@Furious George you mentioned Lia has some troubles, do you mind elaborating on them? I enjoy her streams but I know she's got some identity struggles right now.
e- not sure how to crosspost properly from mobile so for those wondering it's from the Clara thread.
IIRC it was about her getting diagnosed with autism and it hitting her pretty hard no?
Btw second this question
@Furious George
2am Valium effort post time.
The autism is only part of her problems. She has major anxiety issues as well as some other medical problems, one of which is a heart condition. She has burnt through a number of therapists and is supposed to avoid alcohol, ostensibly because of the medication she is on however I suspect its also because she can go overboard with the drinking. She has deleted vods where Tenma has had to come in and shut it down.
She has also recently told us that she has been diagnosed with problems with her vocal cords.
Her main problem, apart from severe mental illness, is that she doesn't know what she wants to be or how to get there. As a result, she is constantly changing her plans and struggles to follow through with what she wants to achieve. She was supposed to move to Japan for school but this is no longer happening, probably due to anxiety about being away for so long from her support network.
Outside of her comfort zone Lia is a people pleaser & doesn't want to publicly upset anybody. Always positive when trying to network on social media & presumably behind the scenes. It's not like she doesn't socialise or have friends or is a complete shut in, but it just seems like she is spending more & more time in FF rather than working, touching grass or trying to get healthy so now she is in a self defeating loop.
When Sakana hired her, she was supposed to be the face of phase 1 and I think it weighs on her that she was not as successful initially as the other girls. Personally, I think it is a lot to put on someone as young as her with no streaming experience.
The channel strike really hit her hard and now she polices herself so hard that when she does occasionally yab I worry that she is going to have a mental breakdown. As far as the chat dynamic goes, she said she wants a more positive chat experience & that sometimes the banter goes too far. I'm not sure how that is supposed to work when I have heard her threaten to sneak a hose into a chatter's bedroom and fill it with CO2 while they sleep, or call for an orbital strike to crush chat members homes, and calls them fucktards, morons & idiots. I honestly have absolutely no idea what she wants from us.
So now, she is at a bit of a crossroads with what she wants to do with her content. She wants to work on the idol path and looks at Mint as an inspiration but deep down I think she knows that probably isn't on the cards. She will really need to work hard on her singing but her dancing is probably the best in Phase that I have seen. I believe she can be a great streamer in her own right however modelling herself on someone like Mint just isn't her.
How this relates back to the Clara situation. I think that Lia is smart enough to know that she doesn't actually know enough to have any concrete opinions, which makes her a lot smarter than Clara. That's not to say she doesn't hold loose liberal views, after all she comes from a mixed Californian family with a father who works in the faculty and has been practically raised in the Tumblr milieu.
IF the Clara situation went Chimpcon 1, I don't think Lia would handle it very well at all. She needs to be kept right away from that bullshit so Sakana better be on top if it.