I don't have any experience with Neal fuckery, but how is it claimed before they even know what is sounds like?
The video is uploaded already and available internally, likely unlisted, until a given day when it's set to go live. Good for review purposes so you have a time buffer to address any kind of issues the video may have that would need to be adjusted with the internal tools/reupload. Gives them time to make the changes so that the video isn't hit say 3-4 hours after going up during a period which is most important for subscriber access and initial growth and they can deal with things like possible copyright issues and such, which is where this gets a little confusing since if the only people that should know about the video are her and the other people that helped make it, who is behind this company making the claim? That's a part of the system I don't know since I've never had to deal with it yet.
Idk bro I have been injecting cocaine directly into my endocrine system since I was a pre-schooler and I turned out fine.
You post on TVA and have the audacity to claim this.
Putting on an OL outfit seems to buff females considerably. Literally so, in Bae's case.![]()
Bae's always been stacked, the cinched waist from the skirt with the angle just really accentuates it.
This causes me pain because I am critically addicted to redheads and women in businesswear.