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Cute little clip of Orange Woman talking and fangirling a bit over her manager. There is no crazy new info but confirmation that in the beginning they were understaffed with Jenma managing up to four of the Myth girls at the same time as well. But Cover went on a hiring spree and now there are managers everywhere and they get lots of training. It is also very common for managers to get moved and switched around among the talents. Kiara throws a lil bit of shade at those who come up with "theories" and trying to stir up trouble even though nothing happened.
Orange woman is the only talent Jenma has kept and promised she wouldn't leave until Kiara leaves. Pretty cute but it also shows that Kiara is pragmatic and thinking about live after vtubing. I'm sure plenty of the girls are discussing off stream. Gonna be sad when the OG Holo EN vtubers slowly start graduating, hopefully on friendly terms..
One also interesting bit is that it sounds like Kiara "took on" (training?) one of the new assistant managers who has since gone on to be another talent's real manager. Kinda interesting with the recent Niji situation going on with the livers being theorized taking on some management duties behind the scenes.
2 globies, 1 ex Wactor and 1 yogurt woman are playing Uno
It's supposed to be in Spanish but they all speak English. Miel and Hana know like 12 languages combined
Fun fact first time I ever heard this song was in that goated last mission of Hitman Blood Money so everytime I hear it I think of a church getting massacred
I watched Isa's member stream this morning. ... The things I saw. Somebody drew Pippa pissing in a corner. Somebody drew Pissa. Isa herself drew Sena Bonbon Hentai.
Some cool people drew tanks and battleships. But yeah. Wild stream lol.
One also interesting bit is that it sounds like Kiara "took on" (training?) one of the new assistant managers who has since gone on to be another talent's real manager. Kinda interesting with the recent Niji situation going on with the livers being theorized taking on some management duties behind the scenes.
This is something Holo does and has been talked about before by other talents. It is not so much the talent trains the newbie as it is that the newbie gets a veteran talent who may be a lot easier to manage the day to day of.
Botan had a chatting stream earlier going over her tournament performance and some other stuff.
She was grateful for everyone's support. While she couldn't read chat much during tournament day, she knew everyone was there rooting for her and it helped her feel better.
She's especially grateful to her coaches, Acqua and Inaba. They didn't just teach her how to counter stuff but properly broke down situations and when she would be using certain tools like anti-airs. The main thing being Counter Drive Impact which she nailed during her tournament matches
They told her that everyone gets nervous, even the pro players. But it's about building habits to fall back on when you get nervous and using them when it matters. That's why she was happy she could Counter Drive Impact so well.
She knew everyone was cheering for her so she wanted show her team and all of us her first victory. The tears kinda just came out after that.
She was told it's best not to compare yourself with other people but to compare yourself with the you from yesterday. This helped her stay focused especially when grinding Ranked. She's currently Platinum 5 and can definitely make it to Diamond at this rate.
She postponed a lot of Holo work to grind for the tournament so she's gonna be busy for a while.
She almost didn't enter the tournament at first. She was in a low mental place during the invitations, she wasn't sure she could ever win no matter how much she practiced and she knew seeing comments from antis would make her feel worse. She asked for advice from multiple people but still wasn't sure of herself.
There was a point where Korone messaged her about it but Botan was so depressed that she didn't reply back. Korone messaged her again and Botan poured her heart out, telling her everything. Korone told her that everyone would cheer for her, including herself, which is why she did a watchalong of the tournament. All Botan had to do was her best. At that point, Botan bursted into tears and decided to join the tournament.
After that, Botan realized that the reason she tries so hard in the first place is because of us, the fans that support her no matter what happens. If there's even 1 person rooting for her, she'll join these tournaments and fight as hard as she can.
Overall, she's really glad she joined and even more glad we cheered for her throughout the whole thing.
The reason she decided to do this is because from her FPS days, she understands how important the community aspect of a game is. She wants to get the community hyped up and get more people to understand the fun of joining/spectating a tournament.
It's streamers only because it's easy to check their history. She wants to make sure no one joins with a smurf account.
She talked to management/staff about making a fun tournament and this was the idea everyone came up with. She hopes it does well because the possibilities open up if so. Tournaments for pro players, team tournaments, a lot could happen.
There's a Last Chance Qualifier for Capcom Cup going on today. Botan's coach Acqua will be entering and she wants to cheer him on.
March is going to be insanely busy because she has to get this tournament ready while also doing stuff for 5th fes. She might take a break from streaming but she'll see.
Look forward to her Holofes performance, her tournament, her ramen and other stuff!
Bros I think I love Shishiro Botan and wanna see her happy. Bless Korone for talking to her and helping her feel better
I'm sure others are keeping track elsewhere, but doki being at 589k subs, she wanted to target getting 500k by the end of the year but at this rate she might actually pass her Selen numbers. Think there might be a future of 1m subs incoming? It would be some real fucking shit if doki hit that and got a gold play button all for herself and Niji can just sit on her old silver.
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