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General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Sakana tries to roll a Marine

Keeps rolling Rushias

Pretty awesome I always had the hots for Rushia more anyway

Your argument is invalid because you are more Whorish than @Sankisei who at least loyal and stick to Rushia :dokiSmug:

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Your argument is invalid because you are more Whorish than @Sankisei who at least loyal and stick to Rushia :dokiSmug:
hey! I'll have you know that both of the chicks I simp for are Rushia types! Why not keep a backup in case one dies, you know because they are Rushia types they ain't the most durable

:menhera: :hololove:

Zyklon Mag

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I solve these problems by imagining my oshis lynching minorities and DMV workers while squeeing at how far they've gone as idols:tomagatyou:


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This discussion is pointless as Pippa Oshis Watame and Sakana literally says he wants his own Marine

Hololive Culture victory!


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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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so phase is the twitch thot of vtuber companies? I am pretty sure some of you phaseYamanbas like to shit on twitch thots and similar shit streamers for their low effort react streams, but I guess it's only okay when """based"""connect shits out low effort bottom of the barrel shit. :smugrys:
To be fair when i think about phasefriend on the forum scoots is pretty low on the bar as he does watch a lot more vtubers than just phase. He does seems to watch a shit ton of indie/twitch normie vtubers.
This ^ no hypocrisy here. I tried to find and quote where I talked about it before but search failed me so I'll just say I enjoy watching the creators I enjoy react to interesting stuff and give their takes not shit like XQC staring blankly stealing revenue tho they have to pause and talk about the content most reactions I watch double the length of the video being reacted too


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El Rrata

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Menace of the Asylum
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Oh jesus it seems that I shat up the general yet again!
I don't even watch much Hololive (aside from the Homos), but it's obvious that they don't all have squeaky clean, sanitised streams. Meanwhile, Phase still has plenty of self-censorship despite the edgy reputation. If she joined Phase, she'd still be disappointed.
This. Its always the same narrative. The amount of youtube videos shitting on hololive because of x story in the kpop/jpop culture.

This video of Rima evenstar comes to mind because someome posted here recently.

She keeps talking about the idol culture in the vtuber industry yet almost all her exemples are from kpop or some other shit.

The ‘idol’ aspect of Hololive is kayfabe anyway. It’s just as dumb for anti-idol people to deride it as it is for unicorns to praise it.
Real ‘idol’ business is Hollywood-style degeneracy; rape, pedophilia, abuse, backstabbing, competition between co-workers, etc. Hololive is ‘we sing and dance at least once or twice a year, some more than others’.
Take the fun parts, eliminate the dark and seedy parts, perfect.
"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna say an opinion. And I feel like its gonna be one of those opinions where like everybody holds a gun at me or like is about to stab me. I'm gonna be in a circle of hatred. Ok, I'm gonna say it. I don't like Hololive. I don't know, I don't like hololive. Do you like Edgy shit? Oh yeah I like Pippa. See the thing is I like dark humor, edgy, I like being myself. I don't know, I just feel like SOME of the hololive girls hold themselves back and try to be cutesy. I'm not into cutesy funny. Which is fine."
I was thinking about it earlier and I really do not understand how the western audience has basically fooled themselves into whatever warped image of Holo, small corpos like phase and indies they have.

Holo is not some alien entity separate from the rest of the industry, let's get that out of the way first. I know both Holodrones and people who don't care for Holo who act like it is and I do not get why. Hololive has always had more edgy content specially when relating to sexuality and degeneracy, they were called "erolive" in the early days for this reason and if anything changed it was youtube censoring coomerbait content like ASMR and bikinis.
I see a lot of people claiming that Holo "became safe" but I really do not see the difference, I still see JP clips from this year where Nene and Polka act like creepy old men to scare a VSPO girl. We had Holosummer last year in which the MOST CONTROVERSIAL BIT WAS THE HORNY BAITING SCENE FFS. Do people have goldfish memory now? Or do you just selectively remember what fits your dumbfuck narratives?

On the kayfabe aspect, this is something which I think a lot of people misinterpret or maybe we ran away with the concept when it evolved beyond burly dudes smacking each other in the 80s. The word "kayfabe" seems to make people think that the vtuber has do some perfect character impersonation that never wavers and they always play the fool, that does not exist, idk why people act like that is what is meant when we say "kayfabe".
Let me give you a little hint so you get it... ALL CONTENT CREATORS DO KAYFABE. Yes, all of them do, even the ones who are (((real))), not because they are literally playing a character but because they are not being their actual irl selves, every streamer presents themselves to audiences in a way that is different from the way they speak to their family and friends. That is kayfabe to me, you are hiding your human flaws and more controversial opinions to give a performance that is ABOVE reality, it does not strictly mean being a fucking mime who does not feel because he ain't supposed to. And yes, kayfabe does vary, some people play it up, some people do not, "It's on a spectrum" as Bill Nye once infamously said.

In that regard Holo isn't different from any other corpo except some very casual indies, all of your oshis who take this job seriously WILL change the way they speak, change the way the act and change how they present themselves to appeal to you. Argue all you want but that is A FACT, you do not know these people irl and you never will if they take their job seriously, you are drinking the parasocial juice and you are in love with a persona. This isn't some machiavellian plan either, people naturally change their demeanor to be more appealing, specially in an industry as competitive as this one. They will do anything to stand out and exaggerate their personalities to appear more interesting. I still remember how many of you were so shocked when you saw Pippa's alt blubbering incoherently and acting like a big softie, and no, digging into someone's personal life does not count as "knowing them".

So in this regard, Holo isn't any more "kayfabe" than anyone else, they just really enforce the no touching zone between streamer and audience. Nobody fucking believes the stupid fucking lore, stop attacking that goddamn strawman already. What we mean when we say "Holo does kayfabe" is professionalism and a standardized experience, that's it. Some people just like having content which will always be on the same standard of quality, and I admit, some indies are FUCKING INCREDIBLE, but for every amazing singer there are 100 vtweeters, when you like indies that is your decision to go out and look for the cream of the crop, not everyone likes doing that, whether that is for better or worse I will let you decide.

Idk why some many people want to conflate idols with vtubers. Sure, the two industries share some similarities, but I think it has become an overplayed buzzword that was initially used by nip businessmen like Yagoo to give A POINT OF REFERENCE, not a direct analogy, but I guess nuance has vanished from society completely these days.
The ‘idol’ aspect of Hololive is kayfabe anyway. It’s just as dumb for anti-idol people to deride it as it is for unicorns to praise it.
Real ‘idol’ business is Hollywood-style degeneracy; rape, pedophilia, abuse, backstabbing, competition between co-workers, etc. Hololive is ‘we sing and dance at least once or twice a year, some more than others’.
Take the fun parts, eliminate the dark and seedy parts, perfect.
Aka gets it perfectly right here, the only aspects of Holo which separate it from phase or idol or whatever is scale and limits, Holo has bigger scale and stricter limits. That is fucking it. Idk if it's jealousy or contrarian bullcrap, Holo cordoning itself from everyone else or what have you but this treating Holo like something alien to the rest of the industry needs to stop, both from fans and non fans. And yeah, Holo fans are the biggest architects of Holo's own terrible reputation among some people, I will never deny that.

I like Hololive because I don't care who the person behind the avatar and the personality they portray on stream is, I wanna get home and watch some funny shit by people who couldn't ever exist in the real world. And if you scoff at that then I guess you don't like any kind of entertainment except historical or reality TV because guess what: most stories and characters in entertainment ARE FAKE. I know a lot of people came into vtubing to have some "Deeper connection" with their oshi, and those people have sensibly relocated to indieville where there's less competition, I am not one of those people and I HATE that everyone seems to assume or believe that that is the only reason one watches streamers for, as if the entertainment value on its own wasn't enough.

Sticker me as much as you want, I acknowledge not everyone (or anyone) will agree with me but Idc, this is my position, self reflection and industry analysis has only reinforced it. In the end, shitpost if you wanna shitpost, bait if you wanna bait, but let people watch what they wanna fucking watch. If you're gonna give a corpo shit then do it for valid reasons like PROVABLE EVIDENCE of mismanagement or mistreatment, not some retarded headcanon you have and whatever /vt/ told you. Just because someone is a professional and has to show less of themselves doesn't mean they have it worse than you because you get to decide HOW MUCH you want to show that Tuesday, it does not mean they are under some vile serf style servitude scheme, that is their fucking job and if they didn't like how much money it makes them then they would've quit long ago.
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The Proctor

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I sent this to Vexpo.


El Rrata

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Anyway, Ollie got landlorded. Landlord HATE.


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Zyklon Mag

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Anime Fan

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Lurker McSpic

We need to increase the hag population
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El Rrata

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foto_no_exif - 2024-06-06T230201.676.jpg
Advent is getting omocat merch.


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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View attachment 71245
Advent is getting omocat merch.
Damn, I was hoping for 3D showcase dates.
Omocat merch is pretty dope regardless, I look forward to the designs.

Also whatever happened to Omocat the vtuber? Last I heard she was getting cancelled for being a lolicon? Never seen anything from her after that.

Shuba Saber

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Towa's doing a rare afternoon stream of Ring Fit. She wants to be physically and mentally healthier so she might be doing this a few times a week.

She also got to 1.4 million yesterday after a guerilla karaoke stream :pomuLove:


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menhera addicted sister
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Why Phase doesn't? They are ran by one autist, they are lucky where they are at, they don't really know what they are doing.
I think this discussion is stupid but for clarity reasons: Hololive was a fucking dogshit company at the start, and they had the "backing" of a "tech smart team" focused on "virtual reality" that translates to: they were some code monkeys figuring out how to make fire with some branches and then decided to expand laterally to the entertainment business.
The first 2 years of Hololive as a vtuber agency were shit, we are not short of stories of the girls close to jumping out of the ship, but they prevailed because Yagoo convinced them and he has shown the potential with his actions.
Sakana on the other hand is still on the way to his fourth year and he started by himself, without a team. He learned from that horrendous first year and hired staff, and continues to expand the backstage while looking out for new talents. He dodged almost all yabs perfectly and the ones that exploded on his face, he addressed them, even with the menhera attacks behind the curtains.
He is extremely lucky, we cannot deny that :gloomiLaugh: but he is also trying to make it right by everyone involved, akin to Yagoo. It is not coincidence Phase grew to their position today, and if other corpos keep imploding and stirring shit, there will be no competition besides breaking into the JP market.
She might've been born there but from her videos it looked like she lived in either canada or america. She's just another latinx.
She's definitely upper middle class. From what I've gathered and lurked, her family struggled a bit, but it was "rich people's struggle" of losing everything during the switch to a new coin in the 90s and everyone lost their money, but kept their assets. Her portuguese is clean, but a bit too eloquent.
View attachment 71245
Advent is getting omocat merch.
People talked so much shit about her for being a shotacon and she's still on the list. I can't wait to see the amount of coping, seething and dilating from the vermintide.
It's just a drawing bro. :amepopcorn:
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