn't it? ... anyway) you know their politics don't really line up with American (or other English speaking countries) politics in general. I mean with Thai vTubers the question is going to be stuff like whether they support the Shinwarata Family or the King (or, if you prefer, the Army or the Police). With Taiwanese vTubers, how do they feel about becoming part of the People's Republic and so on. I imagine with Red Chinese vTubers, it's what kind of torture they want to inflict on the running dogs of Western (or Japanese) imperialism. With Japanese vTubers, how retarded do they think Western Leftists are for hating Koichi Sugiyama (like just a little retarded or enemies of the Empire who deserve crucifixion). And so on...

Superduper Samurai

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In a world of non americans sperging hard about American politics, the coomer frenchwoman is getting smugly posted against for a lukewarm pushback against woman who insist that denying pussy is a big blow to society

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Migoed Helmet

Unintentionally reuses words in every longpost
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024
Note: I hope it's obvious I'm talking almost entirely about english vtubers here, I have no idea what the average Japanese woman votes for.

I really hope people are starting to come to the reality that the overwhelming majority of vtuber women are extremely sheltered liberals who only tolerate audiences with right-of-Mao beliefs because pandering to them gets them money. You want to know why I only tend to watch 2-views, latinas, flips, or parasocial types that have tendencies towards being perhaps a bit too attached to their audiences? I got fucking tired of supporting bitches like Clara who are only not out there in the street wearing pussyhats or dancing with effigies of dead babies in front of courthouses discussing anti-abortion laws because they are introverted neurotic wrecks.

Women are always the core of progressive movements. For every woman like Posie Parker or Abigail Shrier out there, tens of thousands more are not only willing to accept a 300lb man with a beard into their changing rooms, they'll defend his rights and insist he's a gentle giant just coping with his internalized trauma from white supremacy when he hulks out and molests them.

Unless a vtuber is willing to tell you, to your face, in a recordable format you could theoretically use against her if she went back on it in future, that she has coherent centrist or right-wing beliefs, you should automatically assume she is lying to you. That's why I am ride-or-die for Kirsche, because she is quite literally the only vtuber I know who has been 100% ideologically sound, reasonable and consistent in the two years I've known about her. Every single other one besides flips and spics, they tend to be very based, too bad most struggle to break 2view I've invested my emotional energy into has either given me hints that I was wrong, or proven without a doubt that I was wrong.

I'm glad people here have finally gotten a taste of the kind of shit I see constantly whenever I stick my head below the surface of the vtuber community. You should take incidents like this, Tenma bawling her eyes out over not being allowed to collab with vermintide and Froot being allowed to sperg out for years about her husband while Kson gets censored for the smallest pushback as canaries in the coal mine for just how pozzed vtubing is behind the scenes.

The only reason it isn't an absolute leftist shithole is because customers can still mostly vote immediately with their wallets if the [progressive shrieking] gets too loud, and most vtubers realize on a lizard-brain level they need to shut up about that kind of thing to keep their audiences.

You can still enjoy their content. I'm not saying you need to suddenly stop watching every vtuber that didn't vote for Trump or any other arbitrary metric. What I am saying is that I'm tired of people coping and writing fan-fic about how based and redpilled their kamioshi is and how they send signals about being a MAGA-hat wearing passenger of the race war van every stream. It's a fantasy.
Erm, Proctor. Clara-posting aside, this has literally always been a thing with women, as you point out yourself. This shouldn't be new information for you or anyone else, for any woman in general, not just v-tubers. If you think a mail-order bride from flipland or any other provably right wing woman ISN'T going to disagree with you on some major issue somewhere, and either hide it to keep you happy or make some big issue out of it for no reason... well, that's a bit of a fantasy in its own right. It's just part of dealing with the fairer sex. Now that only goes so far, particularly for a v-tuber (I'd never want to spend the rest of life with a v-tuber in general, for girl-failure reasons, not political ones), but there is something to be said for "agreeing to disagree." Not that Clara could or would do that for any of us, but she's also a older fujo obsessed with fictional characters who will almost certainly die alone and unloved for it. Less rabid ideologues will unironically swap their viewpoints around for the person they're with, and mean it in the moment, because supporting their fans or their friends or their lovers is more important to them than the crusade itself would be. Again, this is not new, women are just like this.

Also, on the topic of ideological consistency: there are precious few people, male or female, that truly hit that mark. Maybe on issues they find particularly important (hence why Clara tripling down here is proof of her being a retard, because she's so invested in an issue she doesn't understand) but people waffle around on ideological issues all the time. Should they? Probably not, but it's part of being human, and also part of being young. When everyone on this site is 60 that'll happen a lot less.

EDIT: This paragraph was a poorly thought out idea and has been properly BTFO. Read this post instead and learn from my bad example

Again, not defending Clara; I never watched her, don't really plan to, and have never watched v-tubers for a personal connection with them in the first place. And frankly I 100% agree on people coping and writing fan-fic about how based their oshi is, it's cringe (funnily enough, not even the most delusional people called Clara based, even before this mask-off moment :SelenHAHAhere:). But I do just want to reiterate that this is the price of interacting with the opposite sex, and it's not unexpected or a sin. Hell, there are things about it that are kind of nice: invite a girl who likes you to church and you'll save her soul in record time. Play Pikmin with a girl and watch the plushies start appearing in her apartment a couple months later. A lot of the time, the stuff they take up because they want to spend time with you will stick, and they'll get more passionate about it than you were when you introduced them to it. In a weird way, it's a good sign when a woman is putting pretenses up for you, because if she didn't care she wouldn't do it. It's a give and take.
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Soldier of Godrick
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
Note: I hope it's obvious I'm talking almost entirely about english vtubers here, I have no idea what the average Japanese woman votes for.

I really hope people are starting to come to the reality that the overwhelming majority of vtuber women are extremely sheltered liberals who only tolerate audiences with right-of-Mao beliefs because pandering to them gets them money. You want to know why I only tend to watch 2-views, latinas, flips, or parasocial types that have tendencies towards being perhaps a bit too attached to their audiences? I got fucking tired of supporting bitches like Clara who are only not out there in the street wearing pussyhats or dancing with effigies of dead babies in front of courthouses discussing anti-abortion laws because they are introverted neurotic wrecks.

Women are always the core of progressive movements. For every woman like Posie Parker or Abigail Shrier out there, tens of thousands more are not only willing to accept a 300lb man with a beard into their changing rooms, they'll defend his rights and insist he's a gentle giant just coping with his internalized trauma from white supremacy when he hulks out and molests them.

Unless a vtuber is willing to tell you, to your face, in a recordable format you could theoretically use against her if she went back on it in future, that she has coherent centrist or right-wing beliefs, you should automatically assume she is lying to you. That's why I am ride-or-die for Kirsche, because she is quite literally the only vtuber I know who has been 100% ideologically sound, reasonable and consistent in the two years I've known about her. Every single other one besides flips and spics, they tend to be very based, too bad most struggle to break 2view I've invested my emotional energy into has either given me hints that I was wrong, or proven without a doubt that I was wrong.

I'm glad people here have finally gotten a taste of the kind of shit I see constantly whenever I stick my head below the surface of the vtuber community. You should take incidents like this, Tenma bawling her eyes out over not being allowed to collab with vermintide and Froot being allowed to sperg out for years about her husband while Kson gets censored for the smallest pushback as canaries in the coal mine for just how pozzed vtubing is behind the scenes.

The only reason it isn't an absolute leftist shithole is because customers can still mostly vote immediately with their wallets if the [progressive shrieking] gets too loud, and most vtubers realize on a lizard-brain level they need to shut up about that kind of thing to keep their audiences.

You can still enjoy their content. I'm not saying you need to suddenly stop watching every vtuber that didn't vote for Trump or any other arbitrary metric. What I am saying is that I'm tired of people coping and writing fan-fic about how based and redpilled their kamioshi is and how they send signals about being a MAGA-hat wearing passenger of the race war van every stream. It's a fantasy.


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Moral of the story, don't politisperg in public. If you're finding yourself having major animosity and distress towards an election, maybe let it out in smarter ways. I really don't condone whomever is directly messaging Clara tbh, but depending on if the person cares to have a convo (does whomever actually care to talk with you, or just talk to/at you), she could have saved herself from worsening situations by ignoring it or employing the migo strategy :mikothumbsl:. Was Clara herself just venting, not interested in discourse and is done with it? Say so, then say nothing else on it.

With that being said, it was pretty nasty of Clara to initially say something like that, and trying to make excuses/lie about it wasn't going to improve the statement. No tiptoeing around it. I'm not going to take things out of context and twist her words, or antagonize people towards her; I'm choosing to not interact with her solo content having knowledge of how she acts in private, though.


Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
Erm, Proctor. Clara-posting aside, this has literally always been a thing with women, as you point out yourself. This shouldn't be new information for you or anyone else, for any woman in general, not just v-tubers. If you think a mail-order bride from flipland or any other provably right wing woman ISN'T going to disagree with you on some major issue somewhere, and either hide it to keep you happy or make some big issue out of it for no reason... well, that's a bit of a fantasy in its own right. It's just part of dealing with the fairer sex. Now that only goes so far, particularly for a v-tuber (I'd never want to spend the rest of life with a v-tuber in general, for girl-failure reasons, not political ones), but there is something to be said for "agreeing to disagree." Not that Clara could or would do that for any of us, but she's also a older fujo obsessed with fictional characters who will almost certainly die alone and unloved for it. Less rabid ideologues will unironically swap their viewpoints around for the person they're with, and mean it in the moment, because supporting their fans or their friends or their lovers is more important to them than the crusade itself would be. Again, this is not new, women are just like this.

Also, on the topic of ideological consistency: there are precious few people, male or female, that truly hit that mark. Maybe on issues they find particularly important (hence why Clara tripling down here is proof of her being a retard, because she's so invested in an issue she doesn't understand) but people waffle around on ideological issues all the time. Should they? Probably not, but it's part of being human, and also part of being young. When everyone on this site is 60 that'll happen a lot less.

Again, not defending Clara; I never watched her, don't really plan to, and have never watched v-tubers for a personal connection with them in the first place. And frankly I 100% agree on people coping and writing fan-fic about how based their oshi is, it's cringe (funnily enough, not even the most delusional people called Clara based, even before this mask-off moment :SelenHAHAhere:). But I do just want to reiterate that this is the price of interacting with the opposite sex, and it's not unexpected or a sin. Hell, there are things about it that are kind of nice: invite a girl who likes you to church and you'll save her soul in record time. Play Pikmin with a girl and watch the plushies start appearing in her apartment a couple months later. A lot of the time, the stuff they take up because they want to spend time with you will stick, and they'll get more passionate about it than you were when you introduced them to it. In a weird way, it's a good sign when a woman is putting pretenses up for you, because if she didn't care she wouldn't do it. It's a give and take.
tl;dr, nah my oshi be based.

Migoed Helmet

Unintentionally reuses words in every longpost
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024


Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 3, 2023
Erm, Proctor. Clara-posting aside, this has literally always been a thing with women, as you point out yourself. This shouldn't be new information for you or anyone else, for any woman in general, not just v-tubers. If you think a mail-order bride from flipland or any other provably right wing woman ISN'T going to disagree with you on some major issue somewhere, and either hide it to keep you happy or make some big issue out of it for no reason... well, that's a bit of a fantasy in its own right. It's just part of dealing with the fairer sex. Now that only goes so far, particularly for a v-tuber (I'd never want to spend the rest of life with a v-tuber in general, for girl-failure reasons, not political ones), but there is something to be said for "agreeing to disagree." Not that Clara could or would do that for any of us, but she's also a older fujo obsessed with fictional characters who will almost certainly die alone and unloved for it. Less rabid ideologues will unironically swap their viewpoints around for the person they're with, and mean it in the moment, because supporting their fans or their friends or their lovers is more important to them than the crusade itself would be. Again, this is not new, women are just like this.

Also, on the topic of ideological consistency: there are precious few people, male or female, that truly hit that mark. Maybe on issues they find particularly important (hence why Clara tripling down here is proof of her being a retard, because she's so invested in an issue she doesn't understand) but people waffle around on ideological issues all the time. Should they? Probably not, but it's part of being human, and also part of being young. When everyone on this site is 60 that'll happen a lot less.

Again, not defending Clara; I never watched her, don't really plan to, and have never watched v-tubers for a personal connection with them in the first place. And frankly I 100% agree on people coping and writing fan-fic about how based their oshi is, it's cringe (funnily enough, not even the most delusional people called Clara based, even before this mask-off moment :SelenHAHAhere:). But I do just want to reiterate that this is the price of interacting with the opposite sex, and it's not unexpected or a sin. Hell, there are things about it that are kind of nice: invite a girl who likes you to church and you'll save her soul in record time. Play Pikmin with a girl and watch the plushies start appearing in her apartment a couple months later. A lot of the time, the stuff they take up because they want to spend time with you will stick, and they'll get more passionate about it than you were when you introduced them to it. In a weird way, it's a good sign when a woman is putting pretenses up for you, because if she didn't care she wouldn't do it. It's a give and take.
That's a lot to just say what Sam Hyde said more succinctly.


Migoed Helmet

Unintentionally reuses words in every longpost
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024

Unseiso Dragon

Seiso? Say No!
Joined:  Jun 8, 2024
On the other hand, the cope essays in this thread are pretty funny and we would lose new ones if she stopped.
Nah I've done enough essay coping at the doubling down post. I can't fix her.
That's a lot to just say what Sam Hyde said more succinctly.

There are about 8 billion people on this earth, of which half are females. My future big booba tomboy waifu who doesn't hate me on sight HAS to exist somewhere goddamnit!


Soldier of Godrick
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
In a world of non americans sperging hard about American politics, the coomer frenchwoman is getting smugly posted against for a lukewarm pushback against woman who insist that denying pussy is a big blow to society

This all goes back to George W. Bush when some women remembered Lysistrata from one of their feminist literature classes and said they were going to go on a sex strike until he was driven from office. Nothing came of it back then, and nothing will come of it this time either.


To protest the Iraq War, the Lysistrata Project held over 1000 readings in 59 countries of the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata, which is about how women ended a war by refusing sex until the men quit fighting.
At least back during the Bush administration, it was supposed to be in protest of a war.


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Isn't she a bit of an opportunist? It seems that she has flipflopped on a number of issues. I'm not sure the Reps are ready to run a female candidate yet so maybe a VP run would be an interesting test for her.
First things first, any major criticism of Tulsi should be taken with an eye of skepticism. She was basically the only Democrat to oppose Hillary in 2016, and was practically run out of the party for it.

She's had 5 or 6 appearances on JRE, and each one is worth a watch.

He views have been largely consistent her whole adult life. The two big things people nail her for are
1) She was much more Conservative when she was younger. This is because her father was the leader of Hare Krishna group/sect/something and was very anti-gay. Her views changed as she grew older.
2) She was one of the few to call out the bullshit surrounding the Syrian Civil War and pushed hard to keep the US out of it. And you know show the Military Industrial Complex reacts to people calling for no wars.

What incident was this?
When Pippa first JUST started exploding on the scene, Tenma had tried to make I roads in the speed running community. And of course, they reacted like they always do by shunning Tenma for the crime of being in the same company as the "Alt-Right Kiwifarms Rabbit".


Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
First things first, any major criticism of Tulsi should be taken with an eye of skepticism. She was basically the only Democrat to oppose Hillary in 2016, and was practically run out of the party for it.

She's had 5 or 6 appearances on JRE, and each one is worth a watch.

He views have been largely consistent her whole adult life. The two big things people nail her for are
1) She was much more Conservative when she was younger. This is because her father was the leader of Hare Krishna group/sect/something and was very anti-gay. Her views changed as she grew older.
2) She was one of the few to call out the bullshit surrounding the Syrian Civil War and pushed hard to keep the US out of it. And you know show the Military Industrial Complex reacts to people calling for no wars.

When Pippa first JUST started exploding on the scene, Tenma had tried to make I roads in the speed running community. And of course, they reacted like they always do by shunning Tenma for the crime of being in the same company as the "Alt-Right Kiwifarms Rabbit".

Really Tulsi's been criticized for the following on the right
  • Was a member of the WEF young leadership program
  • Is a gungrabber
  • Very woke on climate stuff
  • Apparently (In 2020) supported reparations
As of now, she disavowed the WEF, has warmed up on gun issues, still is farily woke on climate change, and has called out CRT so probably isn't on board with reparations anymore.

People sometimes just start more economically or politically left wing and shift right as the realities set in. Tulsi seems to be that case.


No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
I think Clara is concluding her libtard meltdown, having said that her arguments has flaws, like always

View attachment 82891


View attachment 82892

Yeah, you are TikTok woman I'm not surprised you get swung easily by grifters.

Having said that:

—”Joe Rogan is alt-right” literally dumb libtard opinion, did you ever see the Bernie episode??

— Everything can be debated in politics, what is this naive worldview? does this woman know how the world works? inb4 She is a vtuber, so the answer is obvious.

— Why do you assume the left doesn't push identity politics, have you forgotten how black activists fucked over Bernie?? The BLM riots? oh right, you are Canadian living in Japan and failed gravure Idol, so probably you weren't even paying attention.

— Why do you assume that all the people that vote for Trump or could vote for Pierre watched Ben Shapiro or know about Gamergate? We are talking like more than half the US, probably inflation had a more effect on their voting decision than some FEMINISTS OWNED VIDEO.

View attachment 82893

View attachment 82894

Oh, so agree to disagree I guess??? At least she accepts that her argument can be refuted.
Ah "human rights". The classic dumbass lefty tactic of if we just call <X> thing a human right, you can't argue with us! You have to allow it!
No, Clara, Abortion isn't a human right. In fact it's all too easy to take the human rights argument and twist it such that abortion should never be allowed, ever and regardless of any circumstances, unless it's expected that both the mother and the baby will 100% die. Because the babies right to life trumps the mother's right to bodily autonomy as the greater harm.

Anyways I saw this really good Saruei tweet, have you guys seen it? See what a real based vwhore take is. :smugpipi:

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Well-known member
Joined:  May 10, 2023
I like how Saruei's tweet has been posted like 5 times, but the essays around Clara keep making the pages go faster than people are wanting to read so they just skip ahead.


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
Saruei had a better opinion than this and that hoe voices the porn of her 3d model getting raped. Generalizations don't get you a result, you must admit that with internet retards its case by case. Everyone is just retarded in their own unique ways
Imagine trusting a (((((((FRENCH)))))) in the year of Yagoo number 4


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Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
I like how Saruei's tweet has been posted like 5 times, but the essays around Clara keep making the pages go faster than people are wanting to read so they just skip ahead.
Clara's been the most deranged high profile reaction to it even if it is her RM, Uki is just doing typical virtue signalling. It's one thing if some 2view literal who spergs about Trump, but Clara is in the top 100 of English vtubers, we'd expect a tighter level of self conduct.


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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