"I had a freaking panic attack during my driver's license exam, I had to parallel-park and I couldn't, I stopped in the middle of the road; And they still passed me! If that doesn't indicate how useless government is, I don't know what will!"Kirschey
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You were destroying Vietfriend up until this point
It has nothing to do with numbers or Twitch being popular in Japan: its part of her BPD thinking that Nazuna is a completely different persona from the others so she will be always chained to Twitch while Mikeneko goes to Kick,Twitcast,Youtube,Tik Tok,etc.
I do feel less like I'm watching a washed out has-been (Just learned that is an anagram for banshee, appropriate) the few times I saw Nazuna on Twitch. Gives a different vibe from Mikeneko and was far more watchable.
I was going to make a remark about how the fuck is this retard still sticking around with this kind of content and then I remembered that similar retards like Hasanabi exists.
Ok, expert opinions here:
At least the Diamond Arm is a great comedy classic, highly recommend.
And Alexander Nevsky movies are great cringekino. (Shawarznegger wannabe whose real surname is fucking Chicken, i kid you not)
I was under the impression IRIAM is paying their "founding" streamers, though I have no clue about how much. If nothing else, they won't get their account arbitrarily suspended/terminated by some zoofetishist tranny janny with a hateboner against anime women.
Havent kept up on Sayu but she doesnt seem to be sadposting as much as she did a year ago. Hope she does have a good time with them over in JP. Maybe im being a huge femboy but I honestly want her to get to a point where she is just happy with herself and her accomplishments and stops thinking about Niji and how they fucked her over.
Sadposting has indeed stopped say what you will about NOA but I think being friends with Rita and Ria in Primordia has done wonders for the sense of family she was looking for, also Sunny and Mogu are the first Ex-nijis seemingly genuinely interested in hanging out with her, as opposed to Tara who seems to have just settled her shit with her and gone separate ways which Sayu has said is fine too. It's nice seeing her happy and loved.
I never really payed attention to Flow Glow, took a while (like Minecraft hardcore) to really differentiate Regloss, but if I remember right theres Riona (The Zeta looking one), Su (The Kobo looking one), The glasses one, and some other
also Sunny and Mogu are the first Ex-nijis seemingly genuinely interested in hanging out with her, as opposed to Tara who seems to have just settled her shit with her and gone separate ways which Sayu has said is fine too.
I do feel less like I'm watching a washed out has-been (Just learned that is an anagram for banshee, appropriate) the few times I saw Nazuna on Twitch. Gives a different vibe from Mikeneko and was far more watchable.
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