If you're going to name your kid Miko, her middle name should be Danye.
Clara is lucky she doesnt have a foreskin and the schnoz made her look like one of the tribe regardlessClara, relaying her dream: So, the shadow people were holding me down...
Dizzy, on Phase Weekly: You can't keep calling them that!
Nah, in very politicised countries giving your kids names like this is common, it's yet another naming convention the Soviets took from France. Lots of Jean-Égalités and Marie-Libertés running around in the 19th and early 20th centuries, even in periods in which we were back to being a monarchy. See railway engineer Jean-Claude-Républicain ArnouxWhen you could be executed on suspicion of not being a good communist, naming your kids commie names to help demonstrate your loyalty to the cause makes perfect sense. Retard.
While true, not really applicable to videogame characters. Atleast not many that I remember.Idk and Idc, unicorn shit is one of the only things about Holo I think is distasteful, as long as the males being interacted with aren't pests or retards like cannur or other fleshies I couldn't care less. I actually think a bunch of the JP dudes are pretty cool.
The eternal shit flinging over it is the gayest shit ever and the only time I will call Holobronies toxic.
Bringing Hollywood into it is cheating Aze, famous retards have always made it an Olympic sport to name their children the most tasteless shit ever as a publicity stunt.
That shit was really fucking weird. As for Fuwamocco collabs with Shiori. I dont think so other than gen collabs.Fuwamoco going from loud and cheering to immediately silent like deer in the headlight when a male appeared on screen during the 5th fes expo was so fucking funny. Speaking of Fuwamoco, have they ever collab'd with Shiori outside of a big Advent gen collab?
I wouldn't call it popular but it was there. That said it has been confirmed that it was after the game. Apparently his son was the one that suggested it though.Eh Zelda was a fairly popular name before Legend of Zelda (ever watch Golden Girls?) while it's popularity died it's clearly still around. Pretty sure one of homers (simpsons) moms or aunts or something is also named Zelda.as another example.
Pretty sure Williams is named after her great grandmother or something.
Call me when something truly cringe like Daenerys or Metallica makes the news.
The name can't just be from Pop culture it also has to be uncommon enough to definitely be from pop culture.
Yes. But also if you follow Proctor or Kirsche or Pippa the % goes up. People are just gay like that and run block bots based on people who are following 1 creator they hate..Any of you guys keep running into random ass vtubers on twitter who have you blocked despite the fact that you've never even heard of them before then you go and check their profiles and it's always a fucking tranny?
Not Vtubers to my knowledge but I noticed several people who have me pre-blocked even though I cannot recall ever even commenting on a post by them before.Has anyone else been randomly blocked by vtubers on Twitter, even though you've never heard of them before, only to check their profile and notice it's always a fucking tranny?
While true, not really applicable to videogame characters. Atleast not many that I remember.
That shit was really fucking weird. As for Fuwamocco collabs with Shiori. I dont think so other than gen collabs.
I wouldn't call it popular but it was there. That said it has been confirmed that it was after the game. Apparently his son was the one that suggested it though.
4:34 if the timestamp doesnt work
Yes. But also if you follow Proctor or Kirsche or Pippa the % goes up. People are just gay like that and run block bots based on people who are following 1 creator they hate..
i always somehow stumbled with them, put them name in the search bar and boom, there it is a google docHas anyone else been randomly blocked by vtubers on Twitter, even though you've never heard of them before, only to check their profile and notice it's always a fucking tranny?
Better yet, name her migo.If you're going to name your kid Miko, her middle name should be Danye.
Just once and I think it was because a chud comment on one of those woke game failuresHas anyone else been randomly blocked by vtubers on Twitter, even though you've never heard of them before, only to check their profile and notice it's always a fucking tranny?
Chio debut in a few minutes
Shiori acknowledging the (former) existence of more filthy males.