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Well that reminds me I still don't have the Pochi standee I bought almost a year ago. You know, before she got the complete awful redesign and very public graduation/termination scandal.
What a nice and wholesome comment to great and positive news
Also it makes sense now why they stopped paying, jews were too busy cleaning up the treasury and expecting Brave to foot all the pending bills for them
I find it very funny that with Brave taking over, Idol had to come out and say "we know we weren't paying freelancers or shipping merch, Brave will be better at it than we were"
Also interested to see which talents stay and which talents take their IP and dip. Makes it even more interesting that Yuko graduated, did she lose out on keeping the Yuko Yurei identity or is she just happier as Rye?
I know I have gone off on the discord and in text messages but Rye just graduated at the end of May and this announcement makes her look like the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. I'm sorry Kira for ever doubting you
I respect the hustle even if he's a jew also I love that yuko could have waited for this shit and she would have kept the model and the channel with more subs at 0 cost.
And just for consistency
Was it so hard to stay indie for a bit and talk to fishman to be an invader?? GG Lisa. The rest I hope you had an exit plan cause they will start cutting the fat in the company.
I wonder if Brave told them to get rid of whoever was obviously not going to finish donathons as part of the acquisition deal. Also Lisa can totally go back to indie and join Pretty Connect now
I think half of the people posting had a feeling that Aviel was gonna go bust when Bin became his biggest talent and was making like $2k a month, while he was paying for anything and everything.
They had a shit ton pf scandals when they were Unlimited INC
The most infamous one when they decided to change the persons behind their vtubers (Gamebu)
Also with this purchase they forced themselves as 5th in the EN space if this doesnt get them the result they want problaby we could see them going after VSJ or PC
Interesting caveat that the girls are allowed to take their IPs and go indie if they so wish. I'd imagine Rin is the most likely to do it, she's the most popular by far and I don't know what Idol actually does for her at this point that she couldn't accomplish on her own. She even stood up to them with that clipper payment drama thing, so I don't think any hypothetical goodwill between her and the company exists to keep her in. Coni also seems likely, it'd give her a good opportunity to start converting the carnies over to Menace. I would selfishly hope Lisa gets off the Brave Train while she can, but it makes no sense for her to do so, given she joined Idol for the corporate support with music in the first place. Bailing on Idol would only put her back at square one. Small aside, but with V4 and now at least a fair chunk of Idol, it's starting to alarm me that the fate and success of so many vtubers I care about rests in the hands of fucking Brave group
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