774inc's Saionji Mary didn't take Kiki's graduation well...
She went a bit longer considering/threatening unbirthing everyone in the company and rebirthing them to turn everyone purple (thinking of starting with light blue Amaui). Mary unbirthing ASMR when?
Kiki herself responded.
Koyori finished FF2 last week and is now starting FF3 Pixel Remaster.
Suou Patra will continue FF8 at 2PM JST.
Re:AcT's Usuwa Suu will sing at 3PM JST with a new room background setup she revealed yesterday. Definitely not sitting on balance ball anymore.
She also announced her birthday 3D live on 22 May.
Inonaka bond is still strong even in Minecraft.
I don't know if this was posted but /Pcg/ possibly found Pico's PL
https://www.youtube.com/@kukoro_setsu she shares a lot of viewers from then.
Haven't heard that name for some time, ex-Sinsogumi (infamous for that Splatoon porn incident) Kukoro Setsu. I noticed her since her name is a funny wordplay on knight/orc doujins' line "ku...korose-!" Might be true since the games they play are quite similar and looking at their first streams, Pico is searching for her "master" who conveniently has a very similar description to Kukoro (20 year old JK).
Kukoro probably also used to work in a maid cafe.
The other doxsite has an interesting tidbit regarding her PL. Mentioned she was engaged at one point but her fiance broke off the engagement after another woman confronted them claiming she was pregnant with the guy. Also that they divorced eventually and the guy tried to get back to Kukoro only to be ignored.
「クッコロ・セツ」さんの前世(中の人)がどのような人物なのか気になる方も多いのではないでしょうか? 調べてみたところ中の人はメイドをやっていた可能性があることが判明しました。 そこで、この記事では「クッコロ・セツ」さんの前世(中の人)の顔バレ画像の有無や年齢・身長などのプロフィールを紹介していきます。
Lmao, that was her?! I still have one of the clips of that stream. I was just about to upload it, but... Well you can very clearly see the porn. Are there still other clips of it online?
I don't think she's part of it even though she's from the same corpo. The main culprit was Ikinone Tomeru whose account got nuked of Youtube from that incident (22 consecutive strikes).