"I have zero sympathy, I have absolutely no sympathy for women who don't know their place, you just make us all look stupid, thanks Sirens, we all look dumb now because of you!"Kaneko Lumi

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  1. Tamavitch

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    Today, a paisen learned what OSHI really means rather than "favorite" or "somebody I like". Godspeed.
  2. Tamavitch

    Minato Aqua Graduation Doomposting Thread

    >over forever
  3. Tamavitch

    EvilToaster's Escapades - Sexpest vtuber Ambassador with a 57-page Google Doc

    He's just like me fr fr. Except I'd never paint nails or anything else and leave a lumpy ass finish like that, goddamn. Maybe he's not really a sex pest but he is certainly the regular kind of pest.
  4. Tamavitch

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    Proctor is the Kiara cosplayer. He admitted it on the Discord. Why would I just make shit up? He really said it.
  5. Tamavitch

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    I just meant the idea of paying him royalties, a joke which then reminded me that Null-sama tried to help Chris by monetizing his tism. How many Nolan-related icons and stickers would Proctor need to sell to set Nolan up in a home?:smugpipi:
  6. Tamavitch

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    Somebody should ask Merryweather if he remembers that time he told Pippa that she should just become a total soycuck and sell out her beliefs and personality to fit in. :)
  7. Tamavitch

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Nolan really is THE target, iconic Harris voter. I don't want his loopy ass back here at all, but sometimes I do feel like it's only fair that he gets royalties for how much entertainment value he brings via this site. Like a penny each time someone uses The Reaction Formerly Known As Certified...
  8. Tamavitch

    Vidya Games Thread

    When the golden times come and soycucks are being put into rooms with a single bare light bulb and a drain on the floor, we'll be looking for "people" who have paid money for video games in the last 5 years. Right alongside the pedos and other communists. Why the fuck are you giving these...
  9. Tamavitch

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    ???💲🍎🍐🍇 Proctor has one and only one job at this con and that is to ask this question.
  10. Tamavitch

    Vexpo - Offkai with Fish & Chips and hopefully fewer scandals.

    Donathon so Proctussy can get himself a stab proof vest? Yes that's really a thing.
  11. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Point of order: he is right to seethe. They Disney Star Wars'd his shit. On one hand he can dry his tears on his piles of cash. OTOH his legacy has been raped by white slavers who shot the golden goose he created right in its head. Imagine taking the story that had characters like the Hound and...
  12. Tamavitch


    Yes. He is. And it is in fact possible to ignore him.
  13. Tamavitch


    And? She knows full well, as do you, that there is no "fighting back" against dogshit like this. Facts and logic, evidence etc. are irrelevant and always will be. Unless she's talking to a lawyer, which might not be a bad idea, then this is all for nothing and is just feeding them. Like it or...
  14. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Uhhhhhh....everybody is a gooner in Phase except Airi (no time due to work and driving like it's a Mad Max chase scene) and Tenma (would, but no time either). Oh and Remi cause no privacy.
  15. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Welcome to your first day with vtubers, new kid.
  16. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I can't believe Gamma impregnated Gura. Holy shit.
  17. Tamavitch


    The correct answer, which it's now too late to choose, was STOP GIVING THESE HIGH SCHOOL SUBHUMAN FEMBOY NOBODIES THE ATTENTION THEY NEED TO EXIST. They are imaginary. They cannot touch or effect anyone, anywhere, ever. And they disappear the second you open your eyes. This means you, Foxu. Stop...
  18. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Heh remember how that tried to be a thing, then Fillian, the "idiot", just totally ignored the whole fucking thing and sure enough to just petered out instantly and had 0 effect at all? Every chuuba needs to learn that lesson. Getting gangbanged by twatter is voluntary and you have to...
  19. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Wemi is a treasure. That's it, that's the whole post.
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