"I want to be realistic".
Outside is where the problems are, and fixing those is harrrrrrd. I wanna bitch on the internet and pretend like issues that aren't actually issues are a vicious battle I'm leading a charge in! On top of that, speaking of issues that aren't real muh repruhsentayyyshin and diverrrsiteeeee, we need WAY MORE of *insert group of people that are like 0.00003% of the population of humanity since creation* These people need free rope hand outs is what they need.
Speaking of retards: Holy shit that members stuff from Jurard is a top contender. Obviously Unicorns are laughably pathetic but part of why that stays true is they're typically stuck in their own little shit hole jerking each other off. You have now gone out of the way to give these assclowns an excuse to unite then show up and start shit instead of just impotently crying on twitter/reddit etc. On top of that, let's assume this does gain traction and you've fucked up enough Cover has to reprimand you for antagonizing people. Congrats, you have now let them get a win AND shown a way to cause problems for literally everyone. All because you have to be a big mouth moron instead of just letting people do what they do.
You know what happens if you don't even mention all the derp tweets calling you brave and shit? Nothing. You quietly move on, the girls quietly continue doing their thing as well, and everybody else also moves on except the seething terminal online. Now it's getting out there that you will actively cause problems for the entire company because you get a giggle out of it and "no publicity is bad publicity." Regardless of if that's how you meant it, that's exactly what it sounds like and I can't blame anyone for taking it that way, or for rightfully calling you a dumbass for it.
On top of that, the whole "Haha teehee I work with them so I'm closer to them ELOHELOHEL" is arguably the dumbest shit you could say. You legitimately sound like you're so asshurt you're grasping to say anything to get back at those meany heads. And again, that drags everyone else into some gay ass drama you're trying to create to their detriment. If they don't interact with someone in public, regardless of the reason, why the fuck would you run out there and basically imply you're some level of close to them or whatever? Nice job painting targets on them for no reason. Oh I guess I should be fair, the "reason" was that you thought it would give you some giggles. What a dumbass.