What the fuck is a Counterside?
Korean gacha games. I'd even go out to say it's the best first 3 chapter of any gacha game I played in terms of story. Their protagonist being a scheming douchebag who hides his identity by using a retarded robot was super well written as well unlike the average blank self-inserted/amnesia main character. Yes the player character is that black robot on the left. And also yes some of the girls want to fuck the retarded hyperactive robot.

but sadly dog shit leveling system (you are expected to pull like 20 copies of the same 5 stars/SSR, and honestly I might be lowballing the numbers since I have dropped it for so long and the focus on pvp makes it ultra pay 2 win on top of releasing broken new limited characters every 2 months
On top of all of these. They have time gated weapon upgrade system to further boost the FOMO. If you are a returning player then eh sucks to be you
Nah pretty sure she's a hoarder who also got used to the streamer lifestyleLapu is a product of Japan. First, she went to a technical school not a regular high school. Next, did you know that Japanese banks can charge you money to withdraw cash? Out of your own account? I imagine navigating simple bills is a maze just for shits and giggles. The apartment trash is laziness but also a product of extremism and leads to this shit as there are little to no public recycle/trash options like this example:
Fucking bagging all the cans up but not taking them somewhere is evidence of social illness. Yeah the video is gross but a major difference from other situations is that the actual apartment is not trashed, just gross. For hygiene you can just go to a public bath but Lapu should be paying her gas bill and relaxing with a nice bath regularly. Overall, Lapu is like 4/Pippa at worst.![]()
Also, this clipper is really good but less known going by views
Lot's of longer videos and the Noel, Marine, Pekora Terraria streams are the most recent.

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