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Actually come to think of it I don't think you'll find any Holo reviewing police footage or sovereign citizen stuff or just general unhinged react content
React content generally gets copystriked on youtube (no idea how twitch gets away with it), and as we see with Phase they get hit all the time. For some reason Pippa and Airi just don't care.
The question was how the company content guidelines differ not what YouTube allows and your opinion on said content has no bearing on the question either
I LIKE Holo and Phase and I get what she was trying to say and nothing she said is wrong she's obviously aware it's only some of the girls she said so but clearly she never came across the the one or few that would scratch her edgy itch
Even the Japanese idol industry isn't all black, otherwise you would not have ex-idols like Mint, Keeki, etc. still being obsessed with it when they literally lived it. Seems like there are better ones than others, just like with Phase and Holo being on the opposite side of black small corpos and Nijisanji.
Hello! Project, Kiara's favorite, is very much the Hololive of Japanese idols. They're "the good one." They had their beloved father figure (Tsunku) and still support all their aged out/retired/married/etc. idols with a secondary company. Some have been with them over 25 years.
So let's straight up put the question out there: what is the difference between Hololive and Phase Connect in terms of content and what the creators do? Hololive obviously requires game permissions while Phase does not, but what other differences do people think exist between the two, in terms of their talents and what they can do on regular streams?
The main one is swearing and more edgy jokes. Holos can be edgy but they don't really poke the retards on twitter, the phase girls have said plenty of shit that have gotten trannoids mad. Phase does more content involving their community for better or for worse and fishman isn't as anal about the girls messing with their models because of brand.
But because I'm under contract I must say the following: Holo sucks dick and it's for normies and fags. Phase is for true G's
The question was how the company content guidelines differ not what YouTube allows and your opinion on said content has no bearing on the question either
The question was how the company content guidelines differ not what YouTube allows and your opinion on said content has no bearing on the question either
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Hololive does have company guidelines about that content. But it's also viable that a lot of the talents... just don't want to do it. Because it sucks and just draws Youtube's ire anyway.
Holobros. The commander of the holospics battalion @Nenélove is not responding. I repeat, the commander of the holospics battalion @Nenélove is not responding to our signals. The south has fallen against Pippakistan WE MUST RETREAT!!!
Holobros. The commander of the holospics battalion @Nenélove is not responding. I repeat, the commander of the holospics battalion @Nenélove is not responding to our signals. The south has fallen against Pippakistan WE MUST RETREAT!!!
They also don't seem to be too worried about having to private streams. A big motivation for following YT guidelines for Cover seems to be to keep VODs available. Even then, you have people like Axel McNoMonetization who seems to love getting his VODs obliterated with no real kickback from management.
so phase is the twitch thot of vtuber companies? I am pretty sure some of you phaseYamanbas like to shit on twitch thots and similar shit streamers for their low effort react streams, but I guess it's only okay when """based"""connect shits out low effort bottom of the barrel shit.
React content generally gets copystriked on youtube (no idea how twitch gets away with it), and as we see with Phase they get hit all the time. For some reason Pippa and Airi just don't care.
Slight correction to this, the auto detect bot that hits mid-stream is not a copyright strike and doesn't effect your account negatively it's just annoying as all fuck. Far as I know well Airi has been hit by these she has not actually gotten a proper copyright strike. Pippa on the other hand......
so phase is the twitch thot of vtuber companies? I am pretty sure some of you phaseYamanbas like to shit on twitch thots and similar shit streamers for their low effort react streams, but I guess it's only okay when """based"""connect shits out low effort bottom of the barrel shit.
To be fair when i think about phasefriend on the forum scoots is pretty low on the bar as he does watch a lot more vtubers than just phase. He does seems to watch a shit ton of indie/twitch normie vtubers.
Biboo once sent a man to the hospital live on stream once and laughed at it. Absolutely no remorse. Nobody in Phase is edgy enough to have done that before. Checkmate Holohaters.
I have no comment on the video in question because I didn't watch it, nor do I care to. As a big Phasefag, I also really love Hololive. I may be a fan of edgy humor, but I don't limit myself to just that. I'll laugh at edgy jokes from Pippa and Lumi just as much as I'll laugh at Pekora and Aqua trolling others or Miko having pon moments. And I'm in no way unique to this.
I honestly don't even get why this conversation is persisting this hard.
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