Maybe you can illuminate why the hype for this new group is so muted?You might be the only westoid more hyped for this than EN3, but I must say that I appreciate your enthusiasm.
It's new! It's big! It's the literal incarnation of half a decade of memes about Yagoo's idols! HoloX finally gave us a full group and Advent followed it up but this is a UNIT! (I know ID3 but it hits different with 5 people vs 3). Will Cover be able to utilize years of experience to elevate these talents into the stratosphere?
Now that I think about it, Idol loving chuubas have been quiet about this group. Is Kiara jealous? Did everyone block them like Fubuki did so she could do a stream blindly predicting their traits? Is Narissa secretly salty thinking her thunder is being stolen? Who knows but the lack of hype is interesting in itself.
Maybe ignore me
But they fit in regardless
Ok. A Jp post I found on twitter

【まとめ】idiosとReGLOSSだったらどっちが好きなん? : Vtuberまとめちゃんねる
0605まとめだよ2023/09/08(金) 17:37:31.38 お前らidiosとReGLOSSだったらどっちが好きなん?
I guess I want a real life 4kuma BUT I am so excited for them.