Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo
ⓘ INF: Highly informative
post | Chinese Discord people found out TVA because of Nolan
post | Most of them are apparently Taiwanese
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☆ HST | Bettel with a Dark Souls speedrun
post | Maybe Sayu can join Hexa's friend group, Hikkimoshi

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◷ NIJ | Mysta's PL is taking care of Mysta's fan
post | NijisanjiEN's latest wave is about to debut
post | NijiEN collab with NBA is announced, a lot of discussion on NBA in China follows
post | Rosemi, a huge LeBron James fan and a veteran NijiEN liver, is not included into the collab
post | NBA is a CCP tool, wiki page with controversies
post | Kotoka is grinding Valorant, according to Aia
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Ᵽ PHC | Lumi's UV allergy discussion continues
post | Kiri Kilovolt interviews Clara Kaminari
post | MariMari_EN with a cover of Pippa the Ripper
post | Muyu's test of hotel wi-fi bring rough results. At least she feels less stressed now that she is away from shitty family members
post | Question - How does Muyu is able to keep up with the character kayfabe?
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▷ HLO | Yagoo gave an interview to AnimeCorner
post | Gura plays Subnautica. Apparently she played DLC for this game 2 years ago?
post | Ollie gets a 3.0 model
post | Kaela plays Harvest Moon 64, discussion on her age
post | LaPlus 3D birthday
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ⓘ INF | Day 1 of Holo Gamers event
post | Someone is selling unauthorized art on YahooJP, request for reports
post | Namii is trying to save his house, releases a Holo fanbook
Kronii and AI "artist" situation
post | Kronii is being polite to AI "artist" (@uracate), who flips shit and acts offended
post | That AI dude is a known malicious actor, impersonating a proper artist and sending death threats via email
post | People guide him to Iofi, who usually is much less polite with AI bros
post | Uracate brings up Coco in some shitty false equivalence
post | One of Roboco's admins/translators Boxi was also a victim of an impersonation, can cause quite the stirr for newfriends
post | Discussion on AI art continues for a while
post | Question - Will you still be watching vtubers in 26 years?
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₪ IDL | Taiga is celebrating Memberships opening
post | About Taiga being a standout
post | About her genmates
post | Dokibird was invited to join Rust: Kingdoms server. Also Doki's AnimeNorth success in comparison to a certified Niji L
post | About Numi's appeal as a streamer
post | Her dad witnessed a giant barrel of lube getting delivered to her garage
post | 774inc's Shisui Kiki is getting a new look before graduation
post | Clip - RPR and dtto. argue in JP while Doki dies of laughter
post | Later - rpr, Doki and dtto are in the Apex Kleos Invitational
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◷ NIJ | Report on how clips from Enna's recent Diego/PrettyPatterns collab were deliberately out of context
Bonnivier Graduates, Return to Indie
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◷ NIJ | Graduation - Bonnivier Pranaja from ex NijiID
post | 10Jin/TenJin (ex Niji Bobon) streams Apex with a couple of buddies
post | Dokibird appeared in chat
post | Screenshots
post | Later - Doki is going to collab with Tenjin, Apex Legends
post | Debut - Illustrator and singer Jii debuts her VTuber model
post | Debut - RK Music debuts 3 new talents, KMNZ debuts 2 new members. Also more info on Voice-Ore's closure
Caramel Idol Nyaru is Redebuting
post | Nyaruchuu is worried about her redebut
post | Nyaru's 2.0 Redebut stream. Discussion on possible Gura's chumbuds overlap
post | Some vtubers are doing watchalongs
post | Nyaru is very happy with the redebut
post | She is very grateful to everyone
post | Later - Nyaru shows from where her viewers came to her redebut
post | New Randon merch, a bag that "fits 10 fullsized cans of spam"
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₪ IDL | Rin's PC is dead, she is streaming on DS
post | Debut - PixelLink's 2nd Gen, PixelChronicle
post | And the last one to debut, Daiya
post | Hexa with a watchalong
post | Recommendation - Daiya Fortuna. Apparently Selen's mama worked on her
post | Later - More Daiya lore
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◷ NIJ | Rrat - If Elira gets a new costume by different artist we could assume that Selen's art mama refused to work for Niji
post | Elira and art mama interact a lot on Twitter though
post | A rare Mister Metokur stream, talking about Rekieta situation
post | Clip - Jim is a fan of Kirsche, gives advice to all vtubers out there
Dokibird's Wrestletuber 2024 Event
post | Dokibird's Wrestletuber 2024 Day 1 with a lot of vtubers, both corpo and indie
post | Mint Fantome is in, today is the day rrats die!
post | Clip - Mint’s entrance
post | Discussion on what is a Nijisister
post | Seething starts
post | ...and deleted
post | /vt/ catalogue Doki/Mint spam
post | Bint Bantome blocks people preemptively
post | Bint tries to find something negative to say
post | Bint is not a Doki anti, hates Sayu
post | Actual bait account - Ry (@Lairucremzz)
post | Neat artworks
post | Banned Vtuber Memes with a fucked up Keeki wrestling edit
post | Later - Day 1 results
post | Day 2 starts
post | Doki got Mace (ex-WWE talent) doing commentary
post | Matara showed up
post | U-san suddenly shows up
post | A message from the winner
post | Doki is happy
post | She got to spend sponsor's money on the event, GamerSupps
post | Clips and feelings
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◷ NIJ | Later - So much for insider info on Niji vs Selen
post | Later - Bettel talks about Wrestletuber event and how it all went with Bettel 2
post | Nijisisters seething compilation, /vt/ screenshots
post | Doki's afterparty stream
post | Some notes
post | PSA - Do not sub on mobile on Twitch, as it offloads the cost of the Google Playstore/Apple Appstore to the user
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Ᵽ PHC | Question - Which one of wemi's ASMRs got the youtube strike for sexual content?
post | DanganJelly - high effort shitpost clip by RandomVtuber Edits
post | Muyu is Purin posting on main, the nerve!
post | Rie decimates xynchro on Twitter
post | Kenji showed a Rust character dick
post | Sawa and friends collab, playing the 100% Orange Juice
post | Miori and Tonya offcollab karaoke
NEXAS: The Kick Sweatshop for Vtubers!
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ⓘ INF | Updates on the battle royale corpo Nexas, Noah's legal name was found
post | More info, Noah's friend Nuggett was also found
post | Amiya Aranha is announced for OffKai, panel recording will be uploaded later
post | Her new schedule, cowboy week is on us
post | Drunken Atheist Studio noticed MariMari
post | Recommendation - MarinasuChannel,
brown JP vtubers. Normally they are not gyaru, apparently
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Ⓥ VSJ | Question - Who is the most hated person in Vshojo (except Zen)?
post | On why is Snuffy hated - Finana comparison
post | Kou Mariya from V4Mirai uses a vertical stream format to show her body in a beach episode
post | Onolumi, Super Meche, and Jorunna in a Guild Wars collab
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▷ HLO | Kiara enjoyed the Fallout show, jumps into New Vegas
post | Later - Kiara tangents
post | Mori Calliope wants that RDR2 server
post | Some tidbits from Azki previous announcement
post | Mozumi got noticed by Mint, Metal Gear
post | Grimmi got noticed by Mint, ghost hunting
post | Mint and Grimmi share a clipper, SkyRainpuff
post | Massive Nyana Banyana's 3D concert, Pippa, Hexa, Rima and more
post | Screenshot. Question - How can an indie born from a meme had a better 3d concert than most other small Vtuber companies?
post | Spica is back from Japan
post | Futakuchi Mana got a hater parody account
post | Nazuna is everyone's wife, wants to see everyone overseas on Twitch
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Ⓥ VSJ | Michi was fascinated by Melody CB stream endurance
post | Are V&U buying subs? Maeve of V&U hit 100K but only has around 80 viewers
post | Look at this
post | She has massive shorts
post | Playboard numbers
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☆ HST | 3D showcase for StarsEN Vanguard
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▷ HLO | Speculation on Advent and Regloss's 3D
post | Hexa with a first Anniversary
post | Her tweet with a compilation video
post | Sayu's potential porn discussion continues
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◷ NIJ | Vivi retweeted a batch of fan charms, including her own, Doki, Sayu, Mint and others
post | Scarle with a new outfit reveal
post | Mahjong collab - Rezuul, MariMari, Chromu, Clauvio
post | Sawa's new schedule, including Palworld the musical and Higurashi
post | Luto's recent stream got removed for nudity and sexual content, apparently for voice acting
post | VAllure released their debut teasers
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₪ IDL | Shabel with a hand pic
post | Agawa Ryo drew Coni
post | VSpo's Sendo Yuuhi with a big League of Legends collab, Holo, Niji and indie vtubers
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☆ HST | Hakka throws a gantlet at Holo staff
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▷ HLO | Apparently, Hololive is losing the perms for Wuthering Waves. Chinese haters rrat
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ⓘ INF | Shareholder meeting transcript for Cover's financial results of FY2024/3. Also Ririka got interviewed, and Fubuki's 2020 outfit was updated
post | They're pivoting their growth strategy from a vtuber agency to an IP-focused one
post | Later - They translated the interview with teh CG Production team
post | Mori Calliope is back, with an announcement, new album is coming
post | Her schedule - a lot of collabs
post | About FuwaMoco - possibly going to slow down to focus on Ally&Sally
post | Kronii talks about Poland
post | Notes from the Poland and 11bit Studios talking stream
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Ᵽ PHC | Lumi celebrates invaders 1st Anniversary
post | 3 Minute Theatre video
post | Group cover. Also Ember's stream
post | Dizzy's stream
post | Jelly's stream
post | Recommendation - Chio Chompi from PixelLink, a dinosaur vtuber
Yuko Yurei of Idol Corp is Graduating
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₪ IDL | Graduation - Yuko Yurei. Discussion on GFE, Idol management and more
post | About her donothon rewards - almost all complete
post | On the consequences for Hexa specifically
post | About old Rye swimsuit photo
post | There were a bunch of stuff like that on her Throne
post | Reminder - Idol were working with Legal Mindset to "enhance talent contract"
post | Yuko's 5-day pre-graduation marathon starts
post | Later - Part 2
post | Reminder - Info on Aviel, his gaming channels, his gf GGLadenia / Kattarina Qutie
post | T Burzzyo Parabola Colour (@TRodriguezMastr) with some behind the scenes info
post | Request - A quick rundown on Idol situation
post | Clip - Yuko about going back to Starbucks
post | Back to Rye
post | Aviel was granted money for some kind of VR or Metaverse project before
post | Fatum Ruptor's 3rd Anniversary stream
post | Arisu Oshiro is not Maria Paradisia
post | Sera Kesera's and Ivaela Daemoni's chatting collab
post | Mint being cheeky with The Stanley Parable title
post | The reason for lack of Mint/Doki interaction was apparently their social awkwardness
post | Checks out
post | Local content - Clip - Mint talking about Doki
post | Local content - Murray with more Fallout: New Vegas
post | Khubie is playing OJ with Denpafish, Silvi, and vividlyViVI
post | Sinder with a new model
post | IRIAM US is opening auditions
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Ᵽ PHC | Lia with a secret guest stream. Edit: Rinmouto is the guest
post | Clip - Whole Lia family on stream
post | Tenma mod for Sekiro
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₪ IDL | About Nikki Rei and woodworking
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▷ HLO | Hololive channel with a mystery video
post | Extracted tags for the vid
post | Gen 1 celebration was announced, Princess Party
post | Advent's offcollab in Japan
post | Shiori got interviewed about her creative goals
post | Advent is going to get 3D Live debuts in summer
post | Kaela got 750K subs
post | Reminder - Natsumi Moe did a video on Chris Chan
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Ⓥ VSJ | Michi OniGiri collab
post | Kson claims her weight is 57kg
post | Mikeneko thanks Poland
post | Discussion on Nazuna getting into Vshojo
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◷ NIJ | According to rare watchers, Twisty is very new to streaming
post | Shondo called her bank about her main account
post | Chio Chompi is Rune Bunnura
post | Hexa's OffKai week schedule, VAllure debuts watchalong
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Ᵽ PHC | Hina is getting ready for OffKai
post | Pippa got $1500 in superchats with ominous messages
post | Offtopic - Some guy in Malaysia got married while cosplaying Ultraman Taro
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☆ HST | Bettel with a handcam stream, showing magic kit
post | Sara Nagare with more wrestling content