"When I was a very young girl, I used to visit my grandma a lot. I was hoping she'd show me magical girl stuff, she said she'd show me something kid-friendly, it turned out to be Cutie Honey. In Cutie Honey, she would get undressed and tied up all the time, and that's how my sexual fetishes were awoken. Do you know Hutch the Honeybee? I thought it was cute how people fell into despair. Cutie Honey and Hutch planted the seeds, and my sexual fetishes began to distort, and then I became friends with a hardcore fujoshi. The things she recommended me turned me into a bigger freak than before. When I was a young kid, I couldn't understand dirty jokes, so my grandma would explain them to me, step by step. 'You know, the boys have this... but the girls have that' lol."Sakamata Chloe
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She's adopted too right? Fuck man now I actually feel kinda sad for her. The mom deserves super aids and a thousand years under sharia law.
Listen sayu, instead of trying to buy friends sponsoring a thot events, invest your money to get hair implants to reduce the forehead but don't forget about the alimony, that dude deserves a nice life too
Geolocated place by schizo. the lake in Anny pictures is spotted at 6:55, the bridge is spotted at 7:30:
Bonus as a nothingburger:
This is a rrat above all, that is a tourist spot and these are circumstantial at best. Coincidentally, after all of this spread she started nuking all her private content to a handful of simps, including a Telegram channel, the spicier secret streams, and the next on the queue is the Discord where she vented as of the start of this conversation.
But in the low chance all of that is true, iPN is an architect and got two chubbies for one. Know your teacher.
Skip some months, Vedal rrats come in, people start posting her fat ass everywhere, the model drama starts and she's in a rough spot between antis, rrats and work issues. It became a cicle at this point of pitybaiting > rratmaking > menhera episode > hiatus > pitybaiting.
And the funniest part is: all of this could be avoided by not being a lewdtuber. She gets enough money as an artist to be upper middle class.
I hope this is a cautionary tale for newcomers: do not coom where you make your bread.
Today I learned that your abusive boyfriend can make you go into a public Discord filled with /k/fags, drop slurs constantly, say transphobic shit over and over again, and make you proclaim that your sister, whom you apparently LOVE SO MUCH, can go die in a fire for all you care.
I guess women just don't have to take accountability for any actions, ever.
Today I learned that your abusive boyfriend can make you go into a public Discord filled with /k/fags, drop slurs constantly, say transphobic shit over and over again, and make you proclaim that your sister, whom you apparently LOVE SO MUCH, can go die in a fire for all you care.
I guess women just don't have to take accountability for any actions, ever.
ah yes her ex forced her to go online and write all these "hateful" messages because he hated fags so much that he needed to hate them through her too.
Just remember that people like this vote, their vote has the same worth as yours and they outnumber you 100 to 1
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