The AI once it gets to "Allow me to talk a bit about my past."Someone please make a plugin so Grok or Copilot give me a tldr
The AI once it gets to "Allow me to talk a bit about my past."Someone please make a plugin so Grok or Copilot give me a tldr
Have there been a lot of forum altercations lately? I mean besides the ones involving users disagreeing with how you run the site. Serious question.It has been my experience both as an observer to forum altercations and someone who has had to deal with them as an administrator that it is a rarity for users to request arbitration in potential conflicts of this nature. Usually an argument or dispute goes on for multiple pages until other users get fed up and report it, or one side or the other feels they need to invoke moderator support to make the opposition go away.
Thats a fair take with moderation especially with a very open and pro-shitter place like this, but, my only issue here is why not leave this to an open topic with people? I think that is one of the major aspects that really turns off from engaging with you or even extending with some of the staff, we're all mostly niche forum refugees that are mostly aware or proficient in engaging in shitter communities like KF, 4chan, or what have you, so why not have an open conversation on why you think some people are taking shit too far? I can see periods of that happen, i did mention as an example that the Holo happenings were making some retards antsy, but at the end of the day, we're all mostly open-minded adults that dont really dislike the idea of talking it out if we want to keep our little piece of internet chuuba shitposting. I still think that even in spite of many things, this forum and the previous vtuber thread in KF was more civil than most, even leddit or 4chan.With individual threads, multiple parallel lines of discussion are enabled simultaneously. People can discuss the positive aspects of Nijisanji in the Nijisanji thread and the negative aspects in the L thread. People who do not want to focus on the entirely negative things have their own space to post, and so do those with the opposite motive. This has been done on the Farms as well, after people proved they couldn't get along with each other.
It has been my experience both as an observer to forum altercations and someone who has had to deal with them as an administrator that it is a rarity for users to request arbitration in potential conflicts of this nature. Usually an argument or dispute goes on for multiple pages until other users get fed up and report it, or one side or the other feels they need to invoke moderator support to make the opposition go away.
Alternatively, there is an attitude that requesting staff assistance is somehow 'losing the fight' or 'admitting defeat', so users actively avoid bringing them into a situation. Very often, users are willing to admit there's a problem and even lament in private that nobody is stepping in, but do not want to be see as the 'tattletales' who actually invoked a superior authority. This is especially true on a forum like this, where I advocate so strongly for free speech and open discourse; staff action is innately deemed 'censorship'.
As a result of all this, various topics are simply not brought up after a while, because different users have differing levels of tolerance for opposing viewpoints. People like @MerelyTourist are completely immune to opposing viewpoints. You can call him a femboy a million times and he'll always come back for more. On the other hand, users who genuinely want a good discourse and are willing to engage in a mutually productive discussion can be filtered just by random people doing a drive-by post that results in half a page of sperging, leaving them totally sour to the idea of trying again.
Im somewhat lost on this, why would you expresss your dislike for a 5% dominating the autism of the rest, and then make changes to the community that facilitate internal autismo groups and potential for retards thinking too deep about individual taste? I think that reading of our current community is not really that on point especially with thisAllow me to talk a bit about my past. As you may know, I used to be an active TTRPG player. My first exposure to the rainbow retard brigade came when a community I used to use a lot was infiltrated by them and they began taking over. What really 'radicalized' me against their agenda was their total inability to tolerate any kind of dissent or contrarian opinions, even when said opinions weren't expressed in their presence. In particular there was one, entirely optional section of the community that was mostly used to discuss real-world events. The conversations were nuanced and fairly light-hearted, until these people started reporting them.
This section was maybe 5% of the overall traffic in the community, and fewer than 20% of the members even used it. Viewing it was optional, to the point you wouldn't even know it existed unless you went through a particular set of channels. But to the RRB, this place was a source of dreadful, dark poison that needed to be eradicated at any cost. They made it their mission to go there and carefully document every single 'problematic' post or other detail they thought needed to go, and then used it to bully the community leaders into breaking up that section. It was the death of the community, and an event that was instrumental in formulating my dedication to free speech.
Why do I bring this up, exactly? It's because it has informed my attitude towards segmented communities ever since. I do not agree with the idea that everyone has the right to criticize and judge what happens in another section of the community unless it is directly affecting their own section in some way. Although the particular incident that inspired this attitude involved progressives, I have seen it happen in communities of every spectrum. The pattern is always the same; members of one section purposefully hate-read or critically analyse another section of the community which they have every option to ignore, and allow their discontent to grow until they are willing to disrupt other areas of the community in an attempt to get their targets removed, censored or otherwise disciplined. I would go so far as to say that I have never directly witnessed a sub-section of a community accused of being a hugbox actively be responsible for the decay of the surrounding larger community, except via the actions of other users who decided never to let those accusations die.
The vtubing community is not that fractured or insular just yet, even with each person having niches (i.e twitch, micro corpo, Holo, Niji, etc) there is still a unifying factor that keeps people in the same boat, or collabs that very directly bring those two niches together in unorthodox ways, its such a wierd read on the general vtubing community that seems very biased on what you believe in, atleast if my reading of you having this bias affect your judgement on wanting better split up discussion is correct.Why do I bring this up, exactly? It's because it has informed my attitude towards segmented communities ever since. I do not agree with the idea that everyone has the right to criticize and judge what happens in another section of the community unless it is directly affecting their own section in some way.
Why do people care about hugboxes? because like i said, the community is not a bubble, there are still large overalps in tastes, people, fandoms etc. Even if some are too retarded to see it, its still a universal truth because people (as in, the people we discuss, i.e vtubers) are more nuanced or even somewhat unaffected by retards on the internet, as we see with people bitching that Holo still collabs with Niji or Vshojo every once in a while. Ive said it multiple times and even if its on deaf ears. Many vtubers dont actually care for half the shit people sperg about in a tribalistic matters, and i think there are plenty of examples of fandoms that dont get along when the actual targets of their following are actually pretty cordial and understanding, and vice versa, but that is more complicated and subject to woman moments.My own stance, meanwhile, is simple; if people aren't trying to force you to engage with them, leave them alone. Exceptions are only potentially valid when it involves deliberate gayops, in which case self-defence is justifiable. Maybe they will become a hugbox that tolerates zero criticism of the thing they love, but why do you have to care? I'm not trying to claim that there is never, ever a case where a hugbox ought to be broken up or otherwise disrupted, but cases are exceedingly rare. Such cases should be handled by the staff, who have the power to lay down decisions that cannot be questioned by users. Users are never more than equals; they can just be ignored and dismissed. No matter how determined or dedicated one user is to dissuade another user from a course of behaviour, they are never more than one press of the Ignore button away from being rendered irrelevant.
I tested in other 2 AI and they skip that part like the plague i need a expert on AI to see what the code does when it reach that partThe AI once it gets to "Allow me to talk a bit about my past."
View attachment 92837
They know it was irrelevant. AI has truly progressed.I tested in other 2 AI and they skip that part like the plague i need a expert on AI to see what the code does when it reach that part
it's not about "admitting defeat" it's nether side actually cares and is just pissing into the wind for their own amusement. We are not children just retarded how do you not know this you came from the farms correct?With individual threads, multiple parallel lines of discussion are enabled simultaneously. People can discuss the positive aspects of Nijisanji in the Nijisanji thread and the negative aspects in the L thread. People who do not want to focus on the entirely negative things have their own space to post, and so do those with the opposite motive. This has been done on the Farms as well, after people proved they couldn't get along with each other.
It has been my experience both as an observer to forum altercations and someone who has had to deal with them as an administrator that it is a rarity for users to request arbitration in potential conflicts of this nature. Usually an argument or dispute goes on for multiple pages until other users get fed up and report it, or one side or the other feels they need to invoke moderator support to make the opposition go away.
Alternatively, there is an attitude that requesting staff assistance is somehow 'losing the fight' or 'admitting defeat', so users actively avoid bringing them into a situation. Very often, users are willing to admit there's a problem and even lament in private that nobody is stepping in, but do not want to be see as the 'tattletales' who actually invoked a superior authority. This is especially true on a forum like this, where I advocate so strongly for free speech and open discourse; staff action is innately deemed 'censorship'.
As a result of all this, various topics are simply not brought up after a while, because different users have differing levels of tolerance for opposing viewpoints. People like @MerelyTourist are completely immune to opposing viewpoints. You can call him a femboy a million times and he'll always come back for more. On the other hand, users who genuinely want a good discourse and are willing to engage in a mutually productive discussion can be filtered just by random people doing a drive-by post that results in half a page of sperging, leaving them totally sour to the idea of trying again.
Allow me to talk a bit about my past. As you may know, I used to be an active TTRPG player. My first exposure to the rainbow retard brigade came when a community I used to use a lot was infiltrated by them and they began taking over. What really 'radicalized' me against their agenda was their total inability to tolerate any kind of dissent or contrarian opinions, even when said opinions weren't expressed in their presence. In particular there was one, entirely optional section of the community that was mostly used to discuss real-world events. The conversations were nuanced and fairly light-hearted, until these people started reporting them.
This section was maybe 5% of the overall traffic in the community, and fewer than 20% of the members even used it. Viewing it was optional, to the point you wouldn't even know it existed unless you went through a particular set of channels. But to the RRB, this place was a source of dreadful, dark poison that needed to be eradicated at any cost. They made it their mission to go there and carefully document every single 'problematic' post or other detail they thought needed to go, and then used it to bully the community leaders into breaking up that section. It was the death of the community, and an event that was instrumental in formulating my dedication to free speech.
Why do I bring this up, exactly? It's because it has informed my attitude towards segmented communities ever since. I do not agree with the idea that everyone has the right to criticize and judge what happens in another section of the community unless it is directly affecting their own section in some way. Although the particular incident that inspired this attitude involved progressives, I have seen it happen in communities of every spectrum. The pattern is always the same; members of one section purposefully hate-read or critically analyse another section of the community which they have every option to ignore, and allow their discontent to grow until they are willing to disrupt other areas of the community in an attempt to get their targets removed, censored or otherwise disciplined. I would go so far as to say that I have never directly witnessed a sub-section of a community accused of being a hugbox actively be responsible for the decay of the surrounding larger community, except via the actions of other users who decided never to let those accusations die.
My own stance, meanwhile, is simple; if people aren't trying to force you to engage with them, leave them alone. Exceptions are only potentially valid when it involves deliberate gayops, in which case self-defence is justifiable. Maybe they will become a hugbox that tolerates zero criticism of the thing they love, but why do you have to care? I'm not trying to claim that there is never, ever a case where a hugbox ought to be broken up or otherwise disrupted, but cases are exceedingly rare. Such cases should be handled by the staff, who have the power to lay down decisions that cannot be questioned by users. Users are never more than equals; they can just be ignored and dismissed. No matter how determined or dedicated one user is to dissuade another user from a course of behaviour, they are never more than one press of the Ignore button away from being rendered irrelevant.
I appreciate the support. I do try and make things informative and useful. I think people have been more receptive to my information recently, which is nice to observe. I've tried my best to confine things to objective facts and not subjective commentary on things I can't dig deeper into.
Merging all of the corpo threads would be going back to the status quo so yes that's what everyone wants.If people dont care about hugboxes then you guys dont mind merging all the corpos in a single thread so you nijikeks, holobronies and phasesexuals have to deal with each other, maybe make up and lose your v cards in there, Indies get relegated to general because lets be real no indie need their own thread, Ligmas we barely talk about them so they can go in general i guess
Any request of a lewdtuber threadwill be considerated when i take controlwill be rejected, this is not simp city
any other suggestions put it on the box
View attachment 92838
lewdtuber thread already existsAny request of a lewdtuber threadwill be considerated when i take controlwill be rejected, this is not simp city
Why do retarded shit like an indie/corpo split when the old way just worked? How many more times does "nobody sees indies getting shilled or talked about in a dead thread" have to be repeated before it enters a skull and doesn't immediately exit the other side?If people dont care about hugboxes then you guys dont mind merging all the corpos in a single thread so you nijikeks, holobronies and phasesexuals have to deal with each other, maybe make up and lose your v cards in there, Indies get relegated to general because lets be real no indie need their own thread, Ligmas we barely talk about them so they can go in general i guess
Actual lewdtuber thread, thats vanilla we need the hard degenerate shit, the womans using plastic chainsaws and shitlewdtuber thread already exists
Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone
Recently there has been an uptick in the amount of degeneracy in the main thread. Therefore, I am creating this thread as a containment zone for it. This does not mean you can unleash your degeneracy here, it just means that I'm moving the more extreme and explicit kinds of material that
We got 1 vote to put all the corposimps in a containment zone who elseMerging all of the corpo threads would be going back to the status quo so yes that's what everyone wants.
I do think this place is a little biased with corpos but what about pinning the 3 threads so it has more visibility? General, corpo and indies first thing you see when you get into the REC room so there is no "dead" threadsWhy do retarded shit like an indie/corpo split when the old way just worked? How many more times does "nobody sees indies getting shilled or talked about in a dead thread" have to be repeated before it enters a skull and doesn't immediately exit the other side?
Smartest Vuvuzuelan proposing what everyone has been proposing for the last 3 pagesIf people dont care about hugboxes then you guys dont mind merging all the corpos in a single thread so you nijikeks, holobronies and phasesexuals have to deal with each other, maybe make up and lose your v cards in there, Indies get relegated to general because lets be real no indie need their own thread, Ligmas we barely talk about them so they can go in general i guess
Any request of a lewdtuber threadwill be considerated when i take controlwill be rejected, this is not simp city
any other suggestions put it on the box
View attachment 92838
With individual threads, multiple parallel lines of discussion are enabled simultaneously. People can discuss the positive aspects of Nijisanji in the Nijisanji thread and the negative aspects in the L thread. People who do not want to focus on the entirely negative things have their own space to post, and so do those with the opposite motive. This has been done on the Farms as well, after people proved they couldn't get along with each other.
It has been my experience both as an observer to forum altercations and someone who has had to deal with them as an administrator that it is a rarity for users to request arbitration in potential conflicts of this nature. Usually an argument or dispute goes on for multiple pages until other users get fed up and report it, or one side or the other feels they need to invoke moderator support to make the opposition go away.
Alternatively, there is an attitude that requesting staff assistance is somehow 'losing the fight' or 'admitting defeat', so users actively avoid bringing them into a situation. Very often, users are willing to admit there's a problem and even lament in private that nobody is stepping in, but do not want to be see as the 'tattletales' who actually invoked a superior authority. This is especially true on a forum like this, where I advocate so strongly for free speech and open discourse; staff action is innately deemed 'censorship'.
As a result of all this, various topics are simply not brought up after a while, because different users have differing levels of tolerance for opposing viewpoints. People like @MerelyTourist are completely immune to opposing viewpoints. You can call him a femboy a million times and he'll always come back for more. On the other hand, users who genuinely want a good discourse and are willing to engage in a mutually productive discussion can be filtered just by random people doing a drive-by post that results in half a page of sperging, leaving them totally sour to the idea of trying again.
Allow me to talk a bit about my past. As you may know, I used to be an active TTRPG player. My first exposure to the rainbow retard brigade came when a community I used to use a lot was infiltrated by them and they began taking over. What really 'radicalized' me against their agenda was their total inability to tolerate any kind of dissent or contrarian opinions, even when said opinions weren't expressed in their presence. In particular there was one, entirely optional section of the community that was mostly used to discuss real-world events. The conversations were nuanced and fairly light-hearted, until these people started reporting them.
This section was maybe 5% of the overall traffic in the community, and fewer than 20% of the members even used it. Viewing it was optional, to the point you wouldn't even know it existed unless you went through a particular set of channels. But to the RRB, this place was a source of dreadful, dark poison that needed to be eradicated at any cost. They made it their mission to go there and carefully document every single 'problematic' post or other detail they thought needed to go, and then used it to bully the community leaders into breaking up that section. It was the death of the community, and an event that was instrumental in formulating my dedication to free speech.
Why do I bring this up, exactly? It's because it has informed my attitude towards segmented communities ever since. I do not agree with the idea that everyone has the right to criticize and judge what happens in another section of the community unless it is directly affecting their own section in some way. Although the particular incident that inspired this attitude involved progressives, I have seen it happen in communities of every spectrum. The pattern is always the same; members of one section purposefully hate-read or critically analyse another section of the community which they have every option to ignore, and allow their discontent to grow until they are willing to disrupt other areas of the community in an attempt to get their targets removed, censored or otherwise disciplined. I would go so far as to say that I have never directly witnessed a sub-section of a community accused of being a hugbox actively be responsible for the decay of the surrounding larger community, except via the actions of other users who decided never to let those accusations die.
My own stance, meanwhile, is simple; if people aren't trying to force you to engage with them, leave them alone. Exceptions are only potentially valid when it involves deliberate gayops, in which case self-defence is justifiable. Maybe they will become a hugbox that tolerates zero criticism of the thing they love, but why do you have to care? I'm not trying to claim that there is never, ever a case where a hugbox ought to be broken up or otherwise disrupted, but cases are exceedingly rare. Such cases should be handled by the staff, who have the power to lay down decisions that cannot be questioned by users. Users are never more than equals; they can just be ignored and dismissed. No matter how determined or dedicated one user is to dissuade another user from a course of behaviour, they are never more than one press of the Ignore button away from being rendered irrelevant.
I appreciate the support. I do try and make things informative and useful. I think people have been more receptive to my information recently, which is nice to observe. I've tried my best to confine things to objective facts and not subjective commentary on things I can't dig deeper into.
Smartest Vuvuzuelan proposing what everyone has been proposing for the last 3 pages
Maybe you should look at the forum sometimes rather than just taking whatever Proctor tells you in the discord at face value.I had the weird notion that all you corpo homos hated each other, im surprised that stupidity i pulled out of my ass in 30 seconds is what people want
Dude the discord exist because i kicked him in the nuts, dont think for a second im his lapdogMaybe you should look at the forum sometimes rather than just taking whatever Proctor tells you in the discord at face value.
Reading Comprehension 0im surprised that stupidity i pulled out of my ass in 30 seconds is what people want